tree: 1ea7ad76b1b4805a9ac2226ae242dafd87f2824c [path history] [tgz]
  1. main/
  2. third_party/
  3. .gitignore
  4. CMakeLists.txt
  5. partitions.csv
  7. sdkconfig.defaults
  8. sdkconfig_c3devkit.defaults
  9. sdkconfig_m5stack.defaults

CHIP ESP32 All Clusters Example

A prototype application that demonstrates device commissioning and cluster control.

Supported Devices

The CHIP demo application is intended to work on three categories of ESP32 devices: the ESP32-DevKitC, the ESP32-WROVER-KIT_V4.1, the M5Stack, and the ESP32C3-DevKitM.

Note: M5Stack Core 2 display is not supported in the tft component, while other functionality can still work fine.

Building the Example Application

Building the example application requires the use of the Espressif ESP32 IoT Development Framework and the xtensa-esp32-elf toolchain for ESP32 modules or the riscv-esp32-elf toolchain for ESP32C3 modules.

The VSCode devcontainer has these components pre-installed, so you can skip this step. To install these components manually, follow these steps:

  • Clone the Espressif ESP-IDF and checkout v4.3 tag

      $ mkdir ${HOME}/tools
      $ cd ${HOME}/tools
      $ git clone
      $ cd esp-idf
      $ git checkout v4.3
      $ git submodule update --init
      $ ./
  • Install ninja-build

      $ sudo apt-get install ninja-build

Currently building in VSCode and deploying from native is not supported, so make sure the IDF_PATH has been exported(See the manual setup steps above).

  • Setting up the environment

    $ cd ${HOME}/tools/esp-idf
    $ ./
    $ . ./
    $ cd {path-to-connectedhomeip}

    To download and install packages.

    $ source ./scripts/
    $ source ./scripts/

    If packages are already installed then simply activate them.

    $ source ./scripts/
  • Target Set

To set IDF target, run set-target with one of the commands.

      $ set-target esp32
      $ set-target esp32c3
  • Configuration Options

To choose from the different configuration options, run menuconfig.

      $ menuconfig

Select ESP32 based Device Type through Demo->Device Type. The device types that are currently supported include ESP32-DevKitC (default), ESP32-WROVER-KIT_V4.1, M5Stack and ESP32C3-DevKitM.

  • To build the demo application.

      $ build
  • After building the application, to flash it outside of VSCode, connect your device via USB. Then run the following command to flash the demo application onto the device and then monitor its output. If necessary, replace /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART(MacOS) with the correct USB device name for your system(like /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux). Note that sometimes you might have to press and hold the boot button on the device while it's trying to connect before flashing. For ESP32-DevKitC devices this is labeled in the functional description diagram.

      $ -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART flash monitor

    Note: Some users might have to install the VCP driver before the device shows up on /dev/tty.

  • Quit the monitor by hitting Ctrl+].

    Note: You can see a menu of various monitor commands by hitting Ctrl+t Ctrl+h while the monitor is running.

  • If desired, the monitor can be run again like so:

      $ -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART monitor

Commissioning and cluster control

Commissioning can be carried out using WiFi, BLE or Bypass.

  1. Set the Rendezvous Mode for commissioning using menuconfig; the default Rendezvous mode is BLE.

     $ menuconfig

Select the Rendezvous Mode via Demo -> Rendezvous Mode. If Rendezvous Mode is ByPass then set the credentials of the WiFi Network (i.e. SSID and Password from menuconfig). menuconfig -> Component config -> CHIP Device Layer -> WiFi Station Options

  1. Now flash the device with the same command as before. (Use the right /dev device)

      $ -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART flash monitor
  2. The device should boot up. When device connects to your network, you will see a log like this on the device console.

      I (5524) chip[DL]: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP
      I (5524) chip[DL]: IPv4 address changed on WiFi station interface: <IP_ADDRESS>...
  3. Use python based device controller or standalone chip-tool or iOS chip-tool app or Android chip-tool app to communicate with the device.

Note: The ESP32 does not support 5GHz networks. Also, the Device will persist your network configuration. To erase it, simply run.

      $ -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART erase_flash

Setting up Python Controller

Once ESP32 is up and running, we need to set up a device controller to perform commissioning and cluster control.

  • Set up python controller.

       $ cd {path-to-connectedhomeip}
       $ ./scripts/ -m platform
  • Execute the controller.

       $ source ./out/python_env/bin/activate
       $ chip-device-ctrl

Commissioning over BLE

  • Establish the secure session over BLE. BLE is the default mode in the application and is configurable through menuconfig.

     - chip-device-ctrl > ble-scan
     - chip-device-ctrl > connect -ble 3840 20202021 135246
     1. Discriminator: 3840 (configurable through menuconfig)
     2. Setup-pin-code: 20202021 (configurable through menuconfig)
     3. Node ID: Optional.
        If not passed in this command, then it is auto-generated by the controller and displayed in the output of connect.
        The same value should be used in the next commands.
        We have chosen a random node ID which is 135246.
  • Add credentials of the Wi-Fi network you want the ESP32 to connect to, using the AddWiFiNetwork command and then enable the ESP32 to connect to it using EnableWiFiNetwork command. In this example, we have used TESTSSID and TESTPASSWD as the SSID and passphrase respectively.

     - chip-device-ctrl > zcl NetworkCommissioning AddWiFiNetwork 135246 0 0 ssid=str:TESTSSID credentials=str:TESTPASSWD breadcrumb=0 timeoutMs=1000
     - chip-device-ctrl > zcl NetworkCommissioning EnableNetwork 135246 0 0 networkID=str:TESTSSID breadcrumb=0 timeoutMs=1000
  • Close the BLE connection to ESP32, as it is not required hereafter.

     - chip-device-ctrl > close-ble
  • Resolve DNS-SD name and update address of the node in the device controller. Get fabric ID using get-fabricid and use the decimal value of compressed fabric id.

     - chip-device-ctrl > get-fabricid
     - chip-device-ctrl > resolve <Compressed Fabric ID> 135246

Cluster control

  • After successful commissioning, use the OnOff cluster commands to control the OnOff attribute. This allows you to toggle a parameter implemented by the device to be On or Off.

    chip-device-ctrl > zcl OnOff Off 135246 1 1

  • Use the LevelControl cluster commands to control the CurrentLevel attribute. This allows you to control the brightness of the led.

    chip-device-ctrl > zcl LevelControl MoveToLevel 135246 1 1 level=10 transitionTime=0 optionMask=0 optionOverride=0

  • For ESP32C3-DevKitM, use the ColorContorl cluster commands to control the CurrentHue and CurrentSaturation attribute. This allows you to control the color of on-board LED.

    zcl ColorControl MoveToHue 135246 1 1 hue=100 direction=0 transitionTime=0 optionsMask=0 optionsOverride=0 zcl ColorControl MoveToSaturation 135245 1 1 saturation=200 transitionTime=0 optionsMask=0 optionsOverride=0

Flashing app using script

  • Follow these steps to use ${app_name}

    • First set IDF target, run set-target with one of the commands.

      $ set-target esp32
      $ set-target esp32c3
    • Execute below sequence of commands

        $ export ESPPORT=/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
        $ build
        $ flashing_script
        $ python ${app_name}


This demo app illustrates controlling OnOff cluster (Server) attributes of an endpoint. For ESP32-DevKitC, ESP32-WROVER-KIT_V4.1 and ESP32C3-DevKitM, a GPIO (configurable through STATUS_LED_GPIO_NUM in main/main.cpp) is updated through the on/off/toggle commands from the python-controller. For M5Stack, a virtual Green LED on the display is used for the same.

If you wish to see the actual effect of the commands on ESP32-DevKitC, ESP32-WROVER-KIT_V4.1, you will have to connect an external LED to GPIO STATUS_LED_GPIO_NUM. For ESP32C3-DevKitM, the on-board LED will show the actual effect of the commands.

Using the RPC console

Enable RPCs in the build using menuconfig:

$ menuconfig

Enable the RPC library:

Component config → CHIP Core → General Options → Enable Pigweed PRC library

After flashing a build with RPCs enabled you can use the rpc console to send commands to the device.

Build or install the rpc console

Start the console

python -m chip_rpc.console --device /dev/ttyUSB0

From within the console you can then invoke rpcs:

rpcs.chip.rpc.Wifi.Connect(ssid=b"MySSID", secret=b"MyPASSWORD")