Remove _invokeCommandWithEndpointID implementation from MTRDevice. (#35208)
This is implemented (differently) by the different subclasses.
Once this implementation is removed, the following become unused and can be
* setExpectedValues
* removeExpectedValuesForAttributePaths
Once those are removed, the following become unused and can be removed:
* _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues
* _removeExpectedValueForAttributePath
Once those are removed, the following become unused and can be removed:
* _setExpectedValue
* expectedValueNextID
At this point (since setExpectedValues was removed), the only reference to
_checkExpiredExpectedValues is in _performScheduledExpirationCheck, which is
only called from _checkExpiredExpectedValues. So these are both unreachable and
can be removed. Then the following become unused and can be removed:
* expirationCheckScheduled
* _reportAttributes
* _attributeDataValue
* expectedValueCache
And then _filteredAttributes and _filteredEvents are unused and can be removed.
Then both the event and attribute versions of _interestedPaths: are unused and
can be removed.
At this point, the following become unused and can be removed:
* MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIndex
* MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldIndex
* MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldIndex
* MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingID
* MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateTypeID
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
index 134042f..44aac3b 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
@@ -111,33 +111,6 @@
#pragma mark - MTRDevice
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIndex) {
- MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldExpirationTimeIndex = 0,
- MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex = 1,
- MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIDIndex = 2
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldIndex) {
- MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldPathIndex = 0,
- MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldParamsIndex = 1
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldIndex) {
- MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldPathIndex = 0,
- MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldValueIndex = 1,
- MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldTimeoutIndex = 2,
- MTRDeviceWriteRequestFieldExpectedValueIDIndex = 3,
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingID) {
- MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingReadID = 1,
- MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingWriteID = 2,
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateTypeID) {
- MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID = 1,
@implementation MTRDeviceClusterData {
NSMutableDictionary<NSNumber *, MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary> * _attributes;
@@ -238,20 +211,6 @@
-// Minimal time to wait since our last resubscribe failure before we will allow
-// a read attempt to prod our subscription.
-// TODO: Figure out a better value for this, but for now don't allow this to
-// happen more often than once every 10 minutes.
-// Weight of new data in determining subscription latencies. To avoid random
-// outliers causing too much noise in the value, treat an existing value (if
-// any) as having 2/3 weight and the new value as having 1/3 weight. These
-// weights are subject to change, if it's determined that different ones give
-// better behavior.
@interface MTRDevice ()
// protects against concurrent time updates by guarding timeUpdateScheduled flag which manages time updates scheduling,
// and protects device calls to setUTCTime and setDSTOffset. This can't just be replaced with "lock", because the time
@@ -267,21 +226,6 @@
@property (nonatomic) MTRInternalDeviceState internalDeviceState;
-@property (nonatomic) uint32_t lastSubscriptionAttemptWait;
-// Expected value cache is attributePath => NSArray of [NSDate of expiration time, NSDictionary of value, expected value ID]
-// - See MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIndex for the definitions of indices into this array.
-// See MTRDeviceResponseHandler definition for value dictionary details.
-@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<MTRAttributePath *, NSArray *> * expectedValueCache;
-// This is a monotonically increasing value used when adding entries to expectedValueCache
-// Currently used/updated only in _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:expirationTime:expectedValueID:
-@property (nonatomic) uint64_t expectedValueNextID;
-@property (nonatomic) BOOL expirationCheckScheduled;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL timeUpdateScheduled;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary * temporaryMetaDataCache;
@@ -379,7 +323,6 @@
_deviceController = controller;
= dispatch_queue_create("org.csa-iot.matter.framework.device.workqueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL);
- _expectedValueCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
_asyncWorkQueue = [[MTRAsyncWorkQueue alloc] initWithContext:self];
_state = MTRDeviceStateUnknown;
_internalDeviceState = MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed;
@@ -1145,77 +1088,6 @@
[self _resetStorageBehaviorState];
-- (BOOL)_interestedPaths:(NSArray * _Nullable)interestedPaths includesAttributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath
- for (id interestedPath in interestedPaths) {
- if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
- NSNumber * interestedEndpointIDNumber = interestedPath;
- if ([interestedEndpointIDNumber isEqualToNumber:attributePath.endpoint]) {
- return YES;
- }
- } else if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[MTRClusterPath class]]) {
- MTRClusterPath * interestedClusterPath = interestedPath;
- if ([interestedClusterPath.cluster isEqualToNumber:attributePath.cluster]) {
- return YES;
- }
- } else if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[MTRAttributePath class]]) {
- MTRAttributePath * interestedAttributePath = interestedPath;
- if (([interestedAttributePath.cluster isEqualToNumber:attributePath.cluster]) && ([interestedAttributePath.attribute isEqualToNumber:attributePath.attribute])) {
- return YES;
- }
- }
- }
- return NO;
-// Returns filtered set of attributes using an interestedPaths array.
-// Returns nil if no attribute report has a path that matches the paths in the interestedPaths array.
-- (NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)_filteredAttributes:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributes forInterestedPaths:(NSArray * _Nullable)interestedPaths
- if (!interestedPaths) {
- return attributes;
- }
- if (!interestedPaths.count) {
- return nil;
- }
- NSMutableArray * filteredAttributes = nil;
- for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * responseValue in attributes) {
- MTRAttributePath * attributePath = responseValue[MTRAttributePathKey];
- if ([self _interestedPaths:interestedPaths includesAttributePath:attributePath]) {
- if (!filteredAttributes) {
- filteredAttributes = [NSMutableArray array];
- }
- [filteredAttributes addObject:responseValue];
- }
- }
- if (filteredAttributes.count && (filteredAttributes.count != attributes.count)) {
- MTR_LOG("%@ filtered attribute report %lu => %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(attributes.count), static_cast<unsigned long>(filteredAttributes.count));
- }
- return filteredAttributes;
-// assume lock is held
-- (void)_reportAttributes:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributes
- os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(&self->_lock);
- if (attributes.count) {
- [self _iterateDelegatesWithBlock:^(MTRDeviceDelegateInfo * delegateInfo) {
- // _iterateDelegatesWithBlock calls this with an autorelease pool, and so temporary filtered attributes reports don't bloat memory
- NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * filteredAttributes = [self _filteredAttributes:attributes forInterestedPaths:delegateInfo.interestedPathsForAttributes];
- if (filteredAttributes.count) {
- [delegateInfo callDelegateWithBlock:^(id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate) {
- [delegate device:self receivedAttributeReport:filteredAttributes];
- }];
- }
- }];
- }
#ifdef DEBUG
- (void)unitTestInjectEventReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)eventReport
@@ -1228,60 +1100,6 @@
-- (BOOL)_interestedPaths:(NSArray * _Nullable)interestedPaths includesEventPath:(MTREventPath *)eventPath
- for (id interestedPath in interestedPaths) {
- if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
- NSNumber * interestedEndpointIDNumber = interestedPath;
- if ([interestedEndpointIDNumber isEqualToNumber:eventPath.endpoint]) {
- return YES;
- }
- } else if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[MTRClusterPath class]]) {
- MTRClusterPath * interestedClusterPath = interestedPath;
- if ([interestedClusterPath.cluster isEqualToNumber:eventPath.cluster]) {
- return YES;
- }
- } else if ([interestedPath isKindOfClass:[MTREventPath class]]) {
- MTREventPath * interestedEventPath = interestedPath;
- if (([interestedEventPath.cluster isEqualToNumber:eventPath.cluster]) && ([interestedEventPath.event isEqualToNumber:eventPath.event])) {
- return YES;
- }
- }
- }
- return NO;
-// Returns filtered set of events using an interestedPaths array.
-// Returns nil if no event report has a path that matches the paths in the interestedPaths array.
-- (NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)_filteredEvents:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)events forInterestedPaths:(NSArray * _Nullable)interestedPaths
- if (!interestedPaths) {
- return events;
- }
- if (!interestedPaths.count) {
- return nil;
- }
- NSMutableArray * filteredEvents = nil;
- for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * responseValue in events) {
- MTREventPath * eventPath = responseValue[MTREventPathKey];
- if ([self _interestedPaths:interestedPaths includesEventPath:eventPath]) {
- if (!filteredEvents) {
- filteredEvents = [NSMutableArray array];
- }
- [filteredEvents addObject:responseValue];
- }
- }
- if (filteredEvents.count && (filteredEvents.count != events.count)) {
- MTR_LOG("%@ filtered event report %lu => %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(events.count), static_cast<unsigned long>(filteredEvents.count));
- }
- return filteredEvents;
#ifdef DEBUG
- (void)unitTestClearClusterData
@@ -1517,90 +1335,12 @@
- if (!expectedValueInterval || ([expectedValueInterval compare:@(0)] == NSOrderedAscending)) {
- expectedValues = nil;
- } else {
- expectedValueInterval = MTRClampedNumber(expectedValueInterval, @(1), @(UINT32_MAX));
- }
- serverSideProcessingTimeout = [serverSideProcessingTimeout copy];
- timeout = [timeout copy];
- if (timeout == nil && MTRCommandNeedsTimedInvoke(clusterID, commandID)) {
- }
- NSDate * cutoffTime;
- if (timeout) {
- cutoffTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(timeout.doubleValue / 1000)];
- }
- uint64_t expectedValueID = 0;
- NSMutableArray<MTRAttributePath *> * attributePaths = nil;
- if (expectedValues) {
- [self setExpectedValues:expectedValues expectedValueInterval:expectedValueInterval expectedValueID:&expectedValueID];
- attributePaths = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * expectedValue in expectedValues) {
- [attributePaths addObject:expectedValue[MTRAttributePathKey]];
- }
- }
- MTRAsyncWorkItem * workItem = [[MTRAsyncWorkItem alloc] initWithQueue:self.queue];
- uint64_t workItemID = workItem.uniqueID; // capture only the ID, not the work item
- // The command operation will install a duplicate check handler, to return NO for "isDuplicate". Since a command operation may
- // change values, only read requests after this should be considered for duplicate requests.
- [workItem setDuplicateTypeID:MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID handler:^(id opaqueItemData, BOOL * isDuplicate, BOOL * stop) {
- *isDuplicate = NO;
- *stop = YES;
- }];
- [workItem setReadyHandler:^(MTRDevice * self, NSInteger retryCount, MTRAsyncWorkCompletionBlock workCompletion) {
- auto workDone = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
- dispatch_async(queue, ^{
- completion(values, error);
- });
- if (error && expectedValues) {
- [self removeExpectedValuesForAttributePaths:attributePaths expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
- }
- workCompletion(MTRAsyncWorkComplete);
- };
- NSNumber * timedInvokeTimeout = nil;
- if (timeout) {
- auto * now = [NSDate now];
- if ([now compare:cutoffTime] == NSOrderedDescending) {
- // Our timed invoke timeout has expired already. Command
- // was queued for too long. Do not send it out.
- workDone(nil, [MTRError errorForIMStatusCode:Status::Timeout]);
- return;
- }
- // Recompute the actual timeout left, accounting for time spent
- // in our queuing and retries.
- timedInvokeTimeout = @([cutoffTime timeIntervalSinceDate:now] * 1000);
- }
- MTRBaseDevice * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
- [baseDevice
- _invokeCommandWithEndpointID:endpointID
- clusterID:clusterID
- commandID:commandID
- commandFields:commandFields
- timedInvokeTimeout:timedInvokeTimeout
- serverSideProcessingTimeout:serverSideProcessingTimeout
- queue:self.queue
- completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
- // Log the data at the INFO level (not usually persisted permanently),
- // but make sure we log the work completion at the DEFAULT level.
- MTR_LOG("Invoke work item [%llu] received command response: %@ error: %@", workItemID, values, error);
- // TODO: This 5-retry cap is very arbitrary.
- // TODO: Should there be some sort of backoff here?
- if (error != nil && error.domain == MTRInteractionErrorDomain && error.code == MTRInteractionErrorCodeBusy && retryCount < 5) {
- workCompletion(MTRAsyncWorkNeedsRetry);
- return;
- }
- workDone(values, error);
- }];
- }];
- [_asyncWorkQueue enqueueWorkItem:workItem descriptionWithFormat:@"invoke %@ 0x%llx 0x%llx", endpointID, clusterID.unsignedLongLongValue, commandID.unsignedLongLongValue];
+#define MTRDeviceErrorStr "MTRDevice _invokeCommandWithEndpointID: must be handled by subclasses"
+ MTR_LOG_ERROR(MTRDeviceErrorStr);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ NSAssert(NO, @MTRDeviceErrorStr);
+#endif // DEBUG
+#undef MTRDeviceErrorStr
- (void)_invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
@@ -1692,93 +1432,6 @@
#pragma mark - Cache management
-// assume lock is held
-- (void)_checkExpiredExpectedValues
- os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(&self->_lock);
- // find expired attributes, and calculate next timer fire date
- NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
- NSDate * nextExpirationDate = nil;
- // Set of NSArray with 2 elements [path, value] - this is used in this method only
- NSMutableSet<NSArray *> * attributeInfoToRemove = [NSMutableSet set];
- for (MTRAttributePath * attributePath in _expectedValueCache) {
- NSArray * expectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
- NSDate * attributeExpirationDate = expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldExpirationTimeIndex];
- if (expectedValue) {
- if ([now compare:attributeExpirationDate] == NSOrderedDescending) {
- // expired - save [path, values] pair to attributeToRemove
- [attributeInfoToRemove addObject:@[ attributePath, expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex] ]];
- } else {
- // get the next expiration date
- if (!nextExpirationDate || [nextExpirationDate compare:attributeExpirationDate] == NSOrderedDescending) {
- nextExpirationDate = attributeExpirationDate;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // remove from expected value cache and report attributes as needed
- NSMutableArray * attributesToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
- NSMutableArray * attributePathsToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSArray * attributeInfo in attributeInfoToRemove) {
- // compare with known value and mark for report if different
- MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeInfo[0];
- NSDictionary * attributeDataValue = attributeInfo[1];
- NSDictionary * cachedAttributeDataValue = [self _cachedAttributeValueForPath:attributePath];
- if (cachedAttributeDataValue
- && ![self _attributeDataValue:attributeDataValue isEqualToDataValue:cachedAttributeDataValue]) {
- [attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : cachedAttributeDataValue, MTRPreviousDataKey : attributeDataValue }];
- [attributePathsToReport addObject:attributePath];
- }
- _expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
- }
- // log attribute paths
- MTR_LOG("%@ report from expired expected values %@", self, attributePathsToReport);
- [self _reportAttributes:attributesToReport];
-// Have a reasonable minimum wait time for expiration timers
- if (nextExpirationDate && _expectedValueCache.count && !self.expirationCheckScheduled) {
- NSTimeInterval waitTime = [nextExpirationDate timeIntervalSinceDate:now];
- }
- mtr_weakify(self);
- dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t) (waitTime * NSEC_PER_SEC)), self.queue, ^{
- mtr_strongify(self);
- [self _performScheduledExpirationCheck];
- });
- }
-- (void)_performScheduledExpirationCheck
- std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
- self.expirationCheckScheduled = NO;
- [self _checkExpiredExpectedValues];
-- (BOOL)_attributeDataValue:(NSDictionary *)one isEqualToDataValue:(NSDictionary *)theOther
- // Sanity check for nil cases
- if (!one && !theOther) {
- MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ attribute data-value comparison does not expect comparing two nil dictionaries", self);
- return YES;
- }
- if (!one || !theOther) {
- // Comparing against nil is expected, and should return NO quietly
- return NO;
- }
- // Attribute data-value dictionaries are equal if type and value are equal, and specifically, this should return true if values are both nil
- return [one[MTRTypeKey] isEqual:theOther[MTRTypeKey]] && ((one[MTRValueKey] == theOther[MTRValueKey]) || [one[MTRValueKey] isEqual:theOther[MTRValueKey]]);
// Utility to return data value dictionary without data version
- (NSDictionary *)_dataValueWithoutDataVersion:(NSDictionary *)attributeValue
@@ -1887,169 +1540,6 @@
return _deviceCachePrimed;
-// If value is non-nil, associate with expectedValueID
-// If value is nil, remove only if expectedValueID matches
-// previousValue is an out parameter
-- (void)_setExpectedValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)expectedAttributeValue
- attributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath
- expirationTime:(NSDate *)expirationTime
- shouldReportValue:(BOOL *)shouldReportValue
- attributeValueToReport:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> **)attributeValueToReport
- expectedValueID:(uint64_t)expectedValueID
- previousValue:(NSDictionary **)previousValue
- os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(&self->_lock);
- *shouldReportValue = NO;
- NSArray * previousExpectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
- if (previousExpectedValue) {
- if (expectedAttributeValue
- && ![self _attributeDataValue:expectedAttributeValue
- isEqualToDataValue:previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex]]) {
- // Case where new expected value overrides previous expected value - report new expected value
- *shouldReportValue = YES;
- *attributeValueToReport = expectedAttributeValue;
- *previousValue = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
- } else if (!expectedAttributeValue) {
- // Remove previous expected value only if it's from the same setExpectedValues operation
- NSNumber * previousExpectedValueID = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIDIndex];
- if (previousExpectedValueID.unsignedLongLongValue == expectedValueID) {
- MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary cachedValue = [self _cachedAttributeValueForPath:attributePath];
- if (![self _attributeDataValue:previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex]
- isEqualToDataValue:cachedValue]) {
- // Case of removing expected value that is different than read cache - report read cache value
- *shouldReportValue = YES;
- *attributeValueToReport = cachedValue;
- *previousValue = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
- _expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary cachedValue = [self _cachedAttributeValueForPath:attributePath];
- if (expectedAttributeValue
- && ![self _attributeDataValue:expectedAttributeValue isEqualToDataValue:cachedValue]) {
- // Case where new expected value is different than read cache - report new expected value
- *shouldReportValue = YES;
- *attributeValueToReport = expectedAttributeValue;
- *previousValue = cachedValue;
- } else {
- *previousValue = nil;
- }
- // No need to report if new and previous expected value are both nil
- }
- if (expectedAttributeValue) {
- _expectedValueCache[attributePath] = @[ expirationTime, expectedAttributeValue, @(expectedValueID) ];
- }
-// assume lock is held
-- (NSArray *)_getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)expectedAttributeValues
- expirationTime:(NSDate *)expirationTime
- expectedValueID:(uint64_t *)expectedValueID
- os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(&self->_lock);
- uint64_t expectedValueIDToReturn = _expectedValueNextID++;
- NSMutableArray * attributesToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
- NSMutableArray * attributePathsToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in expectedAttributeValues) {
- MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeResponseValue[MTRAttributePathKey];
- NSDictionary * attributeDataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRDataKey];
- BOOL shouldReportValue = NO;
- NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeValueToReport;
- NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * previousValue;
- [self _setExpectedValue:attributeDataValue
- attributePath:attributePath
- expirationTime:expirationTime
- shouldReportValue:&shouldReportValue
- attributeValueToReport:&attributeValueToReport
- expectedValueID:expectedValueIDToReturn
- previousValue:&previousValue];
- if (shouldReportValue) {
- if (previousValue) {
- [attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : attributeValueToReport, MTRPreviousDataKey : previousValue }];
- } else {
- [attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : attributeValueToReport }];
- }
- [attributePathsToReport addObject:attributePath];
- }
- }
- if (expectedValueID) {
- *expectedValueID = expectedValueIDToReturn;
- }
- MTR_LOG("%@ report from new expected values %@", self, attributePathsToReport);
- return attributesToReport;
-// expectedValueID is an out-argument that returns an identifier to be used when removing expected values
-- (void)setExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)values
- expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueInterval
- expectedValueID:(uint64_t *)expectedValueID
- // since NSTimeInterval is in seconds, convert ms into seconds in double
- NSDate * expirationTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:expectedValueInterval.doubleValue / 1000];
- "%@ Setting expected values %@ with expiration time %f seconds from now", self, values, [expirationTime timeIntervalSinceNow]);
- std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
- // _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues will log attribute paths reported
- NSArray * attributesToReport = [self _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:values
- expirationTime:expirationTime
- expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
- [self _reportAttributes:attributesToReport];
- [self _checkExpiredExpectedValues];
-- (void)removeExpectedValuesForAttributePaths:(NSArray<MTRAttributePath *> *)attributePaths
- expectedValueID:(uint64_t)expectedValueID
- std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
- for (MTRAttributePath * attributePath in attributePaths) {
- [self _removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:attributePath expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
- }
-- (void)_removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath expectedValueID:(uint64_t)expectedValueID
- os_unfair_lock_assert_owner(&self->_lock);
- BOOL shouldReportValue;
- NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeValueToReport;
- NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * previousValue;
- [self _setExpectedValue:nil
- attributePath:attributePath
- expirationTime:nil
- shouldReportValue:&shouldReportValue
- attributeValueToReport:&attributeValueToReport
- expectedValueID:expectedValueID
- previousValue:&previousValue];
- MTR_LOG("%@ remove expected value for path %@ should report %@", self, attributePath, shouldReportValue ? @"YES" : @"NO");
- if (shouldReportValue) {
- NSMutableDictionary * attribute = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:attributePath forKey:MTRAttributePathKey];
- if (attributeValueToReport) {
- attribute[MTRDataKey] = attributeValueToReport;
- }
- if (previousValue) {
- attribute[MTRPreviousDataKey] = previousValue;
- }
- [self _reportAttributes:@[ attribute ]];
- }
- (MTRBaseDevice *)newBaseDevice
return [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:self.nodeID controller:self.deviceController];