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orphan: true
# Tool information
This tool reads out the supported elements and generates the appropriate PICS
files for the device. The tool outputs the PICS for all endpoints and outputs
these in a single folder.
Note: The tool does relay on what the the device is able to express and for now
there are areas which the tool can not cover:
- PICS in base.xml
- Only mandatory events are marked as supported, since the global attribute
with list of events is provisional
# Setup
This tool uses the python environment used by the python_testing efforts, which
can be built using the below command.
scripts/ -m platform -i out/python_env
Once the python environment is build it can be activated using this command:
source out/python_env/bin/activate
The script uses the PICS XML templates for generate the PICS output. These files
can be downloaded here:
NOTE: The tool has been verified using V24 PICS (used for Matter 1.2
# How to run
First change the directory to the tool location.
cd src/tools/PICS-generator/
The tool does, as mentioned above, have external dependencies, these are
provided to the tool using these arguments:
- --pics-template is the absolute path to the folder containing the PICS
- --pics-output is the absolute path to the output folder to be used
If the device has not been commissioned this can be done by passing in the
commissioning information:
python3 --pics-template <pathToPicsTemplateFolder> --pics-output <outputPath> --commissioning-method ble-thread --discriminator <DESCRIMINATOR> --passcode <PASSCODE> --thread-dataset-hex <DATASET_AS_HEX>
or in case the device is e.g. an example running on a Linux/macOS system, use
the on-network commissioning:
python3 --pics-template <pathToPicsTemplateFolder> --pics-output <outputPath> --commissioning-method on-network --discriminator <DESCRIMINATOR> --passcode <PASSCODE>
In case the device uses a development PAA, the following parameter should be
--paa-trust-store-path credentials/development/paa-root-certs
In case the device uses a production PAA, the following parameter should be
--paa-trust-store-path credentials/production/paa-root-certs
If a device has already been commissioned, the tool can be executed like this:
python3 --pics-template <pathToPicsTemplateFolder> --pics-output <outputPath>
# Updates for future releases
Given each new release adds PICS files, to ensure the tool is able to map the
cluster names to the PICS XML files, the XMLPICSValidator script can be used to
validate the mapping and will inform in case a cluster can not be mapped to a
PICS XML file.
The purpose of this script is mainly to make the update of this tool to future
versions of Matter easier and is not intended as a script for generating the
To run the XMLPICSValidator, the following command can be used:
python3 --pics-template <pathToPicsTemplateFolder>