blob: 18e90df9b70d2c68c951c99926fa6c282c4c0835 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico/stdio/driver.h"
#include "pico/stdio_semihosting.h"
#include "pico/binary_info.h"
static void stdio_semihosting_out_chars(const char *buf, int length) {
// must be volatile or the buffer gets put in registers & optimized away
volatile struct {
// arguments, in order:
// word 0 = file handle (1 = stdout)
// word 1 = pointer to buffer
// word 2 = length of buffer
size_t fd;
const char *buf;
size_t len;
} args;
args.fd = 1; // 1 = stdout
args.buf = buf;
args.len = length;
__asm (
// r1 must contain a pointer to the arguments
"mov r1, %[args]\n"
// semihosting call number 0x05 = SYS_WRITE
"mov r0, #5\n"
// make the semihosting call:
"bkpt 0xab\n"
: [args] "r" (&args)
: "r0", "r1");
stdio_driver_t stdio_semihosting = {
.out_chars = stdio_semihosting_out_chars,
void stdio_semihosting_init() {
bi_decl_if_func_used(bi_program_feature("semihosting stdout"));
stdio_set_driver_enabled(&stdio_semihosting, true);