blob: 436cd43b677035597c776fdf8970e36d5642632b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Import helpers from zap core
const zapPath = '../../../../../third_party/zap/repo/dist/src-electron/';
const string = require(zapPath + 'util/string.js')
const templateUtil = require(zapPath + 'generator/template-util.js')
const zclHelper = require(zapPath + 'generator/helper-zcl.js')
const ChipTypesHelper = require('../../../../../src/app/zap-templates/common/ChipTypesHelper.js');
const TestHelper = require('../../../../../src/app/zap-templates/common/ClusterTestGeneration.js');
const StringHelper = require('../../../../../src/app/zap-templates/common/StringHelper.js');
const appHelper = require('../../../../../src/app/zap-templates/templates/app/helper.js');
function asObjectiveCBasicType(type, options)
if (StringHelper.isOctetString(type)) {
return options.hash.is_mutable ? 'NSMutableData *' : 'NSData *';
} else if (StringHelper.isCharString(type)) {
return options.hash.is_mutable ? 'NSMutableString *' : 'NSString *';
} else {
return ChipTypesHelper.asBasicType(this.chipType);
* Converts an expression involving possible variables whose types are objective C objects into an expression whose type is a C++
* type
async function asTypedExpressionFromObjectiveC(value, type)
const valueIsANumber = !isNaN(value);
if (!value || valueIsANumber) {
return, value, type);
const tokens = value.split(' ');
if (tokens.length < 2) {
return, value, type);
let expr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
if ([ '+', '-', '/', '*', '%' ].includes(token)) {
expr[i] = token;
} else if (!isNaN(token.replace(/ULL$|UL$|U$|LL$|L$/i, ''))) {
expr[i] = await, token, type);
} else {
const variableType =, token);
const asType = await, token, variableType, true);
expr[i] = `[${token} ${asType}Value]`;
return expr.join(' ');
function asObjectiveCNumberType(label, type, asLowerCased)
function fn(pkgId)
const options = { 'hash' : {} };
return, type, options)
.then(zclType => {
const basicType = ChipTypesHelper.asBasicType(zclType);
switch (basicType) {
case 'bool':
return 'Bool';
case 'uint8_t':
return 'UnsignedChar';
case 'uint16_t':
return 'UnsignedShort';
case 'uint32_t':
return 'UnsignedInt';
case 'uint64_t':
return 'UnsignedLongLong';
case 'int8_t':
return 'Char';
case 'int16_t':
return 'Short';
case 'int32_t':
return 'Int';
case 'int64_t':
return 'LongLong';
case 'float':
return 'Float';
case 'double':
return 'Double';
error = label + ': Unhandled underlying type ' + zclType + ' for original type ' + type;
throw error;
.then(typeName => asLowerCased ? (typeName[0].toLowerCase() + typeName.substring(1)) : typeName);
const promise = templateUtil.ensureZclPackageId(this).then(fn.bind(this)).catch(err => console.log(err));
return templateUtil.templatePromise(, promise)
async function asObjectiveCClass(type, cluster, options)
let pkgId = await templateUtil.ensureZclPackageId(this);
let isStruct = await zclHelper.isStruct(, type, pkgId).then(zclType => zclType != 'unknown');
if ((this.isArray || this.entryType || options.hash.forceList) && !options.hash.forceNotList) {
return 'NSArray';
if (StringHelper.isOctetString(type)) {
return 'NSData';
if (StringHelper.isCharString(type)) {
return 'NSString';
if (isStruct) {
return `MTR${appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(cluster)}Cluster${appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(type)}`;
return 'NSNumber';
async function asObjectiveCType(type, cluster, options)
let typeStr = await, type, cluster, options);
if (this.isNullable || this.isOptional) {
typeStr = `${typeStr} * _Nullable`;
} else {
typeStr = `${typeStr} * _Nonnull`;
return typeStr;
function asStructPropertyName(prop)
prop = appHelper.asLowerCamelCase(prop);
// If prop is now "description", we need to rename it, because that's
// reserved.
if (prop == "description") {
return "descriptionString";
// If prop starts with a sequence of capital letters (which can happen for
// output of asLowerCamelCase if the original string started that way,
// lowercase all but the last one.
return prop.replace(/^([A-Z]+)([A-Z])/, (match, p1, p2) => { return p1.toLowerCase() + p2 });
function asGetterName(prop)
let propName = asStructPropertyName(prop);
if (propName.match(/^new[A-Z]/) || propName == "count") {
return "get" + appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(prop);
return propName;
function commandHasRequiredField(command)
return command.arguments.some(arg => !arg.isOptional);
* Produce a reasonable name for an Objective C enum for the given cluster name
* and enum label. Because a lot of our enum labels already have the cluster
* name prefixed (e.g. NetworkCommissioning*, or the IdentifyIdentifyType that
* has it prefixed _twice_) just concatenating the two gives overly verbose
* names in a few cases (e.g. "IdentifyIdentifyIdentifyType").
* This function strips out the redundant cluster names, and strips off trailing
* "Enum" bits on the enum names while we're here.
function objCEnumName(clusterName, enumLabel)
clusterName = appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(clusterName);
enumLabel = appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(enumLabel);
// Some enum names have one or more copies of the cluster name at the
// beginning.
while (enumLabel.startsWith(clusterName)) {
enumLabel = enumLabel.substring(clusterName.length);
if (enumLabel.endsWith("Enum")) {
// Strip that off; it'll clearly be an enum anyway.
enumLabel = enumLabel.substring(0, enumLabel.length - "Enum".length);
return "MTR" + clusterName + enumLabel;
function objCEnumItemLabel(itemLabel)
// Check for the case when we're:
// 1. A single word (that's the regexp at the beginning, which matches the
// word-splitting regexp in string.toCamelCase).
// 2. All upper-case.
// This will get converted to lowercase except the first letter by
// asUpperCamelCase, which is not really what we want.
if (!/ |_|-|\//.test(itemLabel) && itemLabel.toUpperCase() == itemLabel) {
return itemLabel.replace(/[\.:]/g, '');
return appHelper.asUpperCamelCase(itemLabel);
function hasArguments()
return !!this.arguments.length
// Module exports
exports.asObjectiveCBasicType = asObjectiveCBasicType;
exports.asObjectiveCNumberType = asObjectiveCNumberType;
exports.asObjectiveCClass = asObjectiveCClass;
exports.asObjectiveCType = asObjectiveCType;
exports.asStructPropertyName = asStructPropertyName;
exports.asTypedExpressionFromObjectiveC = asTypedExpressionFromObjectiveC;
exports.asGetterName = asGetterName;
exports.commandHasRequiredField = commandHasRequiredField;
exports.objCEnumName = objCEnumName;
exports.objCEnumItemLabel = objCEnumItemLabel;
exports.hasArguments = hasArguments;