blob: 77272ff80efe8c4550b0a953be81a03d612dec9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico.h"
#include "hardware/riscv.h"
#include "hardware/regs/rvcsr.h"
/** \file hardware/hazard3.h
* \defgroup hardware_hazard3 hardware_hazard3
* \brief Accessors for Hazard3-specific RISC-V CSRs, and intrinsics for Hazard3 custom instructions
// Feature detection macros for Hazard3 custom extensions
#if PICO_RP2350
#define __hazard3_extension_xh3power
#define __hazard3_extension_xh3bextm
#define __hazard3_extension_xh3irq
#define __hazard3_extension_xh3pmpm
#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
// Assembly language instruction macros for Hazard3 custom instructions
// h3.bextm: Extract up to 8 consecutive bits from register rs1, with the
// first bit indexed by rs2, and bit count configured by an immediate value.
// R-format instruction. Pseudocode:
// rd = (rs1 >> rs2[4:0]) & ~(-1 << nbits)
.macro h3.bextm rd rs1 rs2 nbits
.if (\nbits < 1) || (\nbits > 8)
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3bextm
.insn r 0x0b, 0x4, (((\nbits - 1) & 0x7 ) << 1), \rd, \rs1, \rs2
srl \rd, \rs1, \rs2
andi \rd, \rd, ((1 << \nbits) - 1)
// h3.bextmi: Extract up to 8 consecutive bits from register rs1, with the
// first bit index and the number of bits both configured by immediate
// values. I-format instruction. Pseudocode:
// rd = (rs1 >> shamt) & ~(-1 << nbits)
.macro h3.bextmi rd rs1 shamt nbits
.if (\nbits < 1) || (\nbits > 8)
.if (\shamt < 0) || (\shamt > 31)
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3bextm
.insn i 0x0b, 0x4, \rd, \rs1, (\shamt & 0x1f) | (((\nbits - 1) & 0x7 ) << 6)
srli \rd, \rs1, \shamt
andi \rd, \rd, ((1 << \nbits) - 1)
// h3.block: enter an idle state until another processor in the same
// multiprocessor complex executes an h3.unblock instruction, or the
// processor is interrupted. Fall through immediately if an h3.unblock has
// been received since the last execution of an h3.block on this processor.
// On RP2350, processors also have their own h3.unblock signals reflected
// back to them.
.macro h3.block
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3power
slt x0, x0, x0
// h3.unblock: signal other processors in the same multiprocessor complex to
// exit the idle state entered by an h3.block instruction. On RP2350, this
// signal is also reflected back to the processor that executed the
// h3.unblock, which will cause that processor's next h3.block to fall
// through immediately.
.macro h3.unblock
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3power
slt x0, x0, x1
#else // !__ASSEMBLER__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3irq
#define hazard3_irqarray_read(csr, index) (riscv_read_set_csr(csr, (index)) >> 16)
#define hazard3_irqarray_read(csr, index) static_assert(false, "Not supported: Xh3irq extension")
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3irq
#define hazard3_irqarray_write(csr, index, data) (riscv_write_csr(csr, (index) | ((uint32_t)(data) << 16)))
#define hazard3_irqarray_write(csr, index, data) static_assert(false, "Not supported: Xh3irq extension")
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3irq
#define hazard3_irqarray_set(csr, index, data) (riscv_set_csr(csr, (index) | ((uint32_t)(data) << 16)))
#define hazard3_irqarray_set(csr, index, data) static_assert(false, "Not supported: Xh3irq extension")
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3irq
#define hazard3_irqarray_clear(csr, index, data) (riscv_clear_csr(csr, (index) | ((uint32_t)(data) << 16)))
#define hazard3_irqarray_clear(csr, index, data) static_assert(false, "Not supported: Xh3irq extension")
// nbits must be a constant expression
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3bextm
#define __hazard3_bextm(nbits, rs1, rs2) ({\
uint32_t __h3_bextm_rd; \
asm (".insn r 0x0b, 0, %3, %0, %1, %2"\
: "=r" (__h3_bextm_rd) \
: "r" (rs1), "r" (rs2), "i" ((((nbits) - 1) & 0x7) << 1)\
); \
__h3_bextm_rd; \
#define __hazard3_bextm(nbits, rs1, rs2) (((rs1) >> ((rs2) & 0x1f)) & (0xffu >> (7 - (((nbits) - 1) & 0x7))))
// nbits and shamt must be constant expressions
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3bextm
#define __hazard3_bextmi(nbits, rs1, shamt) ({\
uint32_t __h3_bextmi_rd; \
asm (".insn i 0x0b, 0x4, %0, %1, %2"\
: "=r" (__h3_bextmi_rd) \
: "r" (rs1), "i" ((((nbits) - 1) & 0x7) << 6 | ((shamt) & 0x1f)) \
); \
__h3_bextmi_rd; \
#define __hazard3_bextm(nbits, rs1, rs2) (((rs1) >> ((shamt) & 0x1f)) & (0xffu >> (7 - (((nbits) - 1) & 0x7))))
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3power
#define __hazard3_block() asm volatile ("slt x0, x0, x0" : : : "memory")
#define __hazard3_block() do {} while (0)
#ifdef __hazard3_extension_xh3power
#define __hazard3_unblock() asm volatile ("slt x0, x0, x1" : : : "memory")
#define __hazard3_unblock() do {} while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // !__ASSEMBLER__