tree: 8e5e2e42ef4eef4fcadca540dc5c03d26ec246ca [path history] [tgz]
  1. include/
  2. ldscripts/
  3. src/
  4. third_party/
  5. .gn
  6. args.gni

CHIP EFR32 Pigweed Example Application

The EFR32 example demonstrates the usage of Pigweed module functionalities in an application.

The example is based on CHIP, the Pigweed module, which is a collection of libraries that provide different functionalities for embedded systems, and the EFR32 platform.

You can use this example as a training ground for making experiments, testing Pigweed module features and checking what actions are necessary to fully integrate Pigweed in a CHIP project.

Pigweed functionalities are being gradually integrated into CHIP. Currently, the following features are available:

  • Echo RPC - Creates a Remote Procedure Call server and allows sending commands through the serial port to the device, which makes echo and sends the received commands back.

Building the Example Application

  • Download or clone the sdk_support from GitHub $ git clone and export the path with : $ export EFR32_SDK_ROOT=

  • Download the Simplicity Commander command line tool, and ensure that commander is your shell search path. (For Mac OS X, commander is located inside

        export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
  • Download and install a suitable ARM gcc tool chain: GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2019-q4-major

  • Install some additional tools(likely already present for CHIP developers):

       # Linux
       sudo apt-get install git libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 ninja-build
       # Mac OS X
       brew install ninja
  • Supported hardware:

    MG12 boards:

    • BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
    • BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Dual band Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 868MHz@19dBm
    • BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Dual band Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
    • BRD4166A / SLTB004A / Thunderboard Sense 2 / 2.4GHz@10dBm
    • BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
    • BRD4304A / SLWSTK6000B / MGM12P Module / 2.4GHz@19dBm

    MG21 boards:

    • BRD4180A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
  • Build the example application:

    cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/pigweed-app/efr32
    git submodule update --init
    source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
    export EFR32_SDK_ROOT=<path-to-silabs-sdk-v2.7>
    export EFR32_BOARD=BRD4161A
    gn gen out/debug --args="efr32_sdk_root=\"${EFR32_SDK_ROOT}\" efr32_board=\"${EFR32_BOARD}\""
    ninja -C out/debug
  • To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:

      cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/pigweed-app/efr32
      rm -rf out/

Flashing the Application

  • On the command line:

    cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/pigweed-app/efr32
    python3 out/debug/
  • With the Commander app, just load the .s37 file.

  • Or with the Ozone debugger, just load the .out file.

Testing the Example Application

Determine the serial port name for the EFR device by checking /dev: ls /dev/tty*

It should look like this :
- On Linux
- On MAC

Run the following command to start an interactive Python shell, where the Echo RPC commands can be invoked:

    python -m pw_hdlc.rpc_console --device /dev/tty.usbmodem0004401548451 -b 115200 $CHIP_ROOT/third_party/pigweed/repo/pw_rpc/pw_rpc_protos/echo.proto -o /tmp/pw_rpc.out

To send an Echo RPC message, type the following command, where the actual message is the text in quotation marks after the msg= phrase:"hi")

Note: Some users might have to install the
[VCP driver](
before the device shows up on `/dev/tty`.