Pull docker image from repository:
$ docker pull alexkolosovtelinksemi/chip-build-telink:latest
Run docker container:
$ docker run -it -v ${CHIP_BASE}:/root/chip alexkolosovtelinksemi/chip-build-telink:latest
here ${CHIP_BASE}
is directory which contains CHIP repo files !!!Pay attention that OUTPUT_DIR should conatins ABSOLUTE path to output dir
Run build script:
cd /root/chip/scripts/examples && ./telink_example.sh
Exit docker container and collect build artifacts. Firmware binary would be located in ${CHIP_BASE}/examples/lighting-app/telink/build/tlsr9518adk80d/zephyr/zephyr.bin
To make west flash
command works following steps should be performed just once:
Download toolchain:
$ wget http://wiki.telink-semi.cn/tools_and_sdk/Tools/IDE/telink_riscv_linux_toolchain.zip $ unzip telink_riscv_linux_toolchain.zip
Add TELINK_TOOLCHAIN_BASE variable to environment:
Setup dependencies:
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
$ cd ${TELINK_LIGHTING_EXAMPLE_DIR} && west flash
Use following manual to build your own border router: https://openthread.io/guides/border-router/build Pay attention that border router should be configured as Access Point i.e next command should be executed in step 3:
Pay attention that border router shoud be configured as IPv6 access point.
ip -6 addr add 2001:db8:1::1/64 dev wlan0
enable-ra dhcp-range=2001:db8:1::, ra-only, 64, 12h
Use Web GUI to config Thread network tlsr9518adk80d board supports only static comissioning with predefined Thread credentials shown in table below:
Item | Value |
Network name | OpenThreadDemo |
Network ExtendedPAN ID | 1111111122222222 |
PAN ID | 0x1234 |
Passphrase | 123456 |
Master Key | 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff |
Channel | 15 |
On-Mesh Prefix | fd11:22:: |
To get output from device, connect UART to following pins:
Name | Pin |
RX | PB3 (pin 17 of J34 connector) |
TX | PB2 (pin 16 of J34 connector) |
The following buttons are available on tlsr9518adk80d board:
Name | Function | Description |
Button 1 | Factory reset | Perform factory reset to forget currently commissioned Thread network and back to uncommisioned state |
Button 2 | Lighting control | Manually triggers the lighting state |
Button 3 | Thread start | Comission thread with static credentials and enables the Thread on device |
Red LED indicates current state of Thread network. It ables to be in following states:
State | Description |
Blinks with short pulses | Device is not commisioned to Thread, Thred is disabled |
Blinls with frequent pulses | Device is commissioned, Thread enabled. Device trying to JOIN thread network |
Blinks with whde pulses | Device commissioned and joined to thread network as CHILD |
Blue LED shows current state of lightbulb
is address which you got from UART output of tlsr9518adk80d board If everything is ok then ping
command should perform transactions without lossesBuild chip-tool cli
Pair with device
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool pairing bypass ${IP_ADDRESS_OF_CHIP_DEVICE} 5540
is IPv6 address of CHIP deviceSwitch on the light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff on 1
Switch off the light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff off 1
Read the light state:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff read on-off 1
Change brightness of light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 32 0 0 0 1
Reag brightness level:
./chip-tool levelcontrol read current-level 1