tree: b007e13575a2644f861769def372d1081e96956a [path history] [tgz]
  1. ameba/
  2. common/
  3. devices/
  4. esp32/
  5. img/
  6. linux/
  7. nrfconnect/
  8. sample_app_util/
  9. silabs/
  10. telink/
  11. .gitignore
  15. cicd_config.json
  18. dockerfile
  19. kvs1
  21. pyproject.toml
  23. setup.cfg


The purpose of the chef app is to to:

  1. Increase the coverage of device types in Matter
  2. Provide a sample application that may have its data model easily configured.

Chef uses the shell app a starting point, but processes the data model defined on ZAP files during build time. This procedure is handled by its unified build script:

When processing ZAP files as part of the build process, Chef places the auto-generated zap artifacts under its out temporary folder. Chef uses artifacts from zzz_generated for CI/CD.

All device types available (.zap files) are found inside the devices folder.

Building your first sample

  1. Make sure you have the toolchain installed for your desired target.
  2. Run the first time to create a config.yaml configuration file. If you already have SDK environment variables such as IDF_PATH (esp32) and ZEPHYR_BASE (nrfconnect) it will use those values as default.
  3. Update your the SDK paths on config.yaml. TTY is the path used by the platform to enumerate its device as a serial port. Typical values are:
    # ESP32 macOS

    TTY: /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXXXX

    # ESP32 Linux

    TTY: /dev/ttyACM0


    TTY: /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXX

    # NRFCONNECT Linux

    TTY: /dev/ttyUSB0
  1. Run $ -u to update zap and the toolchain (on selected platforms).
  2. Run $ -gzbf -t <platform> -d lighting. This command will run the ZAP GUI opening the devices/lighting.zap file and will allow editing. It will then generate the zap artifacts, place them on the zap-generated folder, run a build and flash the binary in your target.
  3. Run -h to see all available commands.

Creating a new device type in your device library

Follow guide in

Folder Structure and Guidelines

  • <platform>: build system and main.cpp file for every supported platform. When porting a new platform, please minimize the source code in this folder, favoring the common folder for code that is not platform related.
  • common: contains code shared between different platforms. It may contain source code that enables specific features such as LightingManager class or LockManager, as long as the application dynamically identify the presence of the relevant cluster configurations and it doesn't break the use cases where chef is built without these clusters.
  • devices: contains the data models that may be used with chef. As of Matter 1.0 the data models are defined using .zap files.
  • out: temporary folder used for placing ZAP generated artifacts.
  • sample_app_util: guidelines and scripts for generating file names for new device types committed to the devices folder.
  • config.yaml: contains general configuration for the script. As of Matter 1.0 this is used exclusively for toolchain and TTY interface paths.
  • main script for generating samples. More info on its help -h.

General Linux Options

When building chef for the Linux platform there are several options available at runtime. These options are also available for many Linux samples. Do not conflate these with chef options available at build time.


  • --discriminator : A 12-bit unsigned integer match the value which a device advertises during commissioning.
  • --passcode : A 27-bit unsigned integer, which serves as proof of possession during commissioning. If not provided to compute a verifier, the --spake2p-verifier-base64 must be provided.
  • --secured-device-port : A 16-bit unsigned integer specifying the listen port to use for secure device messages (default is 5540).
  • --KVS : A file to store Key Value Store items.

For a full list, call the generated linux binary with

  • -h, --help: Print this output and then exit.


All CI jobs for chef can be found in .github/workflows/chef.yaml.

These jobs use a platform-specific image with base chip-build. Such images contain the toolchain for the respective platform under /opt.

CI jobs call chef with the options --ci -t $PLATFORM. The --ci option will execute builds for all devices specified in ci_allow_list defined in cicd_config.json (so long as these devices are also in /devices) on the specified platform.

CI jobs also call the function bundle_$PLATFORM at the end of each example build. This function should copy or move build output files from the build output location into _CD_STAGING_DIR. Typically, the set of files touched is the minimal set of files needed to flash a device. See the function bundle_esp32 for reference.

Adding a platform

First, implement a bundle_$PLATFORM function.

Next, ensure that the examples in ci_allow_list build in a container using the relevant platform image. You can simulate the workflow locally by mounting your CHIP repo into a container and executing the CI command:

docker run -it --mount source=$(pwd),target=/workspace,type=bind$PLATFORM:$VERSION

In the container:

chown -R $(whoami) /workspace
cd /workspace
source ./scripts/
source ./scripts/
./examples/chef/ --ci -t $PLATFORM

Once you are confident the CI examples build and bundle in a container, add a new job to the chef workflow.

Replace all instances of $PLATFORM with the new platform. Replace $VERSION with the image version used in the rest of the workflows, or update the image version for all images in the workflow as needed.

    name: Chef - $PLATFORM CI Examples
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: != 'restyled-io[bot]'

        options: --user root

        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: Checkout submodules & Bootstrap
          uses: ./.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap
              platform: $PLATFORM
        - name: CI Examples $PLATFORM
          shell: bash
          run: |
              ./scripts/ "./examples/chef/ --ci -t $PLATFORM"


Once CI is enabled for a platform, the platform may also be integrated into integrations/cloudbuild/, where chef builds are defined in chef.yaml. See the README in this path for more information.

Note that the image used in chef.yaml is chip-build-vscode. See docker/images/chip-build-vscode/Dockerfile for the source of this image. This image is a combination of the individual toolchain images. Therefore, before a platform is integrated into chef CD, the toolchain should be copied into chip-build-vscode and chef.yaml should be updated to use the new image version.

Finally, add the new platform to cd_platforms in cicd_config.json. The configuration should follow the following schema:

    "output_archive_prefix_1": ["option_1", "option_2"],
    "output_archive_prefix_2": [],

Take note of the configuration for linux:

"linux": {
    "linux_x86": ["--cpu_type", "x64"],
    "linux_arm64_ipv6only": ["--cpu_type", "arm64", "--ipv6only"]

This will produce output archives prefixed linux_x86 and linux_arm_64_ipv6only and will append the respective options to each build command for these targets.

To test your configuration locally, you may employ a similar strategy as in CI:

docker run -it --mount source=$(pwd),target=/workspace,type=bind$VERSION

In the container:

chown -R $(whoami) /workspace
cd /workspace
source ./scripts/
source ./scripts/
./examples/chef/ --build_all --keep_going

You may also use the Google Cloud Build local builder as detailed in the README of integrations/cloudbuild/.

Adding new devices

To add new devices for chef:

  • Execute python zap <zap_file> --rename-file to rename the example and place the new file in examples/chef/devices.
    • See the README in examples/chef/sample_app_util/ for more info.
  • Execute scripts/tools/, commit zzz_generated and examples/chef/devices.
    • This is gated by the workflow in .github/workflows/zap_templates.yaml.
  • All devices added to the repository are built in CD.

Manufacturer Extensions / Custom Clusters

You may add vendor-defined features to chef. The rootnode_onofflight_meisample* device showcases its usage by using the Sample MEI cluster which is defined on src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/sample-mei-cluster.xml

This cluster has

  • One boolean attribute: flip-flop
  • A ping command with no arguments
  • A command/response pair add-arguments. The command takes two uint8 arguments and the response command returns their sum.

You may test the Sample MEI via chip-tool using the following commands:

# commissioning of on-network chef device
chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
# tests command to sum arguments: returns 30
chip-tool samplemei add-arguments 1 1 10 20
# sets Flip-Flop to false
chip-tool samplemei write flip-flop 0 1 1
# reads Flip-Flop
chip-tool samplemei read flip-flop 1 1