| # Matter Software Update with EFR32 example applications |
| |
| The Over The Air (OTA) Software Update functionality can be added to any of the |
| EFR32 example applications by passing the `chip_enable_ota_requestor=true` |
| option to the build script. This option is supposed to be enabled by default for |
| all of the EFR32 example applications. |
| |
| ## Running the OTA Download scenario |
| |
| - For Matter with OpenThread: Bring up the OpenThread Border Router as |
| discussed in examples/lighting-app/silabs/README.md and get its operational |
| dataset. |
| |
| - On a Linux or Darwin platform build the chip-tool and the ota-provider-app |
| as follows: |
| |
| scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/chip-tool out/ |
| scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/ota-provider-app/linux out/debug chip_config_network_layer_ble=false |
| |
| - Build or download the Gecko Bootloader binary. Follow the instructions in |
| "UG266: Silicon Labs Gecko Bootloader User’s Guide". For the bootloader |
| using the external flash select the "external SPI" bootloader type |
| configured with a single slot of at least 1000 KB. For the bootloader using |
| the internal flash see the Internal Storage Bootloader section below. |
| Pre-built binaries for some configurations are available at the following |
| location, see README.md for details |
| |
| third_party/silabs/matter_support/matter/efr32/bootloader_binaries |
| |
| - Using the commander tool upload the bootloader to the device running the |
| application. |
| |
| - Create a bootable image file (using the Lighting application image as an |
| example): |
| |
| commander gbl create chip-efr32-lighting-example.gbl --app chip-efr32-lighting-example.s37 |
| |
| - Create the Matter OTA file from the bootable image file: |
| |
| ./src/app/ota_image_tool.py create -v 0xFFF1 -p 0x8005 -vn 2 -vs "2.0" -da sha256 chip-efr32-lighting-example.gbl chip-efr32-lighting-example.ota |
| |
| - In a terminal start the Provider app passing to it the path to the Matter |
| OTA file created in the previous step: |
| |
| rm -r /tmp/chip_kvs_provider |
| ./out/debug/chip-ota-provider-app --KVS /tmp/chip_kvs_provider -f chip-efr32-lighting-example.ota |
| |
| - In a separate terminal run the chip-tool commands to provision the Provider: |
| |
| ./out/chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021 |
| ./out/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 1 0 |
| |
| - If the application device had been previously commissioned hold Button 0 for |
| six seconds to factory-reset the device. |
| |
| - In the chip-tool terminal enter: |
| |
| ./out/chip-tool pairing ble-thread 2 hex:<operationalDataset> 20202021 3840 |
| |
| where operationalDataset is obtained from the OpenThread Border Router. |
| |
| - Once the commissioning process completes enter: |
| |
| ./out/chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 1 0 0 0 2 0 |
| |
| - The application device will connect to the Provider and start the image |
| download. Once the image is downloaded the device will reboot into the |
| downloaded image. |
| |
| ## Internal Storage Bootloader |
| |
| Internal storage bootloader for Matter OTA software update is supported on MG24 |
| boards only. In this use case both the running image and the downloadable update |
| image must fit on the internal flash at the same time. This in turn requires |
| that both images are built with a reduced feature set such as disabled logging |
| and Matter shell. The following set of compile flags leaves out all the optional |
| features and results in the minimal image size: |
| |
| chip_detail_logging=false chip_automation_logging=false chip_progress_logging=false is_debug=false show_qr_code=false chip_build_libshell=false enable_openthread_cli=false chip_openthread_ftd=true |
| |
| Using LZMA compression when building the .gbl file ( passing `--compress lzma` |
| parameter to the `commander gbl create` command) further reduces the downloaded |
| image size. |
| |
| When building an internal storage bootloader the two key configuration |
| parameters are the Slot Start Address and Slot Size in the Bootloader Storage |
| Slot component. The storage slot must not overlap with the running image and the |
| NVM section of the flash. In other words, the slot start address must be greater |
| than the end of the running image address and the sum of the start address and |
| the slot size must be less than the address of the NVM section. The simplest way |
| to get the relevant addresses for the running image and NVM would be by using |
| the Silicon Labs `commander` tool (Device Info->Main Flash->Flash Map). |
| |
| The pre-built bootloader binaries are configured with slot start address of |
| 0x080EC000 and slot size of 548864 |
| |
| ## Managing the Software Version |
| |
| In order for the Provider to successfully serve the image to a device during the |
| OTA Software Update process the Software Version parameter that the .ota file |
| was built with must be greater than the |
| CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION parameter set in the application's |
| `CHIPProjectConfig.h` file. The Software Version parameter is set by the `-vn` |
| parameter passed to the `ota_image_tool.py create` command. For example, if the |
| application's running image was built with |
| CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION set to 1 and if the `.ota` file is |
| built with `-vn 2` then the Provider will serve the update image when requested. |
| |
| In order for the OTA Software Update subsystem to consider an update to be |
| successful and for the NotifyUpdateApplied command to be transmitted the |
| CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION in the updated image must exceed the |
| software version of the running image (continuing the above example, the image |
| for the update must be built with CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION set |
| to 2). |
| |
| ## Managing the Vendor and Product ID |
| |
| Starting the ota-provider-app with the --otaImageList command line option allows |
| the user to supply a JSON file specifying the Software Version, Vendor and |
| Product ID that identify the image served by the Provider, see |
| [ota-provider-app](../../examples/ota-provider-app/linux/README.md) |
| |
| Example provider configuration file: |
| |
| ``` |
| { "foo": 1, // ignored by parser |
| "deviceSoftwareVersionModel": |
| [ |
| { "vendorId": 65521, "productId": 32773, "softwareVersion": 1, "softwareVersionString": "1.0.0", "cDVersionNumber": 18, "softwareVersionValid": true, "minApplicableSoftwareVersion": 0, "maxApplicableSoftwareVersion": 100, "otaURL": "chip-efr32-lighting-example.ota" } |
| ] |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Additional Info |
| |
| Developers can find more resources on |
| [Silicon Labs Matter Community Page](https://community.silabs.com/s/article/connected-home-over-ip-chip-faq?language=en_US) |
| . |