blob: 120dbf3f1090465d81034ed50ac58026851cb8be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "hardware/claim.h"
#include "hardware/pio.h"
#include "hardware/pio_instructions.h"
// sanity check
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, sm[0].clkdiv, PIO_SM0_CLKDIV_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, sm[1].clkdiv, PIO_SM1_CLKDIV_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, instr_mem[0], PIO_INSTR_MEM0_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, inte0, PIO_IRQ0_INTE_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, irq_ctrl[0].inte, PIO_IRQ0_INTE_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, txf[1], PIO_TXF1_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, rxf[3], PIO_RXF3_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, ints1, PIO_IRQ1_INTS_OFFSET);
check_hw_layout(pio_hw_t, irq_ctrl[1].ints, PIO_IRQ1_INTS_OFFSET);
static uint8_t claimed[(NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES * NUM_PIOS + 7) >> 3];
void pio_sm_claim(PIO pio, uint sm) {
uint which = pio_get_index(pio);
const char *msg =
which == 2 ? "PIO 2 SM (%d - 8) already claimed" :
which == 1 ? "PIO 1 SM (%d - 4) already claimed" :
"PIO 0 SM %d already claimed";
hw_claim_or_assert(&claimed[0], which * NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES + sm, msg);
void pio_claim_sm_mask(PIO pio, uint sm_mask) {
for(uint i = 0; sm_mask; i++, sm_mask >>= 1u) {
if (sm_mask & 1u) pio_sm_claim(pio, i);
void pio_sm_unclaim(PIO pio, uint sm) {
uint which = pio_get_index(pio);
hw_claim_clear(&claimed[0], which * NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES + sm);
int pio_claim_unused_sm(PIO pio, bool required) {
// PIO index ranges from 0 to NUM_PIOS - 1.
uint which = pio_get_index(pio);
uint base = which * NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES;
int index = hw_claim_unused_from_range((uint8_t*)&claimed[0], required, base,
base + NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES - 1, "No PIO state machines are available");
return index >= (int)base ? index - (int)base : -1;
bool pio_sm_is_claimed(PIO pio, uint sm) {
uint which = pio_get_index(pio);
return hw_is_claimed(&claimed[0], which * NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES + sm);
static_assert(PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT <= 32, "");
static uint32_t _used_instruction_space[NUM_PIOS];
static int find_offset_for_program(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program) {
assert(program->length <= PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT);
uint32_t used_mask = _used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)];
uint32_t program_mask = (1u << program->length) - 1;
if (program->origin >= 0) {
if (program->origin > 32 - program->length) return PICO_ERROR_GENERIC;
return used_mask & (program_mask << program->origin) ? -1 : program->origin;
} else {
// work down from the top always
for (int i = 32 - program->length; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!(used_mask & (program_mask << (uint) i))) {
return i;
static int pio_set_gpio_base_unsafe(PIO pio, uint gpio_base) {
invalid_params_if_and_return(PIO, gpio_base != 0 && (!PICO_PIO_VERSION || gpio_base != 16), PICO_ERROR_BAD_ALIGNMENT);
uint32_t used_mask = _used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)];
invalid_params_if_and_return(PIO, used_mask, PICO_ERROR_INVALID_STATE);
pio->gpiobase = gpio_base;
return PICO_OK;
int pio_set_gpio_base(PIO pio, uint gpio_base) {
int rc = PICO_OK;
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
rc = pio_set_gpio_base_unsafe(pio, gpio_base);
return rc;
static bool is_gpio_compatible(PIO pio, uint32_t used_gpio_ranges) {
bool gpio_base = pio_get_gpio_base(pio);
return !((gpio_base && (used_gpio_ranges & 1)) ||
(!gpio_base && (used_gpio_ranges & 4)));
return true;
static bool is_program_gpio_compatible(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program) {
return is_gpio_compatible(pio, program->used_gpio_ranges);
return true;
static int add_program_at_offset_check(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program, uint offset) {
valid_params_if(HARDWARE_PIO, offset < PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT);
valid_params_if(HARDWARE_PIO, offset + program->length <= PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT);
if (program->pio_version) return PICO_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH;
if (!is_program_gpio_compatible(pio, program)) return PICO_ERROR_BAD_ALIGNMENT; // todo better error?
if (program->origin >= 0 && (uint)program->origin != offset) return PICO_ERROR_BAD_ALIGNMENT; // todo better error?
uint32_t used_mask = _used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)];
uint32_t program_mask = (1u << program->length) - 1;
return (used_mask & (program_mask << offset)) ? PICO_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES : PICO_OK;
bool pio_can_add_program(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
int rc = find_offset_for_program(pio, program);
if (rc >= 0) rc = add_program_at_offset_check(pio, program, (uint)rc);
return rc == 0;
bool pio_can_add_program_at_offset(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program, uint offset) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
bool rc = add_program_at_offset_check(pio, program, offset) == 0;
return rc;
static int add_program_at_offset(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program, uint offset) {
int rc = add_program_at_offset_check(pio, program, offset);
if (rc != 0) return rc;
for (uint i = 0; i < program->length; ++i) {
uint16_t instr = program->instructions[i];
pio->instr_mem[offset + i] = pio_instr_bits_jmp != _pio_major_instr_bits(instr) ? instr : instr + offset;
uint32_t program_mask = (1u << program->length) - 1;
_used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)] |= program_mask << offset;
return (int)offset;
// these assert if unable
int pio_add_program(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
int offset = find_offset_for_program(pio, program);
if (offset >= 0) {
offset = add_program_at_offset(pio, program, (uint) offset);
return offset;
int pio_add_program_at_offset(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program, uint offset) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
int rc = add_program_at_offset(pio, program, offset);
return rc;
void pio_remove_program(PIO pio, const pio_program_t *program, uint loaded_offset) {
uint32_t program_mask = (1u << program->length) - 1;
program_mask <<= loaded_offset;
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
assert(program_mask == (_used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)] & program_mask));
_used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)] &= ~program_mask;
void pio_clear_instruction_memory(PIO pio) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
_used_instruction_space[pio_get_index(pio)] = 0;
for(uint i=0;i<PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT;i++) {
pio->instr_mem[i] = pio_encode_jmp(i);
// Set the value of all PIO pins. This is done by forcibly executing
// instructions on a "victim" state machine, sm. Ideally you should choose one
// which is not currently running a program. This is intended for one-time
// setup of initial pin states.
void pio_sm_set_pins(PIO pio, uint sm, uint32_t pins) {
uint32_t pinctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].pinctrl;
uint32_t execctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].execctrl;
hw_clear_bits(&pio->sm[sm].execctrl, 1u << PIO_SM0_EXECCTRL_OUT_STICKY_LSB);
uint remaining = 32;
uint base = 0;
while (remaining) {
uint decrement = remaining > 5 ? 5 : remaining;
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl =
(decrement << PIO_SM0_PINCTRL_SET_COUNT_LSB) |
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pins, pins & 0x1fu));
remaining -= decrement;
base += decrement;
pins >>= 5;
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = pinctrl_saved;
pio->sm[sm].execctrl = execctrl_saved;
void pio_sm_set_pins_with_mask(PIO pio, uint sm, uint32_t pinvals, uint32_t pin_mask) {
uint32_t pinctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].pinctrl;
uint32_t execctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].execctrl;
hw_clear_bits(&pio->sm[sm].execctrl, 1u << PIO_SM0_EXECCTRL_OUT_STICKY_LSB);
while (pin_mask) {
uint base = (uint)__builtin_ctz(pin_mask);
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl =
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pins, (pinvals >> base) & 0x1u));
pin_mask &= pin_mask - 1;
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = pinctrl_saved;
pio->sm[sm].execctrl = execctrl_saved;
void pio_sm_set_pindirs_with_mask(PIO pio, uint sm, uint32_t pindirs, uint32_t pin_mask) {
uint32_t pinctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].pinctrl;
uint32_t execctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].execctrl;
hw_clear_bits(&pio->sm[sm].execctrl, 1u << PIO_SM0_EXECCTRL_OUT_STICKY_LSB);
while (pin_mask) {
uint base = (uint)__builtin_ctz(pin_mask);
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl =
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pindirs, (pindirs >> base) & 0x1u));
pin_mask &= pin_mask - 1;
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = pinctrl_saved;
pio->sm[sm].execctrl = execctrl_saved;
int pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(PIO pio, uint sm, uint pin, uint count, bool is_out) {
pin -= pio_get_gpio_base(pio);
invalid_params_if_and_return(PIO, pin >= 32u, PICO_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
uint32_t pinctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].pinctrl;
uint32_t execctrl_saved = pio->sm[sm].execctrl;
hw_clear_bits(&pio->sm[sm].execctrl, 1u << PIO_SM0_EXECCTRL_OUT_STICKY_LSB);
uint pindir_val = is_out ? 0x1f : 0;
while (count > 5) {
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = (5u << PIO_SM0_PINCTRL_SET_COUNT_LSB) | (pin << PIO_SM0_PINCTRL_SET_BASE_LSB);
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pindirs, pindir_val));
count -= 5;
pin = (pin + 5) & 0x1f;
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = (count << PIO_SM0_PINCTRL_SET_COUNT_LSB) | (pin << PIO_SM0_PINCTRL_SET_BASE_LSB);
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_set(pio_pindirs, pindir_val));
pio->sm[sm].pinctrl = pinctrl_saved;
pio->sm[sm].execctrl = execctrl_saved;
return PICO_OK;
int pio_sm_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint initial_pc, const pio_sm_config *config) {
valid_params_if(HARDWARE_PIO, initial_pc < PIO_INSTRUCTION_COUNT);
// Halt the machine, set some sensible defaults
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, false);
int rc;
if (config) {
rc = pio_sm_set_config(pio, sm, config);
} else {
pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
rc = pio_sm_set_config(pio, sm, &c);
if (rc) return rc;
pio_sm_clear_fifos(pio, sm);
// Clear FIFO debug flags
const uint32_t fdebug_sm_mask =
pio->fdebug = fdebug_sm_mask << sm;
// Finally, clear some internal SM state
pio_sm_restart(pio, sm);
pio_sm_clkdiv_restart(pio, sm);
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, pio_encode_jmp(initial_pc));
return PICO_OK;
void pio_sm_drain_tx_fifo(PIO pio, uint sm) {
uint instr = (pio->sm[sm].shiftctrl & PIO_SM0_SHIFTCTRL_AUTOPULL_BITS) ? pio_encode_out(pio_null, 32) :
pio_encode_pull(false, false);
while (!pio_sm_is_tx_fifo_empty(pio, sm)) {
pio_sm_exec(pio, sm, instr);
bool pio_claim_free_sm_and_add_program(const pio_program_t *program, PIO *pio, uint *sm, uint *offset) {
return pio_claim_free_sm_and_add_program_for_gpio_range(program, pio, sm, offset, 0, 0, false);
bool pio_claim_free_sm_and_add_program_for_gpio_range(const pio_program_t *program, PIO *pio, uint *sm, uint *offset, uint gpio_base, uint gpio_count, bool set_gpio_base) {
invalid_params_if(HARDWARE_PIO, (gpio_base + gpio_count) > NUM_BANK0_GPIOS);
// short-circuit some logic when not using GIO_BASE
set_gpio_base = 0;
gpio_count = 0;
// note if we gpio_count == 0, we don't care about GPIOs so use a zero mask for what we require
// if gpio_count > 0, then we just set used mask for the ends, since that is all that is checked at the moment
uint32_t required_gpio_ranges;
if (gpio_count) required_gpio_ranges = (1u << (gpio_base >> 4)) | (1u << ((gpio_base + gpio_count - 1) >> 4));
else required_gpio_ranges = 0;
int passes = set_gpio_base ? 2 : 1;
for(int pass = 0; pass < passes; pass++) {
int pio_num = NUM_PIOS;
while (pio_num--) {
*pio = pio_get_instance((uint)pio_num);
// We need to claim an SM on the PIO
int8_t sm_index[NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES];
// on second pass, if there is one, we try and claim all the state machines so that we can change the GPIO base
uint num_claimed;
for(num_claimed = 0; num_claimed < (pass ? NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES : 1u) ; num_claimed++) {
sm_index[num_claimed] = (int8_t)pio_claim_unused_sm(*pio, false);
if (sm_index[num_claimed] < 0) break;
if (num_claimed && (!pass || num_claimed == NUM_PIO_STATE_MACHINES)) {
uint32_t save = hw_claim_lock();
if (pass) {
pio_set_gpio_base_unsafe(*pio, required_gpio_ranges & 4 ? 16 : 0);
int rc = is_gpio_compatible(*pio, required_gpio_ranges) ? PICO_OK : PICO_ERROR_BAD_ALIGNMENT;
if (rc == PICO_OK) rc = find_offset_for_program(*pio, program);
if (rc >= 0) rc = add_program_at_offset(*pio, program, (uint)rc);
if (rc >= 0) {
*sm = (uint) sm_index[0];
*offset = (uint) rc;
// always un-claim all SMs other than the one we need (array index 0),
// or all of them if we had an error
for (uint i = (rc >= 0); i < num_claimed; i++) {
pio_sm_unclaim(*pio, (uint) sm_index[i]);
if (rc >= 0) {
return true;
*pio = NULL;
return false;
void pio_remove_program_and_unclaim_sm(const pio_program_t *program, PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset) {
pio_remove_program(pio, program, offset);
pio_sm_unclaim(pio, sm);