blob: 83628c7676e25a440d0df2b973262f759a98ba22 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
This package contains routines to to collect, aggregate, and report memory
usage, using Pandas `DataFrame` as the primary representation.
- memdf.collect Helpers to read memory information from various sources
(e.g. executables) according to command line options.
- memdf.df `DataFrame` utilities, in particular definitions of columns and
types for the main uses of data frames.
- Names for synthetic symbols, etc. Individual readers are
located under memdf.collector.
- Helpers to write data frames in various formats according to
command line or configured options.
- Helpers to select relevant subsets of data frames according
to command line or configured options.
- memdf.sizedb Helpers for a database of size information.
Modules under memdf.util are not specifically tied to memory usage.
- memdf.util.config `Config` utility class for managing command line or
other options according to a declarative description.
- memdf.util.github Utilities for communicating with GitHub.
- memdf.util.markdown Utilities for manipulating Markdown text.
- memdf.util.nd Nested dictionary utilities, used by `Config`.
- memdf.util.pretty Pretty-printed logging utility functions.
- memdf.util.sqlite - Utilities for connecting to a sqlite3 database.
- memdf.util.subprocess Utilities for executing external commands.