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# Docker connectedhomeip:chip-build
connectedhomeip/chip-build is the name of the Docker image used by CHIP for
continuous integration and other builds.
Contents of this directory:
- - utility for building (and optionally) tagging and pushing the
chip-build Docker image
- version - the semver-style version of the image in use for this branch of
- Dockerfile - description of the image
Please update version when any required tooling is updated. Some rough
- Updating a tool? Increment dot version unless the tool has a major version
delta or a backward incompatibility
- Adding a tool? Increment minor version: e.g. 0.2.1 -> 0.3.0
- Removing a tool? Increment major version: e.g. 1.2 -> 2.0
Note, you must have privileged access to the connectedhomeip:chip-build on
Docker Hub
Typical use:
1. new build tool dependency identified
2. add tool to Dockerfile
3. update version
4. `$ ./`, which installs the image locally as the new version
5. update the image version in the devcontainer.json
6. verify that the build works locally in the new image
7. `$ docker login`
8. `$ ./ --push --latest`, _*Note:*_ omit `--latest` unless on the
master branch