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# `Bouffalo Lab`
This example functions as a light bulb device type, with on/off and level
capabilities and uses a test Vendor ID (VID) and a Product ID (PID)
of **0x8005**.
The steps were verified on `Bouffalo Lab` BL602 and BL706 development board.
- `BL602-IoT-Matter-V1`, [here]( to
- `XT-ZB6-DevKit`
- `BL706DK`
- `BL704LDK`
> Warning: Changing the VID/PID may cause compilation problems, we recommend
> leaving it as the default while using this example.
## BL602
BL602/BL604 is combo chip-set for Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and BLE 5.0 base-band/MAC.
### BL602-IoT-Matter-V1
<img src="../../platform/bouffalolab/doc/chart/BL602-IoT-Matter_V1.png" style="zoom:25%;" />
## BL70x
BL70x is combo chip-set for BLE and IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee/Thread.
- BL702/BL706 has 14dbm tx power and is recommended for routing devices. SDK
uses BL702 as a general name.
- BL702L/BL704L is designed for low power application. SDK uses BL702L as a
general name.
BL70x has fully certified with all Thread 1.3 features, included Thread `SSED`
and Thread Border Router with `DUA manager`.
### `XT-ZB6-DevKit`
<img src="../../platform/bouffalolab/doc/chart/bl706_dev_board.jpg" style="zoom:23%;" />
## Initial setup
The following steps in this document were validated on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and
Mac OS.
- Install dependencies as specified in the **connectedhomeip** repository:
[Building Matter](
- Clone and initialize the **connectedhomeip** repo
git clone
cd connectedhomeip
git submodule update --init --recursive
source ./scripts/ -p bouffalolab
> After environment setup `Bouffalo Lab` flash tool, `bflb-iot-tool`,
> imports under this environment. If not, please try
> `scripts/ -p bouffalolab` for matter environment update.
- Setup build environment for `Bouffalo Lab` SoC
Run `` to install `Bouffalo Lab` SDK to /opt/bouffalolab_sdk
cd third_party/bouffalolab/repo
sudo bash scripts/
Please execute following command to export `BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT` before
export BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT=/opt/bouffalolab_sdk
## Build CHIP Lighting App example
The following steps take examples for `BL602-IoT-Matter-V1` BL602 board,
`BL706DK` BL706 board, and `BL704LDK` BL704L board .
- Build lighting app with UART baudrate 2000000
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-ethernet build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-wifi build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light build
- Build lighting app with UART baudrate 115200
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light-115200 build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-light-115200 build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light-light-115200 build
- Build lighting app with RPC enabled and UART baudrate 115200.
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light-rpc build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-light-rpc build
./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light-light-rpc build
### Build options with
- `-shell`, enable UART command line
- `-115200`, set UART baudrate to 115200 for log and command line
- `-rpc`, enable Pigweed RPC feature
- `-cdc`, enable USB CDC feature, only support for BL706, and can't work with
Ethernet Board
- `-resetCnt`, enable feature to do factory reset when continues power cycle
is greater than 3
- `-mfd`, enable Matter factory data feature, which load factory data from
`DTS` region and `MFD` partition
- Please contact to `Bouffalo Lab` for Matter factory data support.
- `-mfdtest`, enable Matter factory data module, but only load factory data
from `FactoryDataProvider.cpp` file.
- `-wifi`, to specify that connectivity Wi-Fi is enabled for Matter
- `-ethernet`, to specify that connectivity Ethernet is enabled for Matter
- `-thread`, to specify that connectivity Thread is enabled for Matter
- `-mot`, to specify to use openthread stack under
- Without `-mot` specified, Matter Thread will use openthread stack under
`Bouffalo Lab` SDK
- `-fp`, to specify to enable frame pointer feature to print call stack when
hit an exception for debug purpose.
## Download image
- Using script `*`.
After building gets done, python script `*` will generate under
build output folder, such as
- `` for BL602
- `` for BL702
- `` for BL702L
> Note 1, `*` should be ran under Matter build environment; if
> python module `bflb_iot_tool` is not found, please try to do
> `source scripts/` or install as
> `pip3 install bflb-iot-tool`.<br> Note 2, different build options will
> generate different output folder.
Download operation steps as below, please check `help` option of script for
more detail.
- Connect the board to your build machine
- Put the board to the download mode:
- Press and hold the **BOOT** button.
- Click the **RESET** or **EN** button.
- Release the **BOOT** button.
- Type following command for image download. Please set serial port
accordingly, here we use /dev/ttyACM0 as a serial port example.
- `bl602-iot-matter-v1`, `bl706dk` and `bl704ldk` without additional
build options
./out/bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
./out/bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
- `bl706dk` with 115200 baudrate setting
./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-115200/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
- To wipe out flash and download image, please append `--erase` to the
above command.
./out/bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase
./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-115200/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase
./out/bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase
> Note, better to append --erase option to download image for BL602
> develop board at first time.
- Using `Bouffalo Lab` GUI flash tool `BLDevCube`, please download on
[this page](
- Hold BOOT pin and reset chip, put the board in download mode.
- Select `DTS` file;
- Select Partition Table under
`examples/platform/bouffalolab/bl602/flash_config` or
- Select Firmware Bin;
- Select Chip Erase if need;
- Choose Target COM port.
- Then click Create & Download.
## Run the example
- You can open the serial console. For example, if the device is at
`/dev/ttyACM0` with UART baudrate 2000000 built:
picocom -b 2000000 /dev/ttyACM0
- To reset the board, Click the **RESET** or **EN** button.
- To toggle the light bulb’s on/off state by clicking BOOT button, which also
toggles the LED.
- To do factory reset, press BOOT button over 4 seconds, release BOOT button
after led blink stopped.
## Test Commission and Control with chip-tool
Please follow [chip_tool_guide](../../../docs/guides/ and
[guide](../../chip-tool/ to build and use chip-tool for test.
### Prerequisite for Thread Protocol
Thread wireless protocol runs on BL706, which needs a Thread border router to
connect Thread network to Wi-Fi/Ethernet network. Please follow this
[guide](../../../docs/guides/ to setup a
raspberry Pi border router.
After Thread border router setup, please type following command on Thread border
router to get Thread network credential.
sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x
### Commissioning over BLE
- Reset the board or factory reset the board
- Enter build out folder of chip-tool and running the following command to do
BLE commission
- BL602
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi <node_id> <wifi_ssid> <wifi_passwd> 20202021 3840
- BL706
./chip-tool pairing ble-thread <node_id> hex:<thread_operational_dataset> 20202021 3840
> `<node_id>`, which is node ID assigned to device within chip-tool
> fabric<br> `<wifi_ssid>`, Wi-Fi network SSID<br> `<wifi_passwd>`, Wi-FI
> network password<br> `<thread_operational_dataset>`, Thread network
> credential which running `sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x` command on border
> router to get.
### Cluster control
After successful commissioning, cluster commands available to control the board.
- OnOff cluster
The following command shows to toggle the LED on the board
$ ./chip-tool onoff toggle <node_id> 1
- Level cluster
The following command shows to move level to 128.
$ ./chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 128 10 0 0 <node_id> 1
- Color cluster
The following command shows to change hue and saturation to 240 and 100
$ ./chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue-and-saturation 240 100 0 0 0 <node_id> 1
- Identify Light
The following command shows to identify the board 10 seconds
./chip-tool identify identify 10 <node_id> 1
## Test OTA software upgrade with ota-provider-app
Please take [guide](../../ota-provider-app/linux/ for more detail on
ota-provider-app build and usage.
### Create the Matter OTA image with Bouffalolab OTA `bin.xz.hash` format image
- `Bouffalo Lab` OTA `bin.xz.hash` format image
- Build `Bouffalo Lab` OTA image as following execution using python
script `*` under firmware build out folder,
`shell ./<output_firmware_name> --build` After script executed,
a folder `ota_images` and an image `FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash` will be
generated. `FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash` is compressed with hash verification for
build out firmware.
- `bin.xz.hash` image
After compile done, the build script will call
`<output_firmware_name>` to generate `Bouffalo Lab` OTA format
image as above, and put it under out folder with name likes
* Build Matter `*.ota` OTA image with `Bouffalo Lab` OTA image under
**connectedhomeip** repo folder
$ ./src/app/ create -v 0xFFF1 -p 0x8005 -vn 10 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 <FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash> lighting-app.ota
> lighting-app.ota should have greater software version which is defined by
### Start ota-provider-app
- Start ota-provider-app for lighting-app.ota
$ rm -r /tmp/chip_*
$ ./chip-ota-provider-app -f <path_to_ota_bin>/lighting-app.ota
where `<path_to_ota_bin>` is the folder for lighting-app.ota.
- Provision ota-provider-app with assigned node id to 1
$ ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
$ ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 1 0
### Start ota software upgrade
- BLE commission BL602/BL702 lighting if not commissioned.
- Start OTA software upgrade process
./chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 1 0 0 0 <node_id_to_lighting_app> 0
where `<node_id_to_lighting_app>` is node id of BL602/BL702 lighting app.
- After OTA software upgrade gets done, BL602/BL702 will get reboot
## Run RPC Console
- Build chip-console following this
- Start the console
$ chip-console --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 2000000
- Get or Set the light state
`rpcs.chip.rpc.Lighting.Set(on=True, level=128)`