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# RVC example app
This example app is meant to demonstrate an implementation of a Matter Robotic
Vacuum Cleaner device.
## State machine
Below is a diagram describing the state machine for this app.
![state machine](RVC_app_state_diagram.png)
This app can support most of the tests in the test plans.
## Out-of-band messages
Out-of-band messages are available to simulate typical device behaviors and
allow the app to navigate to all the states. To send an out-of-band message,
echo the JSON message to the `/tmp/chip_rvc_fifo_<PID>` file. The JSON message
must have a `"Name"` key that contains the command name. This name is shown in
the state machine diagram above. Example
`echo '{"Name": "Charged"}' > /tmp/chip_rvc_fifo_42`.
### `ErrorEvent` message
The error event message requires the additional key `"Error"` which specifies
the error state ID. This can be one of `UnableToStartOrResume`,
`UnableToCompleteOperation`, `CommandInvalidInState`,
`FailedToFindChargingDock`, `Stuck`, `DustBinMissing`, `DustBinFull`,
`WaterTankEmpty`, `WaterTankMissing`, `WaterTankLidOpen`,
## Testing
A PICS file that details what this app supports testing is available in the
`pics` directory as a txt file. After building the RVC example app, chip-tool,
and setting up the testing environment, python tests can be executed with
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/<script_name>.py --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/RVC_App_Test_Plan.txt --int-arg <PIXIT_Definitions:1>"`
**Note:** If the testing environment has not been commissioned with the RVC app,
use chip-tool to switch on the commissioning window
`chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window`, and add the following flags to
the `--script-args` above.
`--commissioning-method on-network --discriminator XXXX --passcode XXXX`.
Below are the PIXIT definitions required for the different python tests.
### RVC Clean Mode cluster
#### TC 1.2
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint=1"`
#### TC 2.1
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1 --int-arg PIXIT.RVCCLEANM.MODE_CHANGE_FAIL:1 PIXIT.RVCCLEANM.MODE_CHANGE_OK:2"`
When asked "Manually put the device in a state from which it will FAIL to
transition to mode 1", set the `RvcRunMode` to 1.
`chip-tool rvcrunmode change-to-mode 1`
When asked "Manually put the device in a state from which it will SUCCESSFULLY
transition to mode 2", set the `RvcRunMode` to 0.
`chip-tool rvcrunmode change-to-mode 0`
#### TC 2.2
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint=1"`
### RVC Run Mode cluster
#### TC 1.2
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint=1"`
#### TC 2.1
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1 --int-arg PIXIT.RVCRUNM.MODE_CHANGE_OK:0 PIXIT.RVCRUNM.MODE_CHANGE_FAIL:2"`
When asked "Manually put the device in a state from which it will FAIL to
transition to mode 2", set the `RvcRunMode` to 1.
`chip-tool rvcrunmode change-to-mode 1`
When asked "Manually put the device in a state from which it will SUCCESSFULLY
transition to mode 0", do nothing.
#### TC 2.2
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1 --int-arg PIXIT.RVCRUNM.MODE_A:1 PIXIT.RVCRUNM.MODE_B:2"`
### RVC Operational State cluster
#### TC 2.1
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1"`
Use the out-of-band messages, chip-tool messages and the state machine diagram
to navigate to the required states.
#### TC 2.3
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1"`
Use the out-of-band messages, chip-tool messages and the state machine diagram
to transition to the required states.
#### TC 2.4
Example command:
`./scripts/tests/ --script src/python_testing/ --script-args "--storage-path admin_storage.json --PICS examples/rvc-app/rvc-common/pics/rvc-app-pics-values --endpoint 1"`
Use the out-of-band messages, chip-tool messages and the state machine diagram
to transition to the required states.
### Running the yaml tests
After commissioning the device, all the yaml tests can be run by running the
`` script from the root dir with the node ID that the
device was commissioned with.