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![Telink B91 EVK](
## Build and flash
1. Pull docker image from repository:
$ docker pull connectedhomeip/chip-build-telink:latest
1. Run docker container:
$ docker run -it --rm -v ${CHIP_BASE}:/root/chip -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --device-cgroup-rule "c 189:* rmw" connectedhomeip/chip-build-telink:latest
here `${CHIP_BASE}` is directory which contains CHIP repo files **!!!Pay
attention that OUTPUT_DIR should contains ABSOLUTE path to output dir**
1. Activate the build environment:
$ source ./scripts/
1. In the example dir run:
$ west build
1. Flash binary:
$ west flash --erase
## Usage
### UART
To get output from device, connect UART to following pins:
| Name | Pin |
| :--: | :---------------------------- |
| RX | PB3 (pin 17 of J34 connector) |
| TX | PB2 (pin 16 of J34 connector) |
| GND | GND |
### Buttons
The following buttons are available on **tlsr9518adk80d** board:
| Name | Function | Description |
| :------- | :--------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Button 1 | Factory reset | Perform factory reset to forget currently commissioned Thread network and back to uncommissioned state |
| Button 2 | Lighting control | Manually triggers the lighting state |
| Button 3 | Thread start | Commission thread with static credentials and enables the Thread on device |
| Button 4 | Open commission window | The button is opening commissioning window to perform commissioning over BLE |
### LEDs
**Red** LED indicates current state of Thread network. It ables to be in
following states:
| State | Description |
| :-------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Blinks with short pulses | Device is not commissioned to Thread, Thread is disabled |
| Blinls with frequent pulses | Device is commissioned, Thread enabled. Device trying to JOIN thread network |
| Blinks with whde pulses | Device commissioned and joined to thread network as CHILD |
**Blue** LED shows current state of lightbulb
### CHIP tool commands
1. Build
[chip-tool cli](
1. Pair with device
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool pairing code ${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN} MT:D8XA0CQM00KA0648G00
- \${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN} is the node id to assign to the lightbulb
1. Switch on the light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff on 1
- **onoff** is name of cluster
- **on** command to the cluster
- **1** ID of endpoint
1. Switch off the light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff off 1
- **onoff** is name of cluster
- **off** command to the cluster
- **1** ID of endpoint
1. Read the light state:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool onoff read on-off 1
- **onoff** is name of cluster
- **read** command to the cluster
- **on-off** attribute to read
- **1** ID of endpoint
1. Change brightness of light:
${CHIP_TOOL_DIR}/chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 32 0 0 0 1
- **levelcontrol** is name of cluster
- **move-to-level** command to the cluster
- **32** brightness value
- **0** transition time
- **0** option mask
- **0** option override
- **1** ID of endpoint
1. Reag brightness level:
./chip-tool levelcontrol read current-level 1
- **levelcontrol** is name of cluster
- **read** command to the cluster
- **current-level** attribute to read
- **1** ID of endpoint