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# NXP manufacturing data guide
By default, the example application is configured to use generic test
certificates and provisioning data embedded with the application code. It is
possible for a final stage application to generate its own manufacturing data
using the procedure described below.
## 1. Prerequisites
Build `chip-cert` tool:
cd src/tools/chip-cert
gn gen out
ninja -C out
Build `spake2p` tool:
cd src/tool/spake2p
gn gen out
ninja -C out
### Environment variables
A user can customize the certificate generation by setting some environment
variables that are used within the utility scripts. Please note that the values
below are just an example and should be modified accordingly:
export FACTORY_DATA_DEST=path/factory/data/dest
export DEVICE_TYPE=100
export DATE=$(date +"%F")
export TIME=$(date +"%T")
export LIFETIME="7305"
export VID="1037"
export PID="A220"
`FACTORY_DATA_DEST` is the path where all factory related data is generated.
`DEVICE_TYPE` should be updated according to the application device type (0x0100
for the provided K32W0 lighting app).
Additionally, `PAA_CERT` and `PAA_KEY` paths can be specified to use an already
existent **PAA**:
export PAA_CERT=path/certs/Chip-PAA-NXP-Cert.pem
export PAA_KEY=path/certs/Chip-PAA-NXP-Key.pem
## 2. Generate
### a. Certificates
./scripts/tools/nxp/ ./src/tools/chip-cert/out/chip-cert
The output of the script is the **DAC**, **PAI** and **PAA** certificates. If
`FACTORY_DATA_DEST` is set, the certificates will be moved there. The **DAC**
and **PAI** certificates will be written in a special section of the internal
flash, while the **PAA** will be used by `chip-tool` as trust anchor. Please
note that for _real production manufacturing_ the "production PAA" is trusted
via the **DCL** rather than through the generated **PAA** certificate. The
**PAI** certificate may also have a different lifecycle.
### b. Certification declaration (CD)
./src/tools/chip-cert/out/chip-cert gen-cd --key ./credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Key.pem --cert ./credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Cert.pem --out $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --format-version 1 --vendor-id "0x$VID" --product-id "0x$PID" --device-type-id "0x$DEVICE_TYPE" --certificate-id "ZIG20142ZB330003-24" --security-level 0 --security-info 0 --version-number 9876 --certification-type 1
The command above is extracted from `./credentials/test/` script.
The CD generation uses predefined key and certificate found in
`./credentials/test/certification-declaration`. This **CSA** certificate is also
hard-coded as Trust Anchor in the current `chip-tool` version.
By default, the CD is added to the factory data section. In order to have it
integrated in the application binary, set
CHIPProjectConfig.h file.
### c. Provisioning data
Generate new provisioning data and convert all the data to a binary (unencrypted
python3 ./scripts/tools/nxp/factory_data_generator/ -i 10000 -s UXKLzwHdN3DZZLBaL2iVGhQi/OoQwIwJRQV4rpEalbA= -p 14014 -d 1000 --vid "0x$VID" --pid "0x$PID" --vendor_name "NXP Semiconductors" --product_name "Lighting app" --serial_num "12345678" --date "$DATE" --hw_version 1 --hw_version_str "1.0" --cert_declaration $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --dac_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --dac_key $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Key.der --pai_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-PAI-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --spake2p_path ./src/tools/spake2p/out/spake2p --unique_id "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff" --out $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/factory_data.bin
Same example as above, but with an already generated verifier passed as input:
python3 ./scripts/tools/nxp/factory_data_generator/ -i 10000 -s UXKLzwHdN3DZZLBaL2iVGhQi/OoQwIwJRQV4rpEalbA= -p 14014 -d 1000 --vid "0x$VID" --pid "0x$PID" --vendor_name "NXP Semiconductors" --product_name "Lighting app" --serial_num "12345678" --date "$DATE" --hw_version 1 --hw_version_str "1.0" --cert_declaration $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --dac_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --dac_key $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Key.der --pai_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-PAI-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --spake2p_path ./src/tools/spake2p/out/spake2p --spake2p_verifier ivD5n3L2t5+zeFt6SjW7BhHRF30gFXWZVvvXgDxgCNcE+BGuTA5AUaVm3qDZBcMMKn1a6CakI4SxyPUnJr0CpJ4pwpr0DvpTlkQKqaRvkOQfAQ1XDyf55DuavM5KVGdDrg== --unique_id "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff" --out $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/factory_data.bin
Generate new provisioning data and convert all the data to a binary (encrypted
data with the AES key). Add the following option to one of the above examples:
--aes128_key 2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C
Here is the interpretation of the **required** parameters:
-i -> SPAKE2+ iteration
-s -> SPAKE2+ salt (passed as base64 encoded string)
-p -> SPAKE2+ passcode
-d -> discriminator
--vid -> Vendor ID
--pid -> Product ID
--vendor_name -> Vendor Name
--product_name -> Product Name
--hw_version -> Hardware Version as number
--hw_version_str -> Hardware Version as string
--cert_declaration -> path to the Certification Declaration (der format) location
--dac_cert -> path to the DAC (der format) location
--dac_key -> path to the DAC key (der format) location
--pai_cert -> path to the PAI (der format) location
--spake2p_path -> path to the spake2p tool (compile it from ./src/tools/spake2p)
--out -> name of the binary that will be used for storing all the generated data
Here is the interpretation of the **optional** parameters:
--dac_key_password -> Password to decode DAC key
--spake2p_verifier -> SPAKE2+ verifier (passed as base64 encoded string). If this option is set,
all SPAKE2+ inputs will be encoded in the final binary. The spake2p tool
will not be used to generate a new verifier on the fly.
--aes128_key -> 128 bits AES key used to encrypt the whole dataset
--date -> Manufacturing Date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
--part_number -> Part number as string
--product_url -> Product URL as string
--product_label -> Product label as string
--serial_num -> Serial Number
--unique_id -> Unique id used for rotating device id generation
## 3. Write provisioning data
For the **K32W0x1** variants, the binary needs to be written in the internal
flash at location **0x9D600** using `DK6Programmer.exe`:
DK6Programmer.exe -Y -V2 -s <COM_PORT> -P 1000000 -Y -p FLASH@0x9D600="factory_data.bin"
For the **RT1060**, **RT1170** and **RW61X** platform, the binary needs to be
written using `MCUXpresso Flash Tool GUI` at the address value corresponding to
`__FACTORY_DATA_START` (the map file of the application should be checked to get
the exact value).
## 4. Build app and usage
Use `chip_with_factory_data=1` when compiling to enable factory data usage.
Run chip-tool with a new PAA:
./chip-tool pairing ble-thread 2 hex: $hex_value 14014 1000 --paa-trust-store-path /home/ubuntu/certs/paa
Here is the interpretation of the parameters:
--paa-trust-store-path -> path to the generated PAA (der format)
`paa-trust-store-path` must contain only the PAA certificate. Avoid placing
other certificates in the same location as this may confuse `chip-tool`.
**PAA** certificate can be copied to the chip-tool machine using **SCP** for
This is needed for testing self-generated **DACs**, but likely not required for
"true production" with production **PAI** issued **DACs**.
## 5. Useful information/Known issues
Implementation of manufacturing data provisioning has been validated using test
certificates generated by `OpenSSL 1.1.1l`.
Also, demo **DAC**, **PAI** and **PAA** certificates needed in case
`chip_with_factory_data=1` is used can be found in
`./scripts/tools/nxp/demo_generated_certs`. <a name="flashdebug"></a>