blob: cba3b27c4fad5e69fed32566c482b96363e6a789 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _PICO_STDIO_H
#define _PICO_STDIO_H
/** \file stdio.h
* \defgroup pico_stdio pico_stdio
* \brief Customized stdio support allowing for input and output from UART, USB, semi-hosting etc
* Note the API for adding additional input output devices is not yet considered stable
#include "pico.h"
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDOUT_MUTEX, Enable/disable mutex around stdout, type=bool, default=1, group=pico_stdio
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDIO_ENABLE_CRLF_SUPPORT, Enable/disable CR/LF output conversion support, type=bool, default=1, group=pico_stdio
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDIO_DEFAULT_CRLF, Default for CR/LF conversion enabled on all stdio outputs, type=bool, default=1, depends=PICO_STDIO_ENABLE_CRLF_SUPPORT, group=pico_stdio
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDIO_STACK_BUFFER_SIZE, Define printf buffer size (on stack)... this is just a working buffer not a max output size, min=0, max=512, default=128, group=pico_stdio
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDIO_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT_MS, Time after which to assume stdio_usb is deadlocked by use in IRQ and give up, type=int, default=1000, group=pico_stdio
// PICO_CONFIG: PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS, Directly replace common stdio functions such as putchar from the C-library to avoid pulling in lots of c library code for simple output, type=bool, default=1, advanced=true, group=pico_stdio
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef struct stdio_driver stdio_driver_t;
/*! \brief Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary.
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* Call this method once you have set up your clocks to enable the stdio support for UART, USB,
* semihosting, and RTT based on the presence of the respective libraries in the binary.
* When stdio_usb is configured, this method can be optionally made to block, waiting for a connection
* via the variables specified in \ref stdio_usb_init (i.e. \ref PICO_STDIO_USB_CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MS)
* \return true if at least one output was successfully initialized, false otherwise.
* \see stdio_uart, stdio_usb, stdio_semihosting, stdio_rtt
bool stdio_init_all(void);
/*! \brief Deinitialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary.
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* This method currently only supports stdio_uart and stdio_semihosting
* \return true if all outputs was successfully deinitialized, false otherwise.
* \see stdio_uart, stdio_usb, stdio_semihosting, stdio_rtt
bool stdio_deinit_all(void);
/*! \brief Flushes any buffered output.
* \ingroup pico_stdio
void stdio_flush(void);
/*! \brief Return a character from stdin if there is one available within a timeout
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* \param timeout_us the timeout in microseconds, or 0 to not wait for a character if none available.
* \return the character from 0-255 or PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT if timeout occurs
int stdio_getchar_timeout_us(uint32_t timeout_us);
/*! \brief Alias for \ref stdio_getchar_timeout_us for backwards compatibility
* \ingroup pico_stdio
static inline int getchar_timeout_us(uint32_t timeout_us) {
return stdio_getchar_timeout_us(timeout_us);
/*! \brief Adds or removes a driver from the list of active drivers used for input/output
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* \note this method should always be called on an initialized driver and is not re-entrant
* \param driver the driver
* \param enabled true to add, false to remove
void stdio_set_driver_enabled(stdio_driver_t *driver, bool enabled);
/*! \brief Control limiting of output to a single driver
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* \note this method should always be called on an initialized driver
* \param driver if non-null then output only that driver will be used for input/output (assuming it is in the list of enabled drivers).
* if NULL then all enabled drivers will be used
void stdio_filter_driver(stdio_driver_t *driver);
/*! \brief control conversion of line feeds to carriage return on transmissions
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* \note this method should always be called on an initialized driver
* \param driver the driver
* \param translate If true, convert line feeds to carriage return on transmissions
void stdio_set_translate_crlf(stdio_driver_t *driver, bool translate);
/*! \brief putchar variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_putchar_raw(int c);
/*! \brief Alias for \ref stdio_putchar_raw for backwards compatibility
* \ingroup pico_stdio
static inline int putchar_raw(int c) {
return stdio_putchar_raw(c);
/*! \brief puts variant that skips any CR/LF conversion if enabled
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_puts_raw(const char *s);
/*! \brief Alias for \ref stdio_puts_raw for backwards compatibility
* \ingroup pico_stdio
static inline int puts_raw(const char *s) {
return stdio_puts_raw(s);
/*! \brief get notified when there are input characters available
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* \param fn Callback function to be called when characters are available. Pass NULL to cancel any existing callback
* \param param Pointer to pass to the callback
void stdio_set_chars_available_callback(void (*fn)(void*), void *param);
/*! \brief Waits until a timeout to reard at least one character into a buffer
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* This method returns as soon as input is available, but more characters may
* be returned up to the end of the buffer.
* \param buf the buffer to read into
* \param len the length of the buffer
* \return the number of characters read or PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT
* \param until the time after which to return PICO_ERROR_TIMEOUT if no characters are available
int stdio_get_until(char *buf, int len, absolute_time_t until);
/*! \brief Prints a buffer to stdout with optional newline and carriage return insertion
* \ingroup pico_stdio
* This method returns as soon as input is available, but more characters may
* be returned up to the end of the buffer.
* \param s the characters to print
* \param len the length of s
* \param newline true if a newline should be added after the string
* \param cr_translation true if line feed to carriage return translation should be performed
* \return the number of characters written
int stdio_put_string(const char *s, int len, bool newline, bool cr_translation);
/*! \brief stdio_getchar Alias for \ref getchar that definitely does not go thru the implementation
* in the standard C library even when \ref PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS == 0
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_getchar(void);
/*! \brief stdio_getchar Alias for \ref putchar that definitely does not go thru the implementation
* in the standard C library even when \ref PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS == 0
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_putchar(int);
/*! \brief stdio_getchar Alias for \ref puts that definitely does not go thru the implementation
* in the standard C library even when \ref PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS == 0
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_puts(const char *s);
/*! \brief stdio_getchar Alias for \ref vprintf that definitely does not go thru the implementation
* in the standard C library even when \ref PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS == 0
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int stdio_vprintf(const char *format, va_list va);
/*! \brief stdio_getchar Alias for \ref printf that definitely does not go thru the implementation
* in the standard C library even when \ref PICO_STDIO_SHORT_CIRCUIT_CLIB_FUNCS == 0
* \ingroup pico_stdio
int __printflike(1, 0) stdio_printf(const char* format, ...);
#ifdef __cplusplus