blob: 77c687f7aa3d90e14cefc5d393df1e60d4eacc92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file provides callback definitions that are normally generated by the
* ZCL Advanced Platform (ZAP) generator for use in the CHIP ZCL
* Application Layer. These declarations are provided here for the
* purposes of unit testing the CHIP ZCL Application Layer
// Enclosing macro to prevent multiple inclusion
/** @brief Start Identifying
* This function is called when the device should start identifying. The
* device should continue to identify until
* ::chipZclIdentifyServerStopIdentifyingCallback is called.
void chipZclIdentifyServerStartIdentifyingCallback(ChipZclEndpointId_t endpointId, uint16_t identifyTimeS);
/** @brief Stop Identifying
* This function is called when the device should stop identifying.
void chipZclIdentifyServerStopIdentifyingCallback(ChipZclEndpointId_t endpointId);
/** @brief External Attribute Read
* Like emberAfExternalAttributeWriteCallback above, this function is called
* when the framework needs to read an attribute that is not stored within the
* Application Framework's data structures.
All of the important
* information about the attribute itself is passed as a pointer to an
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct, which is stored within the application and
* used to manage the attribute. A complete description of the
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct is provided in
* app/framework/include/af-types.h
This function assumes that the
* application is able to read the attribute, write it into the passed buffer,
* and return immediately. Any attributes that require a state machine for
* reading and writing are not really candidates for externalization at the
* present time. The Application Framework does not currently include a state
* machine for reading or writing attributes that must take place across a
* series of application ticks. Attributes that cannot be read in a timely
* manner should be stored within the Application Framework and updated
* occasionally by the application code from within the
* emberAfMainTickCallback.
If the application was successfully able to
* read the attribute and write it into the passed buffer, it should return a
* value of EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS. Ensure that the size of the externally
* managed attribute value is smaller than what the buffer can hold. In the case
* of a buffer overflow throw an appropriate error such as
* EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE. Any other return value indicates the
* application was not able to read the attribute.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeMetadata Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param buffer Ver.: always
* @param maxReadLength Ver.: always
ChipZclStatus_t chipZclExternalAttributeReadCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId,
ChipZclAttributeMetadata * attributeMetadata, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t maxReadLength);
/** @brief External Attribute Write
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to write an
* attribute which is not stored within the data structures of the Application
* Framework itself. One of the new features in Version 2 is the ability to
* store attributes outside the Framework. This is particularly useful for
* attributes that do not need to be stored because they can be read off the
* hardware when they are needed, or are stored in some central location used by
* many modules within the system. In this case, you can indicate that the
* attribute is stored externally. When the framework needs to write an external
* attribute, it makes a call to this callback.
This callback is very
* useful for host micros which need to store attributes in persistent memory.
* Because each host micro (used with an Ember NCP) has its own type of
* persistent memory storage, the Application Framework does not include the
* ability to mark attributes as stored in flash the way that it does for Ember
* SoCs like the EM35x. On a host micro, any attributes that need to be stored
* in persistent memory should be marked as external and accessed through the
* external read and write callbacks. Any host code associated with the
* persistent storage should be implemented within this callback.
All of
* the important information about the attribute itself is passed as a pointer
* to an EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct, which is stored within the application
* and used to manage the attribute. A complete description of the
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct is provided in
* app/framework/include/af-types.h.
This function assumes that the
* application is able to write the attribute and return immediately. Any
* attributes that require a state machine for reading and writing are not
* candidates for externalization at the present time. The Application Framework
* does not currently include a state machine for reading or writing attributes
* that must take place across a series of application ticks. Attributes that
* cannot be written immediately should be stored within the Application
* Framework and updated occasionally by the application code from within the
* emberAfMainTickCallback.
If the application was successfully able to
* write the attribute, it returns a value of EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS. Any
* other return value indicates the application was not able to write the
* attribute.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeMetadata Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param buffer Ver.: always
ChipZclStatus_t chipZclExternalAttributeWriteCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId,
ChipZclAttributeMetadata * attributeMetadata, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * buffer);
/** @brief Pre Attribute Change
* This function is called by the application framework before it changes an
* attribute value. The value passed into this callback is the value to which
* the attribute is to be set by the framework. The application should return
* ::EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS to permit the change or any other ::EmberAfStatus
* to reject it.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param size Ver.: always
* @param value Ver.: always
ChipZclStatus_t chipZclPreAttributeChangeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId, ChipZclAttributeId attributeId,
uint8_t mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t type, uint8_t size,
uint8_t * value);
/** @brief Post Attribute Change
* This function is called by the application framework after it changes an
* attribute value. The value passed into this callback is the value to which
* the attribute was set by the framework.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param size Ver.: always
* @param value Ver.: always
void chipZclPostAttributeChangeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId, ChipZclAttributeId attributeId, uint8_t mask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t type, uint8_t size, uint8_t * value);
/** @brief Attribute Read Access
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to check
* access permission for an attribute read.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
bool chipZclAttributeReadAccessCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint16_t attributeId);
/** @brief Attribute Write Access
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to check
* access permission for an attribute write.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
bool chipZclAttributeWriteAccessCallback(uint8_t endpoint, ChipZclClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint16_t attributeId);