blob: 665a61038b7276c0ef0726df363cfeec3b9f2ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico/asm_helper.S"
.macro float_section name
// todo separate flag for shims?
.section RAM_SECTION_NAME(\name), "ax"
.section SECTION_NAME(\name), "ax"
float_section float_table_shim_on_use_helper
regular_func float_table_shim_on_use_helper
push {r0-r2, lr}
mov r0, ip
#ifndef NDEBUG
// sanity check to make sure we weren't called by non (shimmable_) table_tail_call macro
cmp r0, #0
bne 1f
bkpt #0
ldrh r1, [r0]
lsrs r2, r1, #8
adds r0, #2
cmp r2, #0xdf
bne 1b
uxtb r1, r1 // r1 holds table offset
lsrs r2, r0, #2
bcc 1f
// unaligned
ldrh r2, [r0, #0]
ldrh r0, [r0, #2]
lsls r0, #16
orrs r0, r2
b 2f
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r2, =sf_table
str r0, [r2, r1]
str r0, [sp, #12]
pop {r0-r2, pc}
float_section 642float_shims
@ convert uint64 to float, rounding
regular_func uint642float_shim
movs r2,#0 @ fall through
@ convert unsigned 64-bit fix to float, rounding; number of r0:r1 bits after point in r2
regular_func ufix642float_shim
push {r4,r5,r14}
cmp r1,#0
bpl 3f @ positive? we can use signed code
lsls r5,r1,#31 @ contribution to sticky bits
orrs r5,r0
lsrs r0,r1,#1
subs r2,#1
b 4f
@ convert int64 to float, rounding
regular_func int642float_shim
movs r2,#0 @ fall through
@ convert signed 64-bit fix to float, rounding; number of r0:r1 bits after point in r2
regular_func fix642float_shim
push {r4,r5,r14}
movs r5,r0
orrs r5,r1
beq ret_pop45 @ zero? return +0
asrs r5,r1,#31 @ sign bits
asrs r4,r1,#24 @ try shifting 7 bits at a time
cmp r4,r5
bne 1f @ next shift will overflow?
lsls r1,#7
lsrs r4,r0,#25
orrs r1,r4
lsls r0,#7
adds r2,#7
b 2b
movs r5,r0
movs r0,r1
negs r2,r2
adds r2,#32+29
// bl packx
ldr r1, =0x29ef // packx
blx r1
pop {r4,r5,r15}
float_section fatan2_shim
regular_func fatan2_shim
push {r4,r5,r14}
ldr r4, =0x29c1 // unpackx
mov ip, r4
@ unpack arguments and shift one down to have common exponent
blx ip
mov r4,r0
mov r0,r1
mov r1,r4
mov r4,r2
mov r2,r3
mov r3,r4
blx ip
lsls r0,r0,#5 @ Q28
lsls r1,r1,#5 @ Q28
adds r4,r2,r3 @ this is -760 if both arguments are 0 and at least -380-126=-506 otherwise
asrs r4,#9
adds r4,#1
bmi 2f @ force y to 0 proper, so result will be zero
subs r4,r2,r3 @ calculate shift
bge 1f @ ex>=ey?
negs r4,r4 @ make shift positive
asrs r0,r4
cmp r4,#28
blo 3f
asrs r0,#31
b 3f
asrs r1,r4
cmp r4,#28
blo 3f
@ here |x|>>|y| or both x and y are ±0
cmp r0,#0
bge 4f @ x positive, return signed 0
ldr r3, =0x2cfc @ &pi_q29, circular coefficients
ldr r0,[r3] @ x negative, return +/- pi
asrs r1,#31
eors r0,r1
b 7f
asrs r0,r1,#31
b 7f
movs r2,#0 @ initial angle
ldr r3, =0x2cfc @ &pi_q29, circular coefficients
cmp r0,#0 @ x negative
bge 5f
negs r0,r0 @ rotate to 1st/4th quadrants
negs r1,r1
ldr r2,[r3] @ pi Q29
movs r4,#1 @ m=1
ldr r5, =0x2b97 @ cordic_vec
blx r5 @ also produces magnitude (with scaling factor 1.646760119), which is discarded
mov r0,r2 @ result here is -pi/2..3pi/2 Q29
@ asrs r2,#29
@ subs r0,r2
ldr r3, =0x2cfc @ &pi_q29, circular coefficients
ldr r2,[r3] @ pi Q29
adds r4,r0,r2 @ attempt to fix -3pi/2..-pi case
bcs 6f @ -pi/2..0? leave result as is
subs r4,r0,r2 @ <pi? leave as is
bmi 6f
subs r0,r4,r2 @ >pi: take off 2pi
subs r0,#1 @ fiddle factor so atan2(0,1)==0
movs r2,#0 @ exponent for pack
ldr r3, =0x2b19
bx r3
float_section float232_shims
regular_func float2int_shim
movs r1,#0 @ fall through
regular_func float2fix_shim
// check for -0 or -denormal upfront
asrs r2, r0, #23
adds r2, #128
adds r2, #128
beq 1f
// call original
ldr r2, =0x2acd
bx r2
movs r0, #0
bx lr
float_section float264_shims
regular_func float2int64_shim
movs r1,#0 @ and fall through
regular_func float2fix64_shim
push {r14}
bl f2fix
b d2f64_a
regular_func float2uint64_shim
movs r1,#0 @ and fall through
regular_func float2ufix64_shim
asrs r3,r0,#23 @ negative? return 0
bmi ret_dzero
@ and fall through
@ convert float in r0 to signed fixed point in r0:r1:r3, r1 places after point, rounding towards -Inf
@ result clamped so that r3 can only be 0 or -1
@ trashes r12
push {r4,r14}
mov r12,r1
asrs r3,r0,#31
lsls r0,#1
lsrs r2,r0,#24
beq 1f @ zero?
cmp r2,#0xff @ Inf?
beq 2f
subs r1,r2,#1
subs r2,#0x7f @ remove exponent bias
lsls r1,#24
subs r0,r1 @ insert implied 1
eors r0,r3
subs r0,r3 @ top two's complement
asrs r1,r0,#4 @ convert to double format
lsls r0,#28
ldr r4, =d2fix_a
bx r4
movs r0,#0
movs r1,r0
movs r3,r0
pop {r4,r15}
mvns r0,r3 @ return max/min value
mvns r1,r3
pop {r4,r15}
movs r0,#0
movs r1,#0
bx r14
float_section d2fix_a_float
.weak d2fix_a // weak because it exists in float shims too
@ here
@ r0:r1 two's complement mantissa
@ r2 unbaised exponent
@ r3 mantissa sign extension bits
add r2,r12 @ exponent plus offset for required binary point position
subs r2,#52 @ required shift
bmi 1f @ shift down?
@ here a shift up by r2 places
cmp r2,#12 @ will clamp?
bge 2f
movs r4,r0
lsls r1,r2
lsls r0,r2
negs r2,r2
adds r2,#32 @ complementary shift
lsrs r4,r2
orrs r1,r4
pop {r4,r15}
mvns r0,r3
mvns r1,r3 @ overflow: clamp to extreme fixed-point values
pop {r4,r15}
@ here a shift down by -r2 places
adds r2,#32
bmi 1f @ long shift?
mov r4,r1
lsls r4,r2
negs r2,r2
adds r2,#32 @ complementary shift
asrs r1,r2
lsrs r0,r2
orrs r0,r4
pop {r4,r15}
@ here a long shift down
movs r0,r1
asrs r1,#31 @ shift down 32 places
adds r2,#32
bmi 1f @ very long shift?
negs r2,r2
adds r2,#32
asrs r0,r2
pop {r4,r15}
movs r0,r3 @ result very near zero: use sign extension bits
movs r1,r3
pop {r4,r15}
asrs r2,r1,#31
cmp r2,r3
bne 1f @ sign extension bits fail to match sign of result?
pop {r15}
mvns r0,r3
movs r1,#1
lsls r1,#31
eors r1,r1,r0 @ generate extreme fixed-point values
pop {r15}
float_section float2double_shim
regular_func float2double_shim
lsrs r3,r0,#31 @ sign bit
lsls r3,#31
lsls r1,r0,#1
lsrs r2,r1,#24 @ exponent
beq 1f @ zero?
cmp r2,#0xff @ Inf?
beq 2f
lsrs r1,#4 @ exponent and top 20 bits of mantissa
ldr r2,=(0x3ff-0x7f)<<20 @ difference in exponent offsets
adds r1,r2
orrs r1,r3
lsls r0,#29 @ bottom 3 bits of mantissa
bx r14
movs r1,r3 @ return signed zero
movs r0,#0
bx r14
ldr r1,=0x7ff00000 @ return signed infinity
adds r1,r3
b 3b