|  |
| |
| <h1> Matter Arm Mbed OS provisioning guide </h1> |
| |
| - [Overview](#overview) |
| - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) |
| - [CHIPTool for Android](#chiptool-for-android) |
| - [Building and installing](#building-and-installing) |
| - [Accessory Matter device setup](#accessory-matter-device-setup) |
| - [Device commissioning for Android](#device-commissioning-for-android) |
| - [Sending ZCL commands](#sending-zcl-commands) |
| - [POSIX CLI CHIPTool](#posix-cli-chiptool) |
| - [Building](#building) |
| - [Device commissioning for CLI](#device-commissioning-for-cli) |
| - [Sending ZCL commands](#sending-zcl-commands-1) |
| - [Python Device Controller](#python-device-controller) |
| - [Building and installing](#building-and-installing-1) |
| - [Device commissioning for Python Device Controller](#device-commissioning-for-python-device-controller) |
| - [Sending ZCL commands](#sending-zcl-commands-2) |
| - [ZCL commands details](#zcl-commands-details) |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| # Overview |
| |
| This document provides a step-by-step guide how to commission any Matter |
| application. For demonstration purposes the Lighting app is used. |
| |
| The provisioning process is composed of the following stages: |
| |
| - CHIPTool discovers a Matter accessory device over Bluetooth Low Energy |
| (BLE). |
| |
| - CHIPTool establishes a secure channel to the device over BLE, and sends |
| network credentials data. |
| |
| BLE is only used during first phase. Afterwards, only the IP connectivity |
| between the smartphone and the accessory device is needed to send messages. |
| |
| # Prerequisites |
| |
| To complete all the steps in the tutorial, you need: |
| |
| - A smartphone with Android 8+ or PC with Ubuntu 20.04 and Bluetooth |
| connectivity |
| |
| - A WiFi Access Point (smartphone router, standalone AP, wireless router or |
| PC) |
| |
| - Any currently supported target device (for example, a Cypress PSoC6 |
| CY8CPROTO-062-4343W board) |
| |
| # CHIPTool for Android |
| |
| ## Building and installing |
| |
| To make provisioning possible and to control the Matter device from your Android |
| based smartphone, you must first build and install the CHIPTool application. |
| |
| To build the CHIPTool application for your smartphone, read |
| [Android building guide](android_building.md). |
| |
| After building, install the application by completing the following steps: |
| |
| 1. Install the Android Debug Bridge (adb) package by running the following |
| command: |
| |
| ``` |
| $ sudo apt install android-tools-adb |
| ``` |
| |
| 2. Enable **USB debugging** on your smartphone. See the |
| [Configure on-device developer options](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options) |
| guide on the Android Studio hub for detailed information. |
| 3. If the **Install via USB** option is supported for your Android version, |
| turn it on. |
| 4. Plug your smartphone into a USB port on your PC. |
| 5. Run the following command to install the application, with _matter-dir_ |
| replaced with the path to the Matter source directory: |
| |
| $ adb install out/android-$TARGET_CPU-chip-tool/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk |
| |
| 6. Navigate to settings on your smartphone and grant **Camera** and |
| **Location** permissions to CHIPTool. |
| |
| Android CHIPTool is now ready to be used for commissioning. |
| |
| ## Accessory Matter device setup |
| |
| To prepare the accessory Matter device for commissioning (called rendezvous), |
| complete the following steps: |
| |
| - Open a serial terminal session to connect to the UART console of the |
| accessory device. You can use **mbed-tools** for this purpose |
| ([mbed-tools](https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-tools)): |
| |
| ``` |
| mbed-tools sterm -p /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -e off |
| ``` |
| |
| To start the rendezvous, CHIPTool must get the commissioning information from |
| the Matter device. The data payload is encoded within a QR code and is printed |
| to the UART console. |
| |
| - Reset the device. |
| |
| - Find a message similar to the following one in the application logs: |
| |
| ``` |
| [INFO][CHIP]: [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code: |
| [INFO][CHIP]: [SVR]https://dhrishi.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=MT%3AYNJV7VSC00CMVH7SR00 |
| ``` |
| |
| - Open URL from the console to display the QR in a web browser. |
| |
| ## Device commissioning for Android |
| |
| To commission Matter device onto the network created complete the following |
| steps: |
| |
| - Enable Bluetooth and Location services on your smartphone. |
| |
| - Connect the smartphone to the WiFi Network |
| |
| - Open the CHIPTool application on your smartphone. |
| |
| - Tap the 'PROVISION CHIP DEVICE WITH WI-FI' button and scan the commissioning |
| QR code. |
| |
| - Go through the the paring and connecting Bluetooth on your smartphone (you |
| will see a few pop-up messages appear as the commissioning progresses. |
| Finally, the network settings screen appears. |
| |
| - In the network settings screen enter the Wi-Fi credentials and tap the Save |
| Network button to send a WiFi provisioning message to the accessory device. |
| |
| - After successful completion of the process, the application returns to the |
| main screen. |
| |
| ## Sending ZCL commands |
| |
| After the accessory device has been successfully commissioned to the network, it |
| is possible to communicate with it using IP. Matter uses Zigbee Cluster Library |
| (ZCL) protocol which defines common means for applications to communicate. |
| |
| Communication with the device via ZCL commands is possible by using buttons of |
| the main screen. |
| |
| For example, selecting the 'LIGHT ON/OFF & LEVEL CLUSTER' button opens the |
| screen which allows controlling the light dimming. Tap either the ON or the OFF |
| button to toggle between min and max brightness. Use the slider to modify the |
| brightness between 0-255. |
| |
| If **Lighting LED** is available then brightness change can be observed. |
| |
| > For more details about Android CHIPTool please visit |
| > [CHIPTool](../../src/android/CHIPTool/README.md) |
| |
| |
| ## Building |
| |
| To make provisioning possible and to control the Matter device from Linux-based |
| device, you can build and run the Matter Client example application on it. |
| |
| To build the POSIX CLI CHIPTool application check the guide |
| [POSIX CLI guide](../../examples/chip-tool/README.md). |
| |
| ## Device commissioning for CLI |
| |
| In order to send commands to a device, it must be paired with the client and |
| connected to the network. |
| |
| To run the commissioning process via BLE, run the built executable and pass it |
| the node id to assign to the newly-commissioned node, network ssid and password, |
| discriminator and pairing code of the remote device. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| $ chip-tool pairing ble-wifi node_id_to_assign network_ssid network_password 20202021 3840 |
| |
| ## Sending ZCL commands |
| |
| If the commissioning process was successful, it is possible to send a ZCL |
| command to the device which initiate a certain action. |
| |
| To send a ZCL commands, run the executable and pass it the target cluster name, |
| the target command name as well as an endpoint id. |
| |
| The endpoint id must be between 1 and 240. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| $ chip-tool onoff on 1 |
| |
| The client will send a single command packet and then exit. |
| |
| > For more details about POSIX CLI CHIPTool please visit |
| > [POSIX CLI CHIPTool](../../examples/chip-tool/README.md) |
| |
| # Python Device Controller |
| |
| ## Building and installing |
| |
| To make provisioning possible and to control the Matter device with Python |
| application, you can build and run the Python CHIP controller. |
| |
| To build and install the Python Device Controller application check the guide |
| [Python Device Controller guide](python_chip_controller_building.md). |
| |
| ## Device commissioning for Python Device Controller |
| |
| In order to send commands to a device, it must be paired with the client and |
| connected to the network. |
| |
| To run the auto commissioning process via BLE: |
| |
| - Run Device Controller: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl |
| |
| - Scan BLE devices: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > ble-scan |
| |
| - Pass the Wi-Fi credentials to the device: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > set-pairing-wifi-credential ssid credentials |
| |
| - Connect the device via BLE (provide the accessory device discriminator, |
| setup pin code and node ID): |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > connect -ble 3840 20202021 1234 |
| |
| ## Sending ZCL commands |
| |
| If the commissioning process was successful, it is possible to send a ZCL |
| command to the device which initiates a certain action. |
| |
| `zcl <Cluster> <Command> <NodeId> <EndpointId> <GroupId> [arguments]` |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > zcl LevelControl MoveWithOnOff 12344321 1 0 moveMode=1 rate=2 |
| |
| ### ZCL commands details |
| |
| To get the list of supported clusters run: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > zcl ? |
| |
| To get the list of available commands in cluster run: |
| |
| chip-device-ctrl > zcl ? <Cluster> |
| |
| **Format of arguments** |
| |
| For any integer and char string (null terminated) types, just use `key=value`, |
| for example: `rate=2`, `string=123`, `string_2="123 456"` |
| |
| For byte string type, use `key=encoding:value`, currently, we support `str` and |
| `hex` encoding, the `str` encoding will encode a NULL terminated string. For |
| example, `networkId=hex:0123456789abcdef` (for |
| `[0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]`), `ssid=str:Test` (for |
| `['T', 'e', 's', 't', 0x00]`). |
| |
| For boolean type, use `key=True` or `key=False` |