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# CHIP Tizen Lighting Example
## Building binary
Activating environment
source ./scripts/
Generating tizen-arm-light
gn gen --check \
--fail-on-unused-args \
--export-compile-commands \
--root=$PW_PROJECT_ROOT/examples/lighting-app/tizen \
"--args=target_os=\"tizen\" target_cpu=\"arm\" tizen_sdk_root=\"$TIZEN_SDK_ROOT\" tizen_sdk_sysroot=\"$TIZEN_SDK_SYSROOT\"" \
Building tizen-arm-light
ninja -C $PW_PROJECT_ROOT/out/tizen-arm-light
## Preparing Tizen SDK certificate
For packaging the Tizen APP, there is a need to generate an author certificate
and security profile using the commands described below. Change password and
author data as needed.
$TIZEN_SDK_ROOT/tools/ide/bin/tizen certificate \
--alias=CHIP \
--name=CHIP \ \
$TIZEN_SDK_ROOT/tools/ide/bin/tizen security-profiles add \
--active \
--name=CHIP \
--author=$HOME/tizen-sdk-data/keystore/author/author.p12 \
This is only _one-time action_. To regenerate the author certificate and
security profile, you have to remove files from the `$HOME` directory using
specified commands:
rm -r \
$HOME/tizen-sdk-data \
$HOME/.tizen-cli-config \
After that, normally call scripts to generate the author certificate and
security profile mentioned previously.
### Important
Regenerating the author certificate and security profile makes it necessary to
remove the previously installed Tizen app. You can't reinstall an application on
the Tizen device with a different certificate.
pkgcmd -u -n
## Packaging APP
ninja -C $PW_PROJECT_ROOT/out/tizen-arm-light chip-lighting-app:tpk
## Installing TPK
Upload TPK package to device under test (DUT). Install it with `pkgcmd` as
pkgcmd -i -t tpk -p
## Launching application
For launching Tizen application one should use `app_launcher`. It is possible to
pass user arguments from command line which might be used to control application
behavior. However, passed strings cannot start with "-" (minus) character and
all arguments have to consist of name and value. Boolean options (option without
argument) should have value equal to "true".
app_launcher discriminator 43 wifi true
## Vscode support
To run all commands below `sdb` has to be installed on computer and available in
`PATH`. Also vscode has to have the `augustocdias.tasks-shell-input` extension
### Tasks
1. Build app:
open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) ->
Tasks: Run Task ->
Build LightingApp (Tizen)
2. SDB connect to device: required to run Tizen commands below if device is
debugged over network
open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) ->
Tasks: Run Task -> Connect to device (Tizen) ->
insert IP address and port
3. Install app: it is separated from build app step.
open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) ->
Tasks: Run Task ->
Install LightingApp (Tizen)
4. Launch LightingApp with gdbserver attached: require to install app
open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) ->
Tasks: Run Task ->
Launch LightingApp with gdbserver attached (Tizen)
### Debug
To debug app using vscode gdbserver has to be available on the target device,
run `./scripts/helpers/ --help` for more information.