blob: 760d91776f55718098eb66f4bded3d6030778f36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
namespace Google\Protobuf;
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GetPublicDescriptorTrait;
class Descriptor
use GetPublicDescriptorTrait;
private $internal_desc;
* @internal
public function __construct($internal_desc)
$this->internal_desc = $internal_desc;
* @return string Full protobuf message name
public function getFullName()
return trim($this->internal_desc->getFullName(), ".");
* @return string PHP class name
public function getClass()
return $this->internal_desc->getClass();
* @param int $index Must be >= 0 and < getFieldCount()
* @return FieldDescriptor
public function getField($index)
return $this->getPublicDescriptor($this->internal_desc->getFieldByIndex($index));
* @return int Number of fields in message
public function getFieldCount()
return count($this->internal_desc->getField());
* @param int $index Must be >= 0 and < getOneofDeclCount()
* @return OneofDescriptor
public function getOneofDecl($index)
return $this->getPublicDescriptor($this->internal_desc->getOneofDecl()[$index]);
* @return int Number of oneofs in message
public function getOneofDeclCount()
return count($this->internal_desc->getOneofDecl());
* @return int Number of real oneofs in message
public function getRealOneofDeclCount()
return $this->internal_desc->getRealOneofDeclCount();