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The purpose of the chef app is to to:
1. Increase the coverage of device types in Matter
2. Provide a sample application that may have its data model easily configured.
Chef uses the shell app a starting point, but processes the data model defined
on ZAP files during build time. This procedure is handled by its unified build
script: ``.
When processing ZAP files as part of the build process, Chef places the
auto-generated zap artifacts under its `out` temporary folder. Chef uses
artifacts from `zzz_generated` for CI/CD.
All device types available (.zap files) are found inside the `devices` folder.
## Building your first sample
1. Make sure you have the toolchain installed for your desired target.
2. Run `` the first time to create a `config.yaml` configuration file. If
you already have SDK environment variables such as IDF_PATH (esp32) and
ZEPHYR_BASE (nrfconnect) it will use those values as default.
3. Update your the SDK paths on `config.yaml`. TTY is the path used by the
platform to enumerate its device as a serial port. Typical values are:
# ESP32 macOS
TTY: /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXXXX
# ESP32 Linux
TTY: /dev/ttyACM0
TTY: /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXX
TTY: /dev/ttyUSB0
4. Run `$ -u` to update zap and the toolchain (on selected platforms).
5. Run `$ -gzbf -t <platform> -d lighting`. This command will run the
ZAP GUI opening the `devices/lighting.zap` file and will allow editing. It
will then generate the zap artifacts, place them on the `zap-generated`
folder, run a build and flash the binary in your target.
6. Run ` -h` to see all available commands.
## Creating a new device type in your device library
1. Run `$ -g -d <device>` to open in the ZAP GUI a device to be used as
a starting point.
2. Edit your cluster configurations
3. Click on `Save As` and save the file with the name of your new device type
into the `devices` folder. This device is now available for the script. See
` -h` for a list of devices available.
## Folder Structure and Guidelines
- `<platform>`: build system and `main.cpp` file for every supported platform.
When porting a new platform, please minimize the source code in this folder,
favoring the `common` folder for code that is not platform related.
- `common`: contains code shared between different platforms. It may contain
source code that enables specific features such as `LightingManager` class
or `LockManager`, as long as the application dynamically identify the
presence of the relevant cluster configurations and it doesn't break the use
cases where chef is built without these clusters.
- `devices`: contains the data models that may be used with chef. As of Matter
1.0 the data models are defined using .zap files.
- `out`: temporary folder used for placing ZAP generated artifacts.
- `sample_app_util`: guidelines and scripts for generating file names for new
device types committed to the `devices` folder.
- `config.yaml`: contains general configuration for the `` script. As
of Matter 1.0 this is used exclusively for toolchain and TTY interface
- ``: main script for generating samples. More info on its help
` -h`.
## CI
All CI jobs for chef can be found in `.github/workflows/chef.yaml`.
These jobs use a platform-specific image with base `chip-build`. Such images
contain the toolchain for the respective platform under `/opt`.
CI jobs call chef with the options `--ci -t $PLATFORM`. The `--ci` option will
execute builds for all devices specified in `ci_allow_list` defined in
`cicd_config.json` (so long as these devices are also in `/devices`) on the
specified platform.
CI jobs also call the function `bundle_$PLATFORM` at the end of each example
build. This function should copy or move build output files from the build
output location into `_CD_STAGING_DIR`. Typically, the set of files touched is
the minimal set of files needed to flash a device. See the function
`bundle_esp32` for reference.
### Adding a platform
First, implement a `bundle_$PLATFORM` function.
Next, ensure that the examples in `ci_allow_list` build in a container using the
relevant platform image. You can simulate the workflow locally by mounting your
CHIP repo into a container and executing the CI command:
docker run -it --mount source=$(pwd),target=/workspace,type=bind connectedhomeip/chip-build-$PLATFORM:$VERSION
In the container:
chown -R $(whoami) /workspace
cd /workspace
source ./scripts/
source ./scripts/
./examples/chef/ --ci -t $PLATFORM
Once you are confident the CI examples build and bundle in a container, add a
new job to the chef workflow.
Replace all instances of `$PLATFORM` with the new platform. Replace `$VERSION`
with the image version used in the rest of the workflows, or update the image
version for all images in the workflow as needed.
name: Chef - $PLATFORM CI Examples
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: != 'restyled-io[bot]'
image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-$PLATFORM:$VERSION
options: --user root
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Checkout submodules & Bootstrap
uses: ./.github/actions/checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap
platform: $PLATFORM
- name: CI Examples $PLATFORM
shell: bash
run: |
./scripts/ "./examples/chef/ --ci -t $PLATFORM"
## CD
Once CI is enabled for a platform, the platform may also be integrated into
`integrations/cloudbuild/`, where chef builds are defined in `chef.yaml`. See
the `README` in this path for more information.
Note that the image used in `chef.yaml` is `chip-build-vscode`. See
`docker/images/chip-build-vscode/Dockerfile` for the source of this image. This
image is a combination of the individual toolchain images. Therefore, before a
platform is integrated into chef CD, the toolchain should be copied into
`chip-build-vscode` and `chef.yaml` should be updated to use the new image
Finally, add the new platform to `cd_platforms` in `cicd_config.json`. The
configuration should follow the following schema:
"output_archive_prefix_1": ["option_1", "option_2"],
"output_archive_prefix_2": [],
Take note of the configuration for `linux`:
"linux": {
"linux_x86": ["--cpu_type", "x64"],
"linux_arm64_ipv6only": ["--cpu_type", "arm64", "--ipv6only"]
This will produce output archives prefixed `linux_x86` and
`linux_arm_64_ipv6only` and will append the respective options to each build
command for these targets.
To test your configuration locally, you may employ a similar strategy as in CI:
docker run -it --mount source=$(pwd),target=/workspace,type=bind connectedhomeip/chip-build-vscode:$VERSION
In the container:
chown -R $(whoami) /workspace
cd /workspace
source ./scripts/
source ./scripts/
./examples/chef/ --build_all --keep_going
You may also use the Google Cloud Build local builder as detailed in the
`README` of `integrations/cloudbuild/`.
## Adding new devices
To add new devices for chef:
- Execute `python zap <zap_file> --rename-file` to rename
the example and place the new file in `examples/chef/devices`.
- See the `README` in `examples/chef/sample_app_util/` for more info.
- Execute `scripts/tools/`, commit `zzz_generated` and
- This is gated by the workflow in `.github/workflows/zap_templates.yaml`.
- All devices added to the repository are built in CD.