| # Third-Party Add-ons for Protocol Buffers |
| |
| This page lists code related to Protocol Buffers which is developed and maintained by third parties. You may find this code useful, but note that **these projects are not affiliated with or endorsed by Google (unless explicitly marked)**; try them at your own risk. Also note that many projects here are in the early stages of development and not production-ready. |
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| If you have a project that should be listed here, please [send us a pull request](https://github.com/google/protobuf/pulls) to update this page. |
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| ## Programming Languages |
| |
| These are projects we know about implementing Protocol Buffers for other programming languages: |
| * Action Script: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-actionscript3/ |
| * Action Script: https://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-as3/ |
| * Action Script: https://github.com/matrix3d/JProtoc |
| * Action Script: https://github.com/zhongfq/protobuf-as3/ |
| * Ada: https://github.com/reznikmm/protobuf |
| * C: https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c |
| * C: http://koti.kapsi.fi/jpa/nanopb/ |
| * C: https://github.com/cloudwu/pbc/ |
| * C: https://github.com/haberman/upb/wiki |
| * C: https://github.com/squidfunk/protobluff |
| * C: https://github.com/eerimoq/pbtools |
| * C++: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation) |
| * C++: https://EmbeddedProto.com |
| * C/C++: http://spbc.sf.net/ |
| * C#: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-port |
| * C#: https://silentorbit.com/protobuf/ |
| * C#/.NET/WCF/VB: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/ |
| * Clojure: http://github.com/ninjudd/clojure-protobuf |
| * Clojure: https://github.com/clojusc/protobuf |
| * Clojure: https://protojure.github.io |
| * Common Lisp: http://github.com/brown/protobuf |
| * Common Lisp: http://github.com/qitab/cl-protobuf |
| * D: https://github.com/dcarp/protobuf-d |
| * D: https://github.com/msoucy/dproto |
| * D: https://github.com/opticron/ProtocolBuffer |
| * Dart: https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-protobuf (runtime) https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-protoc-plugin (code generator) |
| * Delphi: http://sourceforge.net/projects/protobuf-delphi/ |
| * Delphi: http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/dl.html |
| * Elixir: https://github.com/jeremyong/exprotoc |
| * Elixir: https://github.com/tony612/protobuf-elixir |
| * Elixir: https://github.com/ahamez/protox |
| * Elm: https://github.com/tiziano88/elm-protobuf |
| * Erlang: https://github.com/tomas-abrahamsson/gpb |
| * Erlang: http://piqi.org/ |
| * Erlang: https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs (no longer maintained, use gpb instead) |
| * Hacklang/HHVM: https://github.com/y3llowcake/proto-hack |
| * GDScript: https://github.com/oniksan/godobuf (Godot v3 engine plugin) |
| * Go: https://github.com/golang/protobuf (Google-official implementation) |
| * Go: https://github.com/akunspy/gopbuf |
| * Go: https://github.com/gogo/protobuf |
| * GopherJS: https://github.com/johanbrandhorst/protobuf |
| * Haskell: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hprotoc |
| * Haskell: https://github.com/google/proto-lens (Google-unofficial implementation) |
| * Haskell: https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite (code generator) https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-wire (binary serializer/deserializer) |
| * Haxe: https://github.com/Atry/protoc-gen-haxe |
| * Java: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation) |
| * Java/Android: https://github.com/square/wire |
| * Java: https://github.com/HebiRobotics/QuickBuffers/ |
| * Java ME: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-javame/ |
| * Java ME: http://swingme.sourceforge.net/encode.shtml |
| * Java ME: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-j2me/ |
| * Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-js/ |
| * Javascript: http://github.com/sirikata/protojs |
| * Javascript: https://github.com/dcodeIO/ProtoBuf.js |
| * Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-for-node/ |
| * Javascript: http://code.google.com/p/protostuff/ |
| * Javascript: https://github.com/seishun/node-protoc-plugin (Node.js port of plugin.h) |
| * Javascript: https://github.com/seishun/node-protoc-gen-javascript (Node.js port of the Google-official implementation) |
| * Javascript: https://github.com/ButterCam/sisyphus-js |
| * Julia: https://github.com/tanmaykm/ProtoBuf.jl |
| * Kotlin: https://github.com/marcoferrer/kroto-plus |
| * Kotlin: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization |
| * Kotlin: https://github.com/ButterCam/sisyphus |
| * Lua: http://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-lua/ |
| * Lua: http://github.com/indygreg/lua-protobuf |
| * Lua: https://github.com/Neopallium/lua-pb |
| * Matlab: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-matlab/ |
| * Mercury: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-mercury/ |
| * Objective C: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-objc/ |
| * Objective C: https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-objc |
| * OCaml: http://piqi.org/ |
| * Perl: http://groups.google.com/group/protobuf-perl |
| * Perl: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Google::ProtocolBuffers |
| * Perl: https://metacpan.org/pod/Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic |
| * Perl/XS: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-perlxs/ |
| * PHP: http://code.google.com/p/pb4php/ |
| * PHP: https://github.com/allegro/php-protobuf/ |
| * PHP: https://github.com/chobie/php-protocolbuffers |
| * PHP: http://drslump.github.com/Protobuf-PHP |
| * Prolog: http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/protobufs.html |
| * Purescript: https://github.com/xc-jp/purescript-protobuf |
| * Python: https://github.com/google/protobuf (Google-official implementation) |
| * Python: https://github.com/eigenein/protobuf |
| * Python: https://github.com/danielgtaylor/python-betterproto |
| * R: http://cran.r-project.org/package=RProtoBuf |
| * Ruby: http://code.google.com/p/ruby-protobuf/ |
| * Ruby: http://github.com/mozy/ruby-protocol-buffers |
| * Ruby: https://github.com/bmizerany/beefcake/tree/master/lib/beefcake |
| * Ruby: https://github.com/localshred/protobuf |
| * Rust: https://github.com/stepancheg/rust-protobuf/ |
| * Scala: http://github.com/jeffplaisance/scala-protobuf |
| * Scala: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-scala |
| * Scala: https://github.com/SandroGrzicic/ScalaBuff |
| * Scala: https://scalapb.github.io |
| * Solidity: https://github.com/celer-network/pb3-gen-sol |
| * Swift: https://github.com/alexeyxo/protobuf-swift |
| * Swift: https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/ |
| * Typescript: https://github.com/thesayyn/protoc-gen-ts |
| * Vala: https://launchpad.net/protobuf-vala |
| * Visual Basic: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/ |
| |
| ## RPC Implementations |
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| GRPC (http://www.grpc.io/) is Google's RPC implementation for Protocol Buffers. There are other third-party RPC implementations as well. Some of these actually work with Protocol Buffers service definitions (defined using the `service` keyword in `.proto` files) while others just use Protocol Buffers message objects. |
| |
| * https://github.com/grpc/grpc (C++, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#, Google-official implementation) |
| * https://zeroc.com/products/ice (Multiple languages) |
| * https://github.com/protobuf-net/protobuf-net (C#/.NET/WCF/VB) |
| * http://www.deltavsoft.com/doc/_external_serialization.html#Protobufs (C++) |
| * https://protojure.github.io (Clojure) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-rpc-pro/ (Java) |
| * https://github.com/baidu/sofa-pbrpc (C++) |
| * https://github.com/madhon/protobuf-csharp-rpc (C#) |
| * https://github.com/madwyn/libpbrpc (C++) |
| * https://github.com/SeriousMa/grpc-protobuf-validation (Java) |
| * https://github.com/elixir-grpc/grpc (Elixir) |
| * https://github.com/johanbrandhorst/protobuf (GopherJS) |
| * https://github.com/awakesecurity/gRPC-haskell (Haskell) |
| * https://github.com/Yeolar/raster (C++) |
| * https://github.com/jnordberg/wsrpc (JavaScript Node.js/Browser) |
| * https://github.com/ppissias/xsrpcj (Java) |
| |
| Inactive: |
| |
| * https://launchpad.net/txprotobuf/ (Python) |
| * https://github.com/modeswitch/protobuf-rpc (Python) |
| * https://github.com/sdeo/protobuf-socket-rpc (Java, Python) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/proto-streamer/ (Java) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/server1/ (C++) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-mina-rpc/ (Python client, Java server) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/casocklib/ (C++) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/cxf-protobuf/ (Java) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-remote/ (C++/C#) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/eneter-protobuf-serializer/ (Java/.NET) |
| * https://github.com/robbinfan/claire/tree/master/protorpc (C++) |
| * https://github.com/ebencheung/arab (C++) |
| * https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-csharp-rpc/ (C#) |
| * https://github.com/thesamet/rpcz (C++/Python, based on ZeroMQ) |
| * https://github.com/w359405949/libmaid (C++, Python) |
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| ## Other Utilities |
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| There are miscellaneous other things you may find useful as a Protocol Buffers developer. |
| |
| * [Bazel Build](https://bazel.build) |
| * [rules_closure](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_closure) `js-closure` |
| * [rules_go](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go) `go` |
| * [rules_protobuf](https://github.com/pubref/rules_protobuf) `java` `c++` `c#` `go` `js-closure` `js-node` `python` `ruby` |
| * [NetBeans IDE plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-netbeans-plugin/) |
| * [Wireshark/Ethereal packet sniffer plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-wireshark/) |
| * [Alternate encodings (JSON, XML, HTML) for Java protobufs](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-java-format/) |
| * [Another JSON encoder/decoder for Java](https://github.com/sijuv/protobuf-codec) |
| * [Editor for serialized protobufs](http://code.google.com/p/protobufeditor/) |
| * [IntelliJ IDEA plugin](http://github.com/jvolkman/intellij-protobuf-editor) |
| * [IntelliJ Protobuf Plugin](https://github.com/devkanro/intellij-protobuf-plugin) |
| * [TextMate syntax highlighting](http://github.com/michaeledgar/protobuf-tmbundle) |
| * [Oracle PL SQL plugin](http://code.google.com/p/protocol-buffer-plsql/) |
| * [Eclipse editor for protobuf (from Google)](http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-dt/) |
| * [C++ Builder compatible protobuf](https://github.com/saadware/protobuf-cppbuilder) |
| * Maven Protobuf Compiler Plugin |
| * By xolstice.org ([Documentation](https://www.xolstice.org/protobuf-maven-plugin/)) ([Source](https://github.com/xolstice/protobuf-maven-plugin/)) [](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/xolstice/maven/plugins/protobuf-maven-plugin/) |
| * http://igor-petruk.github.com/protobuf-maven-plugin/ |
| * http://code.google.com/p/maven-protoc-plugin/ |
| * https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar-maven-plugin |
| * [Documentation generator plugin (Markdown/HTML/DocBook/...)](https://github.com/pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc) |
| * [DocBook generator for .proto files](http://code.google.com/p/protoc-gen-docbook/) |
| * [Protobuf for nginx module](https://github.com/dbcode/protobuf-nginx/) |
| * [RSpec matchers and Cucumber step defs for testing Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/connamara/protobuf_spec) |
| * [Sbt plugin for Protocol Buffers](https://github.com/Atry/sbt-cppp) |
| * [Gradle Protobuf Plugin](https://github.com/aantono/gradle-plugin-protobuf) |
| * [Multi-platform executable JAR and Java API for protoc](https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar) |
| * [Python scripts to convert between Protocol Buffers and JSON](https://github.com/NextTuesday/py-pb-converters) |
| * [Visual Studio Language Service support for Protocol Buffers](http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/4bc0f38c-b058-4e05-ae38-155e053c19c5) |
| * [Visual Studio Code Support for Protocol Buffers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=zxh404.vscode-proto3) |
| * [C++ library for serialization/de-serialization between Protocol Buffers and JSON.](https://github.com/yinqiwen/pbjson) |
| * [ProtoBuf with Java EE7 Expression Language 3.0; pure Java ProtoBuf Parser and Builder.](https://github.com/protobufel/protobuf-el) |
| * [Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting for .proto files](https://github.com/chai2010/notepadplus-protobuf) |
| * [Linter for .proto files](https://github.com/ckaznocha/protoc-gen-lint) |
| * [Protocol Buffers Dynamic Schema - create protobuf schemas programmatically (Java)](https://github.com/os72/protobuf-dynamic) |
| * [Make protoc plugins in NodeJS](https://github.com/konsumer/node-protoc-plugin) |
| * [ProfaneDB - A Protocol Buffers database](https://profanedb.gitlab.io) |
| * [Protocol Buffer property-based testing utility and example message generator (Python / Hypothesis)](https://github.com/CurataEng/hypothesis-protobuf) |
| * [Protolock - CLI utility to prevent backward-incompatible changes to .proto files](https://github.com/nilslice/protolock) |
| * [Optional GRPC - GRPC for testable microservices (Python)](https://github.com/mattpaletta/optional-grpc.git) |
| * [Protobuf Parser - Yet another Go package which parses a Protocol Buffer file (proto2+proto3)](https://github.com/yoheimuta/go-protoparser) |
| * [Protolint - A tool to enforce Protocol Buffer style and conventions.](https://github.com/yoheimuta/protolint) |
| * [vscode-protolint: A protobuf linter for visual studio code](https://github.com/plexsystems/vscode-protolint) |
| * [intellij-protolint: A protobuf linter for JetBrains IDEs](https://github.com/yoheimuta/intellij-protolint) |
| * [vim-protolint: A protobuf linter for Vim](https://github.com/yoheimuta/vim-protolint) |
| * [super-linter: Protocol Buffer lint as GitHub Action](https://github.com/github/super-linter) |