| # Matter Lighting Example Application |
| |
| An example application showing the use of [Matter][matter] on the Texas |
| Instruments CC13XX_26XX family of Wireless MCUs. |
| |
| --- |
| |
| - [Matter Lighting Example Application](#matter-lighting-example-application) |
| - [Introduction](#introduction) |
| - [Device UI](#device-ui) |
| - [Building](#building) |
| - [Preparation](#preparation) |
| - [Compilation](#compilation) |
| - [Programming](#programming) |
| - [Code Composer Studio](#code-composer-studio) |
| - [UniFlash](#uniflash) |
| - [Viewing Logging Output](#viewing-logging-output) |
| - [Running the Example](#running-the-example) |
| - [TI Support](#ti-support) |
| |
| --- |
| |
| ## Introduction |
| |
| The CC13XX_26XX lighting example application provides a working demonstration of |
| a connected light device. This uses the open-source Matter implementation and |
| the Texas Instruments SimpleLink™ CC13XX and CC26XX software development kit. |
| |
| This example is enabled to build for CC1354P10 devices. |
| |
| The lighting example is intended to serve both as a means to explore the |
| workings of Matter, as well as a template for creating real products based on |
| the Texas Instruments devices. |
| |
| ## Device UI |
| |
| | Action | Functionality | |
| | ------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | |
| | Left Button (`BTN-1`) Press (less than 1000 ms) | Light is turned on | |
| | Left Button (`BTN-1`) Press (more than 1000 ms) | Factory Reset | |
| | Right Button (`BTN-2`) Press (less than 1000 ms) | Light is turned off | |
| | Right Button (`BTN-2`) Press (more than 1000 ms) | BLE Advertisement (Enable/Disable) | |
| | Red LED Solid On State | Light is turned on | |
| | Red LED Off State | Light is turned off | |
| | Green LED Blinking State | Identify Trigger Effect in progress | |
| | Green LED Off State | No Identify Trigger Effect in progress | |
| |
| ## Building |
| |
| ### Preparation |
| |
| Some initial setup is necessary for preparing the build environment. This |
| section will need to be done when migrating to new versions of the SDK. This |
| guide assumes that the environment is linux based, and recommends Ubuntu 20.04. |
| |
| - Download and install [SysConfig][sysconfig]. This can be done simply with |
| the following commands. |
| |
| ``` |
| $ cd ~ |
| $ wget https://dr-download.ti.com/software-development/ide-configuration-compiler-or-debugger/MD-nsUM6f7Vvb/ |
| $ chmod +x sysconfig-1.18.1_3343-setup.run |
| $ ./sysconfig-1.18.1_3343-setup.run |
| ``` |
| |
| - Run the bootstrap script to setup the build environment. |
| - Note, a recursive submodule checkout is required to utilize TI's Openthread |
| reference commit. |
| - Note, in order to build the chip-tool and ota-provider examples, a recursive |
| submodule checkout is required for the linux platform as seen in the command |
| below. |
| |
| ``` |
| $ cd ~/connectedhomeip |
| $ source ./scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| $ ./scripts/checkout_submodules.py --shallow --platform cc13xx_26xx linux --recursive |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Compilation |
| |
| It is necessary to activate the environment in every new shell. Then run GN and |
| Ninja to build the executable. |
| |
| - Activate the build environment with the repository activate script. |
| |
| ``` |
| $ cd ~/connectedhomeip |
| $ source ./scripts/activate.sh |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| - Run the build to produce a default executable. By default on Linux both the |
| TI SimpleLink SDK and Sysconfig are located in a `ti` folder in the user's |
| home directory, and you must provide the absolute path to them. For example |
| `/home/username/ti/sysconfig_1.18.1`. On Windows the default directory is |
| `C:\ti`. Take note of this install path, as it will be used in the next |
| step. |
| |
| ``` |
| $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/cc13x4_26x4 |
| $ gn gen out/debug --args="ti_sysconfig_root=\"$HOME/ti/sysconfig_1.18.1\"" |
| $ ninja -C out/debug |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| If you would like to define arguments on the command line you may add them |
| to the GN call. |
| |
| ``` |
| gn gen out/debug --args="ti_sysconfig_root=\"$HOME/ti/sysconfig_1.18.1\" target_defines=[\"CC13X4_26X4_ATTESTATION_CREDENTIALS=1\"] chip_generate_link_map_file=true" |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Programming |
| |
| Loading the built image onto a LaunchPad is supported through two methods; |
| Uniflash and Code Composer Studio (CCS). UniFlash can be used to load the image. |
| Code Composer Studio can be used to load the image and debug the source code. |
| |
| ### Code Composer Studio |
| |
| Programming with CCS will allow for a full debug environment within the IDE. |
| This is accomplished by creating a target connection to the XDS110 debugger and |
| starting a project-less debug session. The CCS IDE will attempt to find the |
| source files on the local machine based on the debug information embedded within |
| the ELF. CCS may prompt you to find the source code if the image was built on |
| another machine or the source code is located in a different location than is |
| recorded within the ELF. |
| |
| Download and install [Code Composer Studio][ccs]. |
| |
| First open CCS and create a new workspace. |
| |
| Create a target connection (sometimes called the CCXML) for your target SoC and |
| debugger as described in the [Manual Method][ccs_manual_method] section of the |
| CCS User's Guide. |
| |
| Next initiate a project-less debug session as described in the [Manual |
| Launch][ccs_manual_launch] section of the CCS User's Guide. |
| |
| CCS should switch to the debug view described in the [After |
| Launch][ccs_after_launch] section of the User's Guide. The SoC core will likely |
| be disconnected and symbols will not be loaded. Connect to the core as described |
| in the [Debug View][ccs_debug_view] section of the User's Guide. Once the core |
| is connected, use the `Load` button on the toolbar to load the ELF image. |
| |
| Note that the default configuration of the CCXML uses 2-wire cJTAG instead of |
| the full 4-wire JTAG connection to match the default jumper configuration of the |
| LaunchPad. |
| |
| ### UniFlash |
| |
| Uniflash is Texas Instrument's uniform programming tool for embedded processors. |
| This will allow you to erase, flash, and inspect the SoC without setting up a |
| debugging environment. |
| |
| Download and install [UniFlash][uniflash]. |
| |
| First open UniFlash. Debug probes connected to the computer will usually be |
| displayed under the Detected Devices due to the automatic device detection |
| feature. If your device does not show up in this view it my be disconnected, or |
| you may have to create a New Configuration. If you already have a CCXML for your |
| SoC and debug connection you can use that in the section at the bottom. Once |
| your device is selected, click the `Start` button within the section to launch |
| the session. |
| |
| Select the ELF image to load on the device with the `Browse` button. This file |
| is placed in the `out/debug` folder by this guide and ends with the `*.out` file |
| extension. For OTA enabled applications, the standalone image will instead end |
| with the `*-mcuboot.hex` file extension. This this is a combined image with |
| application and `MCUBoot` included. The flag to enable or disable the OTA |
| feature is determined by "chip_enable_ota_requestor" in the application's |
| args.gni file. |
| |
| Finally click the `Load Image` button to load the executable image onto the |
| device. You should be able to see the log output over the XDS110 User UART. |
| |
| Note that programming the device through JTAG sets the Halt-in-Boot flag and may |
| cause issues when performing a software reset. This flag can be reset by |
| power-cycling the LaunchPad. |
| |
| ## Viewing Logging Output |
| |
| By default the log output will be sent to the Application/User UART. Open a |
| terminal emulator to that port to see the output with the following options: |
| |
| | Parameter | Value | |
| | ------------ | -------- | |
| | Speed (baud) | `115200` | |
| | Data bits | `8` | |
| | Stop bits | `1` | |
| | Parity | `None` | |
| | Flow control | `None` | |
| |
| ## Running the Example |
| |
| Once a device has been flashed with this example, it can now join and operate in |
| an existing Matter network. The following sections assume that a Matter network |
| is already active, and has at least one [OpenThread Border |
| Router][ot_border_router_setup]. |
| |
| For insight into what other components are needed to run this example, please |
| refer to our [Matter Getting Started Guide][matter-e2e-faq]. |
| |
| The steps below should be followed to commission the lighting device onto the |
| network and control it once it has been commissioned. |
| |
| **Step 0** |
| |
| Set up the CHIP tool by following the instructions outlined in our [Matter |
| Getting Started Guide][matter-e2e-faq]. |
| |
| **Step 1** |
| |
| Commission the light device onto the Matter network. Run the following command |
| on the CHIP tool: |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread <nodeID - e.g. 1> hex:<complete dataset from starting the OTBR> 20202021 3840 |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| Interacting with the application begins by enabling BLE advertisements and then |
| pairing the device into a Thread network. To provision this example onto a |
| Matter network, the device must be discoverable over Bluetooth LE. |
| |
| On the LaunchPad, press and hold the right button, labeled `BTN-2`, for more |
| than 1 second. Upon release, the Bluetooth LE advertising will begin. Once the |
| device is fully provisioned, BLE advertising will stop. |
| |
| Once the device has been successfully commissioned, you will see the following |
| message on the CHIP tool output: |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| [1677648218.370754][39785:39790] CHIP:CTL: Received CommissioningComplete response, errorCode=0 |
| [1677648218.370821][39785:39790] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendComplete' |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| An accompanying message will be seen from the device: |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| Commissioning complete, notify platform driver to persist network credentials. |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| **Step 2** |
| |
| Send commands to the lighting app. Here are some example commands: |
| |
| On |
| |
| ``` |
| ./chip-tool onoff on <nodeID> 1 |
| ./chip-tool onoff toggee <nodeID> 1 (assuming the light is off) |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| Off |
| |
| ``` |
| ./chip-tool onoff off <nodeID> 1 |
| ./chip-tool onoff toggle <nodeID> 1 (assuming the light is on) |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| Identify |
| |
| ``` |
| ./chip-tool identify identify <IdentifyTime> <nodeID> 1 e.g. ./chip-tool identify identify 100 1 1 |
| |
| ./chip-tool identify trigger-effect <EffectIdentifier> <EffectVariant> <nodeID> <endpointID> e.g. ./chip-tool identify trigger-effect 0x0000 0 1 1 |
| |
| ``` |
| |
| ## TI Support |
| |
| For technical support, please consider creating a post on TI's [E2E forum][e2e]. |
| Additionally, we welcome any feedback. |
| |
| [matter]: https://csa-iot.org/all-solutions/matter/ |
| [ccs]: https://www.ti.com/tool/CCSTUDIO |
| [ccs_after_launch]: |
| https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/ccs_debug-main.html?configuration#after-launch |
| [ccs_debug_view]: |
| https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/ccs_debug-main.html?configuration#debug-view |
| [ccs_manual_launch]: |
| https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/ccs_debug-main.html?configuration#manual-launch |
| [ccs_manual_method]: |
| https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/ccs_debug-main.html?configuration#manual-method |
| [e2e]: |
| https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless-connectivity/zigbee-thread-group/zigbee-and-thread/f/zigbee-thread-forum |
| [matter-e2e-faq]: |
| https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless-connectivity/zigbee-thread-group/zigbee-and-thread/f/zigbee-thread-forum/1082428/faq-cc2652r7-matter----getting-started-guide |
| [sysconfig]: https://www.ti.com/tool/SYSCONFIG |
| [ti_thread_dnd]: |
| https://www.ti.com/wireless-connectivity/thread/design-development.html |
| [ot_border_router_setup]: https://openthread.io/guides/border-router/build |
| [uniflash]: https://www.ti.com/tool/download/UNIFLASH |