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# Get started with SysConfig
System Configuration Tool (SysConfig) is a graphical interface for configuring
your project. Configuration files, C source files and header files are generated
based on the parameters configured in the SysConfig dashboard.
SysConfig should be used as a standalone tool for script-based builds (such as
for Matter).
The document will help for getting started in tailoring the `syscfg` file to
your application needs.
## Using Stand-alone SysConfig
You can find the standalone SysConfig tool on the
[SysConfig Standalone Installer Download Page](
The location of the Matter `syscfg` file is located here:
`/examples/<name>/cc13x4_26x4/chip.syscfg` For example, on the github web:
The local file in your cloned repository should be used.
This file is used by Matter build scripts, when it invokes SysConfig CLI. In
order to edit the file for your custom application configurations, you'll need
to open the file with the SysConfig GUI. Before doing so, you should add the
following line above the `/* Modules */` comment:
// @cliArgs --product <path to SDK>/.metadata/product.json --board /ti/boards/LP_EM_CC1354P10_6 --rtos freertos
As an example, after adding the necessary `<path to SDK>`, it would look like:
// @cliArgs --product /home/Documents/repos/connectedhomeip/third_party/ti_simplelink_sdk/repo_cc13xx_cc26xx/.metadata/product.json --board /ti/boards/LP_EM_CC1354P10_6 --rtos freertos
If the file is not found, then you may need to first initialize the submodules:
git submodule update --init
Now you can open the file in SysConfig GUI. Once you are done, remove the
`@cliArgs` line then save the file. Now the Matter build scripts will use the
updated `.syscfg` file.
## Viewing SysConfig Output
To preview the code to be generated reference the `Generated Files` image, the
button at the top of the `Configuration` pane you will find a list of Generated
Files. After selecting a file you will be able, in real-time, to identify how
the changes in the GUI affect the generated files. This will help you review the
relationship between the GUI and the code.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src="images/generated_files_ble.png" alt="Generated Files" width=30%>
<div class="caption">Generated Files</div>
Whenever you re-build the project, SysConfig will re-generate the files. Because
of this, any changes made directly in the generated files will be overwritten.