| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2021 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd. |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause |
| # |
| # |
| # Script to scan the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK tree searching for CMake configuration items |
| # Outputs a tab separated file of the configuration item: |
| # name location platform chip description type advanced default docref group |
| # |
| # Usage: |
| # |
| # tools/extract_cmake_configs.py <root of repo> [output file] |
| # |
| # If not specified, output file will be `pico_cmake_configs.tsv` |
| |
| |
| import os |
| import sys |
| import re |
| import csv |
| import logging |
| |
| from collections import defaultdict |
| |
| logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
| logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
| |
| scandir = sys.argv[1] |
| outfile = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'pico_cmake_configs.tsv' |
| |
| BASE_CONFIG_RE = re.compile(r'\b{}\b'.format(BASE_CONFIG_NAME)) |
| BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_RE = re.compile(r'\b{}\b'.format(BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_NAME)) |
| BASE_BUILD_DEFINE_RE = re.compile(r'\b{}\b'.format(BASE_BUILD_DEFINE_NAME)) |
| |
| CMAKE_CONFIG_RE = re.compile(r'#\s+{}:\s+(\w+),\s+([^,]+)(?:,\s+(.*))?$'.format(BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_NAME)) |
| |
| ALLOWED_CONFIG_PROPERTIES = set(['type', 'default', 'min', 'max', 'group', 'advanced', 'docref']) |
| |
| CHIP_NAMES = ["rp2040", "rp2350"] |
| |
| chips_all_configs = defaultdict(dict) |
| all_attrs = set() |
| chips_all_descriptions = defaultdict(dict) |
| |
| |
| |
| def ValidateAttrs(config_name, config_attrs, file_path, linenum): |
| _type = config_attrs.get('type') |
| |
| # Validate attrs |
| for key in config_attrs.keys(): |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has unexpected property "{}"'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, key)) |
| |
| if _type == 'int': |
| _min = _max = _default = None |
| if config_attrs.get('min', None) is not None: |
| value = config_attrs['min'] |
| m = re.match(r'^(\d+)e(\d+)$', value.lower()) |
| if m: |
| _min = int(m.group(1)) * 10**int(m.group(2)) |
| else: |
| _min = int(value, 0) |
| if config_attrs.get('max', None) is not None: |
| value = config_attrs['max'] |
| m = re.match(r'^(\d+)e(\d+)$', value.lower()) |
| if m: |
| _max = int(m.group(1)) * 10**int(m.group(2)) |
| else: |
| _max = int(value, 0) |
| if config_attrs.get('default', None) is not None: |
| if '/' not in config_attrs['default']: |
| try: |
| value = config_attrs['default'] |
| m = re.match(r'^(\d+)e(\d+)$', value.lower()) |
| if m: |
| _default = int(m.group(1)) * 10**int(m.group(2)) |
| else: |
| _default = int(value, 0) |
| except ValueError: |
| pass |
| if _min is not None and _max is not None: |
| if _min > _max: |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has min {} > max {}'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, config_attrs['min'], config_attrs['max'])) |
| if _min is not None and _default is not None: |
| if _min > _default: |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has min {} > default {}'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, config_attrs['min'], config_attrs['default'])) |
| if _default is not None and _max is not None: |
| if _default > _max: |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has default {} > max {}'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, config_attrs['default'], config_attrs['max'])) |
| elif _type == 'bool': |
| assert 'min' not in config_attrs |
| assert 'max' not in config_attrs |
| _default = config_attrs.get('default', None) |
| if _default is not None: |
| if '/' not in _default: |
| if (_default not in ('0', '1')) and (_default not in all_config_names): |
| logger.info('{} at {}:{} has non-integer default value "{}"'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, config_attrs['default'])) |
| |
| elif _type == 'string': |
| assert 'min' not in config_attrs |
| assert 'max' not in config_attrs |
| _default = config_attrs.get('default', None) |
| elif _type == 'list': |
| assert 'min' not in config_attrs |
| assert 'max' not in config_attrs |
| _default = config_attrs.get('default', None) |
| else: |
| raise Exception("Found unknown {} type {} at {}:{}".format(BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_NAME, _type, file_path, linenum)) |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| # Scan all CMakeLists.txt and .cmake files in the specific path, recursively. |
| |
| for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(scandir): |
| for filename in filenames: |
| file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] |
| if filename == 'CMakeLists.txt' or file_ext == '.cmake': |
| file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) |
| applicable = "all" |
| for chip in (*CHIP_NAMES, "host"): |
| if "/{}/".format(chip) in dirpath: |
| applicable = chip |
| break |
| |
| with open(file_path, encoding="ISO-8859-1") as fh: |
| linenum = 0 |
| for line in fh.readlines(): |
| linenum += 1 |
| line = line.strip() |
| if BASE_CONFIG_RE.search(line): |
| raise Exception("Found {} at {}:{} ({}) which isn't expected in {} files".format(BASE_CONFIG_NAME, file_path, linenum, line, filename if filename == 'CMakeLists.txt' else file_ext)) |
| elif BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_RE.search(line): |
| m = CMAKE_CONFIG_RE.match(line) |
| if not m: |
| if line.startswith("## "): |
| logger.info("Possible misformatted {} at {}:{} ({})".format(BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_NAME, file_path, linenum, line)) |
| else: |
| raise Exception("Found misformatted {} at {}:{} ({})".format(BASE_CMAKE_CONFIG_NAME, file_path, linenum, line)) |
| else: |
| config_name = m.group(1) |
| config_description = m.group(2) |
| _attrs = m.group(3) |
| # allow commas to appear inside brackets by converting them to and from NULL chars |
| _attrs = re.sub(r'(\(.+\))', lambda m: m.group(1).replace(',', '\0'), _attrs) |
| |
| if '=' in config_description: |
| raise Exception("For {} at {}:{} the description was set to '{}' - has the description field been omitted?".format(config_name, file_path, linenum, config_description)) |
| all_descriptions = chips_all_descriptions[applicable] |
| if config_description in all_descriptions: |
| raise Exception("Found description {} at {}:{} but it was already used at {}:{}".format(config_description, file_path, linenum, os.path.join(scandir, all_descriptions[config_description]['filename']), all_descriptions[config_description]['line_number'])) |
| else: |
| all_descriptions[config_description] = {'config_name': config_name, 'filename': os.path.relpath(file_path, scandir), 'line_number': linenum} |
| |
| config_attrs = {} |
| prev = None |
| # Handle case where attr value contains a comma |
| for item in _attrs.split(','): |
| if "=" not in item: |
| assert(prev) |
| item = prev + "," + item |
| try: |
| k, v = (i.strip() for i in item.split('=')) |
| except ValueError: |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has malformed value {}'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum, item)) |
| config_attrs[k] = v.replace('\0', ',') |
| all_attrs.add(k) |
| prev = item |
| #print(file_path, config_name, config_attrs) |
| |
| if 'group' not in config_attrs: |
| raise Exception('{} at {}:{} has no group attribute'.format(config_name, file_path, linenum)) |
| |
| #print(file_path, config_name, config_attrs) |
| all_configs = chips_all_configs[applicable] |
| if config_name in all_configs: |
| raise Exception("Found {} at {}:{} but it was already declared at {}:{}".format(config_name, file_path, linenum, os.path.join(scandir, all_configs[config_name]['filename']), all_configs[config_name]['line_number'])) |
| else: |
| all_configs[config_name] = {'attrs': config_attrs, 'filename': os.path.relpath(file_path, scandir), 'line_number': linenum, 'description': config_description} |
| |
| |
| all_config_names = set() |
| for all_configs in chips_all_configs.values(): |
| all_config_names.update(all_configs.keys()) |
| |
| for applicable, all_configs in chips_all_configs.items(): |
| for config_name, config_obj in all_configs.items(): |
| file_path = os.path.join(scandir, config_obj['filename']) |
| linenum = config_obj['line_number'] |
| |
| ValidateAttrs(config_name, config_obj['attrs'], file_path, linenum) |
| |
| # All settings in "host" should also be in "all" |
| for config_name, config_obj in chips_all_configs["host"].items(): |
| if config_name not in chips_all_configs["all"]: |
| file_path = os.path.join(scandir, config_obj['filename']) |
| linenum = config_obj['line_number'] |
| raise Exception("Found 'host' config {} at {}:{}, but no matching non-host config found".format(config_name, file_path, linenum)) |
| |
| # Any chip-specific settings should not be in "all" |
| for chip in CHIP_NAMES: |
| for config_name, chip_config_obj in chips_all_configs[chip].items(): |
| if config_name in chips_all_configs["all"]: |
| all_config_obj = chips_all_configs["all"][config_name] |
| chip_file_path = os.path.join(scandir, chip_config_obj['filename']) |
| chip_linenum = chip_config_obj['line_number'] |
| all_file_path = os.path.join(scandir, all_config_obj['filename']) |
| all_linenum = all_config_obj['line_number'] |
| raise Exception("'{}' config {} at {}:{} also found at {}:{}".format(chip, config_name, chip_file_path, chip_linenum, all_file_path, all_linenum)) |
| |
| def build_mismatch_exception_message(name, thing, config_obj1, value1, config_obj2, value2): |
| obj1_filepath = os.path.join(scandir, config_obj1['filename']) |
| obj2_filepath = os.path.join(scandir, config_obj2['filename']) |
| return "'{}' {} mismatch at {}:{} ({}) and {}:{} ({})".format(name, thing, obj1_filepath, config_obj1['line_number'], value1, obj2_filepath, config_obj2['line_number'], value2) |
| |
| # Check that any identically-named setttings have appropriate matching attributes |
| for applicable in chips_all_configs: |
| for other in chips_all_configs: |
| if other == applicable: |
| continue |
| for config_name, applicable_config_obj in chips_all_configs[applicable].items(): |
| if config_name in chips_all_configs[other]: |
| other_config_obj = chips_all_configs[other][config_name] |
| # Check that fields match |
| for field in ['description']: |
| applicable_value = applicable_config_obj[field] |
| other_value = other_config_obj[field] |
| if applicable_value != other_value: |
| raise Exception(build_mismatch_exception_message(config_name, field, applicable_config_obj, applicable_value, other_config_obj, other_value)) |
| # Check that attributes match |
| for attr in applicable_config_obj['attrs']: |
| if attr != 'default': # totally fine for defaults to vary per-platform |
| applicable_value = applicable_config_obj['attrs'][attr] |
| other_value = other_config_obj['attrs'][attr] |
| if applicable_value != other_value: |
| raise Exception(build_mismatch_exception_message(config_name, "attribute '{}'".format(attr), applicable_config_obj, applicable_value, other_config_obj, other_value)) |
| |
| # Sort the output alphabetically by name and then by chip |
| output_rows = set() |
| for chip in (*CHIP_NAMES, "host", "all"): |
| if chip in chips_all_configs: |
| all_configs = chips_all_configs[chip] |
| for config_name in all_configs: |
| output_rows.add((config_name, chip)) |
| |
| with open(outfile, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: |
| fieldnames = ('name', 'location', 'platform', 'chip', 'description', 'type') + tuple(sorted(all_attrs - set(['type']))) |
| writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore', dialect='excel-tab') |
| |
| writer.writeheader() |
| for config_name, chip in sorted(output_rows): |
| config_obj = chips_all_configs[chip][config_name] |
| writer.writerow({'name': config_name, 'location': '/{}:{}'.format(config_obj['filename'], config_obj['line_number']), 'platform': "host" if chip == "host" else "rp2", 'chip': chip if chip in CHIP_NAMES else "all", 'description': config_obj['description'], **config_obj['attrs']}) |