| # Integration Test utilities |
| |
| There are several test utilities that can be used to simulate or force behavior |
| on devices for the purposes of testing. |
| |
| When using any of these utilities it is important to inject the errors at the |
| point where they are running through the MOST code that they can. |
| |
| If the cluster uses the [ClusterLogic](./unit_testing_clusters.md) pattern, this |
| means injecting errors as close as possible to the driver layer, rather than |
| catching errors in the server. |
| |
| ## TestEventTriggers |
| |
| TestEventTriggers are used to test interactions on the DUT that are difficult to |
| perform during certification testing (ex. triggering a smoke alarm) |
| |
| **These should be used sparingly!** |
| |
| TestEventTriggers are started though a command in the General Diagnostics |
| cluster. The command takes a “test key” and a “trigger code” to request that a |
| device to perform a specific action. Currently most devices use a default key, |
| but it can be overridden by a specific device if required. |
| |
| **TestEventTriggers need to be turned off outside of certification tests** |
| |
| To use these triggers: |
| |
| - Derive from |
| [TestEventTriggerHandler](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/app/TestEventTriggerDelegate.h) |
| - Implement HandleEventTrigger function |
| - Register with TestEventTriggerDelegate::AddHandler |
| |
| Please see |
| [EnergyEvseTestEventTriggerHandler](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/app/clusters/energy-evse-server/EnergyEvseTestEventTriggerHandler.h) |
| for a good example. |
| |
| ## NamedPipes |
| |
| NamedPipes are used to trigger actions on Linux applications. These can be used |
| in the CI, and are normally used to simulate manual actions for CI integration. |
| Any required manual action in a test (ex. push a button) should have a |
| corresponding NamedPipe action to allow the test to run in the CI. |
| |
| In python tests, the app-pid required to access the named pipe can be passed in |
| as a flag (--app-pid). |
| |
| NamedPipes are implemented in |
| [NamedPipeCommands.h](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/platform/linux/NamedPipeCommands.h) |
| |
| To use NamedPipes |
| |
| - Derive from NamedPipeCommandDelegate |
| - Implement the OnEventCommandReceived(const char \* json) function |
| - Instantiate and start a NamedPipeCommands object to receive commands and |
| pass in the NamedPipeCommandDelegate and a file path base name |
| - (while running) Write to the file (baseName_pid) to trigger the actions |
| |
| For a good example, see Air Quality: |
| |
| - [Delegate](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/linux/AirQualitySensorAppAttrUpdateDelegate.cpp) |
| - [main](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/linux/main.cpp) |
| - [README](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/air-quality-sensor-app/linux/README.md) |
| |
| [RVC Clean Mode](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/python_testing/TC_RVCCLEANM_2_1.py) |
| gives an example of how to use named pipes in testing. |
| |
| ## Fault Injection |
| |
| Fault injection is used to inject conditional code paths at runtime, e.g. |
| errors. This is very useful for things like client testing, to check error |
| handling for paths that are difficult to hit under normal operating conditions. |
| |
| The fault injection framework we are currently using is nlFaultInjection.The |
| framework uses a macro for injecting the code paths, and the macro is set to a |
| no-op if the option is turned off at compile time. The build option to turn on |
| fault inject is `chip_with_nlfaultinjection`. |
| |
| Fault injection has been plumbed out through a manufacturer-specific |
| [fault injection cluster](#fault-injection-cluster) that is available in the |
| SDK. This allows fault injection to be turned on and off using standard cluster |
| mechanisms during testing. For certification, operating these using a secondary, |
| non-DUT controller is recommended. For a good example of this, please see |
| [TC-IDM-1.3](https://github.com/CHIP-Specifications/chip-test-plans/blob/master/src/interactiondatamodel.adoc#tc-idm-1-3-batched-commands-invoke-request-action-from-dut-to-th-dut_client). |
| |
| The nlFaultInjection allows the application to define multiple managers. In the |
| SDK, we have managers for System, inet and CHIP. CHIP should be used for |
| anything above the system layer (basically all new cluster development). The |
| CHIP fault manager is available at |
| [lib/support/CHIPFaultInjection.h](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/lib/support/CHIPFaultInjection.h). |
| |
| To add new fault injection code paths: |
| |
| - Add new IDs (aFaultID) to the enum in |
| [CHIPFaultInjection](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/lib/support/CHIPFaultInjection.h) |
| - add CHIP_FAULT_INJECT(aFaultID, aStatements) at the point where the fault |
| injection should occur |
| |
| ### Fault Injection example |
| |
| ``` |
| CHIP_ERROR CASEServer::OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, |
| const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, |
| System::PacketBufferHandle && payload) |
| { |
| MATTER_TRACE_SCOPE("OnMessageReceived", "CASEServer"); |
| |
| bool busy = GetSession().GetState() != CASESession::State::kInitialized; |
| CHIP_FAULT_INJECT(FaultInjection::kFault_CASEServerBusy, busy = true); |
| if (busy) |
| { |
| … |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Fault Injection cluster |
| |
| The Fault injection cluster is a manufacturer-specific cluster, available in the |
| SDK (0xFFF1FC06). |
| |
| - [server](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/app/clusters/fault-injection-server/fault-injection-server.cpp) |
| - [xml](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/fault-injection-cluster.xml) |
| |
| Example apps can be compiled with this cluster for client-side certification and |
| integration tests. |
| |
| To use this cluster to turn on a fault, use the FailAtFault command: |
| |
| - Type: FaultType - use FaultType::kChipFault (0x03) |
| - Id: int32u - match the ID you set up for your fault |
| - NumCallsToSkip: int32u - number of times to run normally |
| - NumCallsToFail: int32u - number of times to hit the fault injection |
| condition after NumCallsToSkip |
| - TakeMutex: bool - controls access to the fault injection manager for |
| multi-threaded systems. False is fine. |