blob: b0fa974bcceac0e3c87a9b8d4a1a189acdffb2ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico.h"
// PICO_CONFIG: PARAM_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED_HARDWARE_UART, Enable/disable assertions in the hardware_uart module, type=bool, default=0, group=hardware_uart
#ifdef PARAM_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED_UART // backwards compatibility with SDK < 2.0.0
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct uart_inst uart_inst_t;
extern uart_inst_t * const uart0;
extern uart_inst_t * const uart1;
#define uart_default uart0
typedef enum {
} uart_parity_t;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup
// Put the UART into a known state, and enable it. Must be called before other
// functions.
uint uart_init(uart_inst_t *uart, uint baudrate);
// Disable the UART if it is no longer used. Must be reinitialised before
// being used again.
void uart_deinit(uart_inst_t *uart);
// Set baud rate as close as possible to requested, and return actual rate.
uint uart_set_baudrate(uart_inst_t *uart, uint baudrate);
// cts: enable flow control of TX by clear-to-send input
// rts: enable assertion of request-to-send output by RX flow control
void uart_set_hw_flow(uart_inst_t *uart, bool cts, bool rts);
// Configure how the UART serialises and deserialises data on the wire
void uart_set_format(uart_inst_t *uart, uint data_bits, uint stop_bits, uart_parity_t parity);
// Enable the UART's interrupt output. Need to install an interrupt handler first.
void uart_set_irqs_enabled(uart_inst_t *uart, bool rx_has_data, bool tx_needs_data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic input/output
// If returns 0, no space is available in the UART to write more data.
// If returns nonzero, at least that many bytes can be written without blocking.
bool uart_is_writable(uart_inst_t *uart);
// If returns 0, no data is available to be read from UART.
// If returns nonzero, at least that many bytes can be written without blocking.
bool uart_is_readable(uart_inst_t *uart);
// Write len bytes directly from src to the UART
void uart_write_blocking(uart_inst_t *uart, const uint8_t *src, size_t len);
// Read len bytes directly from the UART to dst
void uart_read_blocking(uart_inst_t *uart, uint8_t *dst, size_t len);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// UART-specific operations and aliases
void uart_putc(uart_inst_t *uart, char c);
void uart_putc_raw(uart_inst_t *uart, char c);
void uart_puts(uart_inst_t *uart, const char *s);
char uart_getc(uart_inst_t *uart);
// en: assert break condition (TX held low) if true. Clear break condition if false.
void uart_set_break(uart_inst_t *uart, bool en);
void uart_default_tx_wait_blocking();
#define UART_FUNCSEL_NUM(uart, gpio) 0
#ifdef __cplusplus