| # Matter nRF Connect Pump Example Application |
| |
| The nRF Connect Pump Controller Example demonstrates how to implement a pump |
| controller client device with basic start/stop functionality. It uses buttons to |
| test changing the pump state and device states and LEDs to show the state of |
| these changes. This example is inherited from the "lock-app" example but |
| modified to simulate a pump device and can be used as a reference for creating |
| your own pump application. |
| |
| <img src="../../platform/nrfconnect/doc/images/Logo_RGB_H-small.png" alt="Nordic Semiconductor logo"/> |
| <img src="../../platform/nrfconnect/doc/images/nRF52840-DK-small.png" alt="nRF52840 DK"> |
| |
| The example is based on |
| [Matter](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip) and Nordic |
| Semiconductor's nRF Connect SDK, and supports remote access and control of a |
| simulated pump over a low-power, 802.15.4 Thread network. |
| |
| The example behaves as a Matter accessory, that is a device that can be paired |
| into an existing Matter network and can be controlled by this network. The |
| device works as a Thread Minimal End Device. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Overview |
| |
| This example is running on the nRF Connect platform, which is based on Nordic |
| Semiconductor's |
| [nRF Connect SDK](https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/index.html) |
| and [Zephyr RTOS](https://zephyrproject.org/). Visit CHIP's |
| [nRF Connect platform overview](../../../docs/guides/nrfconnect_platform_overview.md) |
| to read more about the platform structure and dependencies. |
| |
| The Matter device that runs the pump application is controlled by the Matter |
| controller device over the Thread protocol. By default, the Matter accessory |
| device has IPv6 networking disabled. You must pair it with the Matter controller |
| over Bluetooth® LE to get the configuration from the controller to use the |
| device within a Thread or Wi-Fi network. You have to make the device |
| discoverable manually (for security reasons). See |
| [Bluetooth LE advertising](#bluetooth-le-advertising) to learn how to do this. |
| The controller must get the commissioning information from the Matter accessory |
| device and provision the device into the network. |
| |
| You can test this application remotely over the Thread or the Wi-Fi protocol, |
| which in either case requires more devices, including a Matter controller that |
| you can configure either on a PC or a mobile device. |
| |
| ### Bluetooth LE advertising |
| |
| In this example, to commission the device onto a Matter network, it must be |
| discoverable over Bluetooth LE. For security reasons, you must start Bluetooth |
| LE advertising manually after powering up the device by pressing **Button 4**. |
| |
| ### Bluetooth LE rendezvous |
| |
| In this example, the commissioning procedure (called rendezvous) is done over |
| Bluetooth LE between a Matter device and the Matter controller, where the |
| controller has the commissioner role. |
| |
| To start the rendezvous, the controller must get the commissioning information |
| from the Matter device. The data payload is encoded within a QR code, printed to |
| the UART console, and shared using an NFC tag. For security reasons, you must |
| start NFC tag emulation manually after powering up the device by pressing |
| **Button 4**. |
| |
| #### Thread provisioning |
| |
| Last part of the rendezvous procedure, the provisioning operation involves |
| sending the Thread network credentials from the Matter controller to the Matter |
| device. As a result, device is able to join the Thread network and communicate |
| with other Thread devices in the network. |
| |
| ### Device Firmware Upgrade |
| |
| The example supports over-the-air (OTA) device firmware upgrade (DFU) using one |
| of the two available methods: |
| |
| - Matter OTA update that is mandatory for Matter-compliant devices and enabled |
| by default |
| - [Simple Management Protocol](https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/guides/device_mgmt/index.html#device-mgmt) |
| over Bluetooth LE, an optional proprietary method that can be enabled to |
| work alongside the default Matter OTA update. Note that this protocol is not |
| a part of the Matter specification. |
| |
| For both methods, the |
| [MCUboot](https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/mcuboot/index.html) |
| bootloader solution is used to replace the old firmware image with the new one. |
| |
| #### Matter Over-the-Air Update |
| |
| The Matter over-the-air update distinguishes two types of nodes: OTA Provider |
| and OTA Requestor. |
| |
| An OTA Provider is a node that hosts a new firmware image and is able to respond |
| on an OTA Requestor's queries regarding availability of new firmware images or |
| requests to start sending the update packages. |
| |
| An OTA Requestor is a node that wants to download a new firmware image and sends |
| requests to an OTA Provider to start the update process. |
| |
| #### Simple Management Protocol |
| |
| Simple Management Protocol (SMP) is a basic transfer encoding that is used for |
| device management purposes, including application image management. SMP supports |
| using different transports, such as Bluetooth LE, UDP, or serial USB/UART. |
| |
| In this example, the Matter device runs the SMP Server to download the |
| application update image using the Bluetooth LE transport. |
| |
| See the |
| [Building with Device Firmware Upgrade support](#building-with-device-firmware-upgrade-support) |
| section to learn how to enable SMP and use it for the DFU purpose in this |
| example. |
| |
| #### Bootloader |
| |
| MCUboot is a secure bootloader used for swapping firmware images of different |
| versions and generating proper build output files that can be used in the device |
| firmware upgrade process. |
| |
| The bootloader solution requires an area of flash memory to swap application |
| images during the firmware upgrade. Nordic Semiconductor devices use an external |
| memory chip for this purpose. The memory chip communicates with the |
| microcontroller through the QSPI bus. |
| |
| See the |
| [Building with Device Firmware Upgrade support](#building-with-device-firmware-upgrade-support) |
| section to learn how to change MCUboot and flash configuration in this example. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Requirements |
| |
| The application requires a specific revision of the nRF Connect SDK to work |
| correctly. See [Setting up the environment](#setting-up-the-environment) for |
| more information. |
| |
| ### Supported devices |
| |
| The example supports building and running on the following devices: |
| |
| | Hardware platform | Build target | Platform image | |
| | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
| | [nRF52840 DK](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-Tools/Development-Kits/nRF52840-DK) | `nrf52840dk_nrf52840` | <details><summary>nRF52840 DK</summary><img src="../../platform/nrfconnect/doc/images/nRF52840_DK_info-medium.jpg" alt="nRF52840 DK"/></details> | |
| | [nRF5340 DK](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-Tools/Development-Kits/nRF5340-DK) | `nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp` | <details><summary>nRF5340 DK</summary><img src="../../platform/nrfconnect/doc/images/nRF5340_DK_info-medium.jpg" alt="nRF5340 DK"/></details> | |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Device UI |
| |
| This section lists the User Interface elements that you can use to control and |
| monitor the state of the device. These correspond to PCB components on the |
| platform image. |
| |
| **LED 1** shows the overall state of the device and its connectivity. The |
| following states are possible: |
| |
| - _Short Flash On (50 ms on/950 ms off)_ — The device is in the |
| unprovisioned (unpaired) state and is waiting for a commissioning |
| application to connect. |
| |
| - _Rapid Even Flashing (100 ms on/100 ms off)_ — The device is in the |
| unprovisioned state and a commissioning application is connected through |
| Bluetooth LE. |
| |
| - _Short Flash Off (950ms on/50ms off)_ — The device is fully |
| provisioned, but does not yet have full connectivity for Thread or Wi-Fi |
| network. |
| |
| - _Solid On_ — The device is fully provisioned and has full Thread |
| network and service connectivity. |
| |
| **LED 2** simulates the pump motor and shows the state of the pump. The |
| following states are possible: |
| |
| - _Solid On_ — The pump is running. |
| |
| - _Off_ — The pump is stopped. |
| |
| - _Rapid Even Flashing (100 ms on/100 ms off during 2 s)_ — The |
| simulated pump motor is starting. |
| |
| **Button 1** can be used for the following purposes: |
| |
| - _Pressed for 6 s_ — Initiates the factory reset of the device. |
| Releasing the button within the 6-second window cancels the factory reset |
| procedure. **LEDs 1-4** blink in unison when the factory reset procedure is |
| initiated. |
| |
| - _Pressed for less than 3 s_ — Initiates the OTA software update |
| process. This feature is not currently supported. |
| |
| **Button 2** — Pressing the button once changes the pump state to the |
| opposite one. |
| |
| **Button 4** — Pressing the button once starts the NFC tag emulation and |
| enables Bluetooth LE advertising for the predefined period of time (15 minutes |
| by default). |
| |
| **SEGGER J-Link USB port** can be used to get logs from the device or |
| communicate with it using the |
| [command line interface](../../../docs/guides/nrfconnect_examples_cli.md). |
| |
| **NFC port with antenna attached** can be used to start the |
| [rendezvous](#bluetooth-le-rendezvous) by providing the commissioning |
| information from the CHIP device in a data payload that can be shared using NFC. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Setting up the environment |
| |
| Before building the example, check out the Matter repository and sync submodules |
| using the following command: |
| |
| $ python3 scripts/checkout_submodules.py --shallow --platform nrfconnect |
| |
| > **Note**: |
| > |
| > For Linux operating system install |
| > [SEGGER J-Link Software](https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/#J-LinkSoftwareAndDocumentationPack). |
| |
| ### Install Command Line Tools |
| |
| With admin permissions enabled, download and install the |
| [nRF Command Line Tools](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nrf-command-line-tools). |
| |
| ### Install Toolchain Manager |
| |
| Toolchain Manager is available from |
| [nRF Connect for Desktop](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nrf-connect-for-desktop), |
| a cross-platform tool that provides different applications that simplify |
| installing the nRF Connect SDK. Both the tool and the application are available |
| for Windows, Linux, and macOS. |
| |
| To install the Toolchain Manager app, complete the following steps: |
| |
| 1. [Download nRF Connect for Desktop](https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nrf-connect-for-desktop/download#infotabs) |
| for your operating system. |
| |
| 2. Install and run the tool on your machine. |
| |
| 3. In the **APPS** section, click **Install** button on the Toolchain Manager |
| tab. |
| |
| ### Install nRF Connect SDK |
| |
| Complete the following steps to install the nRF Connect SDK: |
| |
| 1. Open Toolchain Manager in nRF Connect for Desktop. |
| |
| 2. Click the **Install** button next to the |
| [recommended](../../../config/nrfconnect/.nrfconnect-recommended-revision) |
| version of the nRF Connect SDK. |
| |
| 3. A pop-up window will inform you about the current installation directory. If |
| you want to change the directory, click the **Change directory** button. |
| Otherwise, click the **Continue installation** button. |
| |
| 4. When the nRF Connect SDK is installed on your machine, the **Install** |
| button changes to the **Open VS Code** button. |
| |
| 5. Click the dropdown menu next to the **Open VS Code** button for the |
| installed nRF Connect SDK version, and select **Open terminal**. |
| |
| 6. Make sure that the nRF Connect SDK version is compatible with the Matter SDK |
| version: |
| |
| ``` |
| $ cd {connectedhomeip directory} |
| $ python3 scripts/setup/nrfconnect/update_ncs.py --update |
| ``` |
| |
| Now you can proceed with the [Building](#building) instruction. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Building |
| |
| Complete the following steps to build the sample: |
| |
| 1. Navigate to the example's directory: |
| |
| $ cd examples/pump-app/nrfconnect |
| |
| 2. Run the following command to build the example, with _build-target_ replaced |
| with the build target name of the Nordic Semiconductor's kit you own, for |
| example `nrf52840dk_nrf52840`: |
| |
| $ west build -b build-target |
| |
| You only need to specify the build target on the first build. See |
| [Requirements](#requirements) for the build target names of compatible kits. |
| |
| The output `zephyr.hex` file will be available in the `build/zephyr/` directory. |
| |
| ### Removing build artifacts |
| |
| If you're planning to build the example for a different kit or make changes to |
| the configuration, remove all build artifacts before building. To do so, use the |
| following command: |
| |
| $ rm -r build |
| |
| ### Building with release configuration |
| |
| To build the example with release configuration that disables the diagnostic |
| features like logs and command-line interface, run the following command: |
| |
| $ west build -b build-target -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_release.conf |
| |
| Remember to replace _build-target_ with the build target name of the Nordic |
| Semiconductor's kit you own. |
| |
| ### Building with Device Firmware Upgrade support |
| |
| Support for DFU using Matter OTA is enabled by default. |
| |
| To enable DFU over Bluetooth LE, run the following command with _build-target_ |
| replaced with the build target name of the Nordic Semiconductor kit you are |
| using (for example `nrf52840dk_nrf52840`): |
| |
| $ west build -b build-target -- -DCONFIG_CHIP_DFU_OVER_BT_SMP=y |
| |
| To completely disable support for both DFU methods, run the following command |
| with _build-target_ replaced with the build target name of the Nordic |
| Semiconductor kit you are using (for example `nrf52840dk_nrf52840`): |
| |
| $ west build -b build-target -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_no_dfu.conf |
| |
| > **Note**: |
| > |
| > There are two types of Device Firmware Upgrade modes: single-image DFU and |
| > multi-image DFU. Single-image mode supports upgrading only one firmware image, |
| > the application image, and should be used for single-core nRF52840 DK devices. |
| > Multi-image mode allows to upgrade more firmware images and is suitable for |
| > upgrading the application core and network core firmware in two-core nRF5340 |
| > DK devices. |
| > |
| > Currently the multi-image mode is only available for the DFU over Bluetooth LE |
| > method. |
| |
| #### Changing bootloader configuration |
| |
| To change the default MCUboot configuration, edit the `prj.conf` file located in |
| the `child_image/mcuboot` directory. |
| |
| Make sure to keep the configuration consistent with changes made to the |
| application configuration. This is necessary for the configuration to work, as |
| the bootloader image is a separate application from the user application and it |
| has its own configuration file. |
| |
| #### Changing flash memory settings |
| |
| In the default configuration, the MCUboot uses the |
| [Partition Manager](https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/scripts/partition_manager/partition_manager.html#partition-manager) |
| to configure flash partitions used for the bootloader application image slot |
| purposes. You can change these settings by defining |
| [static partitions](https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/nrf/scripts/partition_manager/partition_manager.html#ug-pm-static). |
| This example uses this option to define using an external flash. |
| |
| To modify the flash settings of your board (that is, your _build-target_, for |
| example `nrf52840dk_nrf52840`), edit the `pm_static_dfu.yml` file located in the |
| `configuration/build-target/` directory. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Configuring the example |
| |
| The Zephyr ecosystem is based on Kconfig files and the settings can be modified |
| using the menuconfig utility. |
| |
| To open the menuconfig utility, run the following command from the example |
| directory: |
| |
| $ west build -b build-target -t menuconfig |
| |
| Remember to replace _build-target_ with the build target name of the Nordic |
| Semiconductor's kit you own. |
| |
| Changes done with menuconfig will be lost if the `build` directory is deleted. |
| To make them persistent, save the configuration options in the `prj.conf` file. |
| |
| ### Example build types |
| |
| The example uses different configuration files depending on the supported |
| features. Configuration files are provided for different build types and they |
| are located in the application root directory. |
| |
| The `prj.conf` file represents a debug build type. Other build types are covered |
| by dedicated files with the build type added as a suffix to the prj part, as per |
| the following list. For example, the release build type file name is |
| `prj_release.conf`. If a board has other configuration files, for example |
| associated with partition layout or child image configuration, these follow the |
| same pattern. |
| |
| Before you start testing the application, you can select one of the build types |
| supported by the sample. This sample supports the following build types, |
| depending on the selected board: |
| |
| - debug -- Debug version of the application - can be used to enable additional |
| features for verifying the application behavior, such as logs or |
| command-line shell. |
| - release -- Release version of the application - can be used to enable only |
| the necessary application functionalities to optimize its performance. |
| - no_dfu -- Debug version of the application without Device Firmware Upgrade |
| feature support - can be used only for the nRF52840 DK and nRF5340 DK, as |
| those platforms have DFU enabled by default. |
| |
| For more information, see the |
| [Configuring nRF Connect SDK examples](../../../docs/guides/nrfconnect_examples_configuration.md) |
| page. |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Flashing and debugging |
| |
| To flash the application to the device, use the west tool and run the following |
| command from the example directory: |
| |
| $ west flash |
| |
| If you have multiple development kits connected, west will prompt you to pick |
| the correct one. |
| |
| To debug the application on target, run the following command from the example |
| directory: |
| |
| $ west debug |
| |
| <hr> |
| |
| ## Testing the example |
| |
| Check the [CLI tutorial](../../../docs/guides/nrfconnect_examples_cli.md) to |
| learn how to use command-line interface of the application. |
| |
| ### Testing using Linux CHIPTool |
| |
| Read the [CHIP Tool user guide](../../../docs/guides/chip_tool_guide.md) to see |
| how to use [CHIP Tool for Linux or mac OS](../../chip-tool/README.md) to |
| commission and control the application within a Matter-enabled Thread network. |
| |
| ### Testing using Android CHIPTool |
| |
| Read the |
| [Android commissioning guide](../../../docs/guides/nrfconnect_android_commissioning.md) |
| to see how to use [CHIPTool](../../../examples/android/CHIPTool/README.md) for |
| Android smartphones to commission and control the application within a |
| CHIP-enabled Thread network. |