blob: 62afdabdc411ec97e519810b2e50c88f31421d96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "platform/internal/DeviceNetworkInfo.h"
#include "whd_wlioctl.h"
#include <cy_wcm.h>
#include <platform/internal/CHIPDeviceLayerInternal.h>
typedef struct
cy_wcm_ssid_t ssid; /**< SSID of the Wi-Fi network to join; should be a null-terminated string. */
cy_wcm_passphrase_t password; /**< Password needed to join the AP; should be a null-terminated string. */
cy_wcm_security_t security; /**< Wi-Fi Security. @see cy_wcm_security_t. */
cy_wcm_mac_t BSSID;
cy_wcm_ip_setting_t * static_ip_settings;
} wifi_config_sta_t;
typedef struct
cy_wcm_ssid_t ssid; /**< SSID of the Wi-Fi network to join; should be a null-terminated string. */
cy_wcm_passphrase_t password; /**< Password needed to join the AP; should be a null-terminated string. */
cy_wcm_security_t security; /**< Wi-Fi Security. @see cy_wcm_security_t. */
uint8_t channel;
cy_wcm_ip_setting_t ip_settings;
} wifi_config_ap_t;
typedef struct
wifi_config_sta_t sta; /**< configuration of STA */
wifi_config_ap_t ap; /**< configuration of AP */
} wifi_config_t;
typedef enum
WIFI_MODE_NULL = 0, /**< null mode */
WIFI_MODE_STA, /**< WiFi station mode */
WIFI_MODE_AP, /**< WiFi soft-AP mode */
WIFI_MODE_APSTA, /**< WiFi station + soft-AP mode */
} wifi_mode_t;
typedef enum
} wifi_interface_t;
/** MACSTAT counters for ucode (corerev >= 40) */
typedef struct
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data transmission generated from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame transmissions during rts txop */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
/* XXX: All counter variables have to be of uint32. */
} wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t;
typedef struct xtlv
uint16_t id;
uint16_t len;
uint8_t data[1];
} xtlv_t;
#define WL_CNT_VER_30 (30)
/* XTLV Format parsing for wl counters support */
#define XTLV_OPTION_ALIGN32 0x0001 /* 32bit alignment of */
#define XTLV_OPTION_IDU8 0x0002 /* shorter id */
#define XTLV_OPTION_LENU8 0x0004 /* shorted length */
#define OFFSETOF(type, member) ((uintptr_t) & ((type *) 0)->member)
#define _LTOH16_UA(cp) ((cp)[0] | ((cp)[1] << 8))
#define CHK_CNTBUF_DATALEN(cntbuf, ioctl_buflen) \
do \
{ \
if (((wl_cnt_info_t *) cntbuf)->datalen + OFFSETOF(wl_cnt_info_t, data) > ioctl_buflen) \
printf("%s: IOVAR buffer short!\n", __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
typedef struct heap_info
size_t HeapMax;
size_t HeapUsed;
size_t HeapFree;
} heap_info_t;
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
class P6Utils
static CHIP_ERROR IsAPEnabled(bool & apEnabled);
static bool IsStationProvisioned(void);
static CHIP_ERROR IsStationConnected(bool & connected);
static CHIP_ERROR StartWiFiLayer(void);
static CHIP_ERROR EnableStationMode(void);
static CHIP_ERROR SetAPMode(bool enabled);
static int OrderScanResultsByRSSI(const void * _res1, const void * _res2);
static const char * WiFiModeToStr(wifi_mode_t wifiMode);
static struct netif * GetNetif(const char * ifKey);
static struct netif * GetStationNetif(void);
static bool IsInterfaceUp(const char * ifKey);
static bool HasIPv6LinkLocalAddress(const char * ifKey);
static CHIP_ERROR GetWiFiStationProvision(Internal::DeviceNetworkInfo & netInfo, bool includeCredentials);
static CHIP_ERROR SetWiFiStationProvision(const Internal::DeviceNetworkInfo & netInfo);
static CHIP_ERROR ClearWiFiStationProvision(void);
static cy_rslt_t p6_wifi_get_config(wifi_interface_t interface, wifi_config_t * conf);
static cy_rslt_t p6_wifi_set_config(wifi_interface_t interface, wifi_config_t * conf);
static CHIP_ERROR p6_wifi_disconnect(void);
static CHIP_ERROR p6_wifi_connect(void);
static CHIP_ERROR p6_start_ap(void);
static CHIP_ERROR p6_stop_ap(void);
// Fills out some common fields in a wifi_config_t. Use interface param to
// select whether sta or ap config is populated.
static void populate_wifi_config_t(wifi_config_t * wifi_config, wifi_interface_t interface, const cy_wcm_ssid_t * ssid,
const cy_wcm_passphrase_t * password, cy_wcm_security_t security = CY_WCM_SECURITY_OPEN);
static CHIP_ERROR OnIPAddressAvailable(void);
static CHIP_ERROR ping_init(void);
static void unpack_xtlv_buf(const uint8_t * tlv_buf, uint16_t buflen, wl_cnt_ver_30_t * cnt, wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t * cnt_ge40);
static void heap_usage(heap_info_t * heap);
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip