blob: a07a2c6fe63b10c000cc68ffcf7ee80a4a32b6c5 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library")
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_PROGRAM_NAME, Provided by PICO_DEFAULT_BINARY_INFO or a manually linked custom_pico_binary_info target, type=string, group=pico_binary_info
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION, Provided by PICO_DEFAULT_BINARY_INFO or a manually linked custom_pico_binary_info target, type=string, group=pico_binary_info
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_PROGRAM_URL, Provided by PICO_DEFAULT_BINARY_INFO or a manually linked custom_pico_binary_info target, type=string, group=pico_binary_info
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING, Provided by PICO_DEFAULT_BINARY_INFO or a manually linked custom_pico_binary_info target, type=string, group=pico_binary_info
# PICO_BUILD_DEFINE: PICO_TARGET_NAME, The name of the build target being compiled, type=string, default=target name, group=build
def custom_pico_binary_info(name = None, program_name = None, program_description = None, program_url = None, program_version_string = None, build_target_name = None):
_all_defines = []
if program_name != None:
if program_description != None:
if program_url != None:
if program_version_string != None:
# TODO: There's no practical way to support this correctly without a
# `pico_cc_binary` wrapper. Either way, this would be the right place to put
# it.
_build_target_name_defines = []
if build_target_name != None:
name = name,
defines = _all_defines + select({
"@pico-sdk//bazel/constraint:pico_no_target_name_enabled": [],
"//conditions:default": _build_target_name_defines,
srcs = ["@pico-sdk//src/rp2_common/pico_standard_link:binary_info_srcs"],
deps = [
alwayslink = True,