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# Matter Linux/Mac All Clusters Example
## Compiling all-clusters-app for testing on Linux and Mac
To compile all-clusters-app on Intel Mac, using the bootstrap-provided clang,
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target darwin-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-clang build"
at the top level of the Matter tree.
To compile all-clusters-app on Intel Mac, using the system clang, run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target darwin-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan build"
To compile on an Arm Mac, which can only be done using the system clang, run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target darwin-arm64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan build"
Similarly, to compile on Linux x86-64 run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target linux-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-clang build"
And to compile on Linux ARM run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target linux-arm64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-clang build"
## Fuzzing integration
This example also supports compilation with libfuzzer enabled. This should be
used when trying to fuzz-test the Matter SDK.
### Compiling with fuzzing enabled
To compile with libfuzzer enabled on Mac, run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target darwin-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang build"
at the top level of the Matter tree.
Similarly, to compile on Linux run:
$ ./scripts/ "./scripts/build/ --target linux-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang build"
### Running libfuzzer-enabled binaries
#### Initial run
To run the resulting binary with no particular inputs do:
$ ./out/darwin-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang/chip-all-clusters-app-fuzzing
$ ./out/linux-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang/chip-all-clusters-app-fuzzing
If this crashes, it will output the input that caused the crash in a variety of
formats, looking something like this:
artifact_prefix='./'; Test unit written to ./crash-c9fd2434ccf4a33a7f49765dcc519e1fd529a8e5
Note that this creates a file holding the input that caused the crash.
#### Run with a fixed input
To run the binary with a specific input, place the input bytes in a file (which
a crashing run of the fuzzer does automatically). If `$(INPUT_FILE)` is the name
of that file, then run:
$ ./out/darwin-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang/chip-all-clusters-app-fuzzing $(INPUT_FILE)
$ ./out/linux-x64-all-clusters-no-ble-asan-libfuzzer-clang/chip-all-clusters-app-fuzzing $(INPUT_FILE)
#### Additional execution options.
The binary can be run with `-help=1` to see more available options.
Running with `ASAN_OPTIONS="handle_abort=2"` set in the environment may produce
nicer stack traces.
### Trigger event using all-cluster-app event named pipe
You can send a command to all-cluster-app to trigger specific event via
all-cluster-app event named pipe /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>.
#### Trigger `SoftwareFault` events
1. Generate event `SoftwareFault` when a software fault takes place on the Node.
$ echo '{"Name":"SoftwareFault"}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
#### Trigger `HardwareFault` events
1. Generate event `HardwareFaultChange` to indicate a change in the set of
hardware faults currently detected by the Node.
$ echo '{"Name":"HardwareFaultChange"}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
2. Generate event `RadioFaultChange` to indicate a change in the set of radio
faults currently detected by the Node.
$ echo '{"Name":"RadioFaultChange"}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
3. Generate event `NetworkFaultChange` to indicate a change in the set of
network faults currently detected by the Node.
$ echo '{"Name":"NetworkFaultChange"}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
4. Generate event `BootReason` to indicate the reason that caused the device to
start-up, from the following set of `BootReasons`.
- `PowerOnReboot` The Node has booted as the result of physical interaction
with the device resulting in a reboot.
- `BrownOutReset` The Node has rebooted as the result of a brown-out of the
Nodes power supply.
- `SoftwareWatchdogReset` The Node has rebooted as the result of a software
watchdog timer.
- `HardwareWatchdogReset` The Node has rebooted as the result of a hardware
watchdog timer.
- `SoftwareUpdateCompleted` The Node has rebooted as the result of a completed
software update.
- `SoftwareReset` The Node has rebooted as the result of a software initiated
$ echo '{"Name":"<BootReason>"}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
#### Trigger Switch events
1. Generate event `SwitchLatched`, when the latching switch is moved to a new
$ echo '{"Name":"SwitchLatched","NewPosition":3}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
2. Generate event `InitialPress`, when the momentary switch starts to be
$ echo '{"Name":"InitialPress","NewPosition":3}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
3. Generate event `LongPress`, when the momentary switch has been pressed for a
"long" time.
$ echo '{"Name":"LongPress","NewPosition":3}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
4. Generate event `ShortRelease`, when the momentary switch has been released.
$ echo '{"Name":"ShortRelease","PreviousPosition":3}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
5. Generate event `LongRelease` when the momentary switch has been released and
after having been pressed for a long time.
$ echo '{"Name":"LongRelease","PreviousPosition":3}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
6. Generate event `MultiPressOngoing` to indicate how many times the momentary
switch has been pressed in a multi-press sequence, during that sequence.
$ echo '{"Name":"MultiPressOngoing","NewPosition":3,"CurrentNumberOfPressesCounted":4}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>
7. Generate event `MultiPressComplete` to indicate how many times the momentary
switch has been pressed in a multi-press sequence, after it has been detected
that the sequence has ended.
$ echo '{"Name":"MultiPressComplete","PreviousPosition":3,"TotalNumberOfPressesCounted":2}' > /tmp/chip_all_clusters_fifo-<PID>