blob: cd0ac476013d9f6f542d208c71fd134594f56af7 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
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#### Problem
<<<<<FILL ME IN - the issue this PR is intended to address>>>>>
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In the Problem section please describe what motivates the proposed changes.
Please do your best to couch the motivation as a problem you're
trying to address. This makes reviewers' jobs easier: they
can verify that the code actually targets the problem and
pick out code that maybe should be in another PR because it
targets another problem.
"Do" examples:
"CHIP does not support IP-rendezvous"
"SystemTimer::Cancel() causes a crash when the aContext is null"
"OpCert generation can overflow the output buffer"
"Don't" examples:
"updating codeowners"
"add BLE support"
#### Summary of Changes
<<<<<FILL ME IN - what's in this PR>>>>>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
In the Summary of Changes section please describe, as completely as possible,
what changes you've made. A bulleted list of items is great here, and if
your PR is a draft, you can use checkboxes as you make progress through your
planned steps. The goal of this section is again to aid reviewer's work. A
reviewer can tick down the list looking at how your changes affect the code,
that your list covers what's changed, and that your changes address the
problem (and not another problem).
Fixes #<<<<<FILL ME IN - issue number(s). If no issue, please create one>>>>>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
In the Fixes section, replace the text between and including the <>
with an issue number.
"Do" examples:
"fixes #2927"
"fixes #2927, fixes #2928" (for multiple issues)
"fixes #2927, fixes other_user/other_repo#2928"
"Don't" examples:
"fixes #<2927>"
"fixes <#2927>