blob: 9f9fb0e3ebebfd16d1ec01b20daa3209cb04cfe7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef _PIO_TYPES_H
#define _PIO_TYPES_H
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "location.h"
#include "pio_enums.h"
struct src_item {
yy::location location;
src_item() = default;
explicit src_item(const yy::location &location) : location(location) {}
struct program;
struct pio_assembler;
struct resolvable : public src_item {
resolvable(const yy::location &l) : src_item(l) {}
int resolve(const program &program);
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program) {
return resolve(pioasm, program, *this);
virtual int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) = 0;
virtual ~resolvable() = default;
using rvalue = std::shared_ptr<resolvable>;
enum struct inst_type {
jmp = 0x0,
wait = 0x1,
in = 0x2,
out = 0x3,
push_pull = 0x4,
mov = 0x5,
irq = 0x6,
set = 0x7,
/* condition codes */
enum struct condition {
al = 0x0,
xz = 0x1,
xnz__ = 0x2,
yz = 0x3,
ynz__ = 0x4,
xney = 0x5,
pin = 0x6,
osrez = 0x7,
/* in source / out / set target - not all valid */
enum struct in_out_set {
in_out_set_pins = 0x0,
in_out_set_x = 0x1,
in_out_set_y = 0x2,
in_out_null = 0x3,
in_out_set_pindirs = 0x4,
in_status = 0x5,
out_set_pc = 0x5,
in_out_isr = 0x6,
in_osr = 0x7,
out_exec = 0x7,
enum struct irq {
set = 0x0,
set_wait = 0x1,
clear = 0x2,
// mov src/dest (not all valid)
enum struct mov {
pins = 0x0,
x = 0x1,
y = 0x2,
null = 0x3,
pindirs = 0x3,
exec = 0x4,
pc = 0x5,
status = 0x5,
isr = 0x6,
osr = 0x7,
fifo_y = 0x8,
fifo_index = 0x9,
enum struct mov_status_type {
unspecified = -1,
tx_lessthan = 0,
rx_lessthan = 1,
irq_set = 2,
struct extended_mov {
mov loc;
rvalue fifo_index;
extended_mov() : loc(mov::pindirs), fifo_index(nullptr) {}
extended_mov(mov _type) : loc(_type), fifo_index(nullptr) {}
extended_mov(rvalue _fifo_index) : loc(mov::fifo_index), fifo_index(_fifo_index) {}
bool uses_fifo(void) const { return loc == mov::fifo_index || loc == mov::fifo_y; }
enum struct mov_op {
none = 0x0,
invert = 0x1,
bit_reverse = 0x2,
struct wait_source {
enum type {
gpio = 0x0,
pin = 0x1,
irq = 0x2,
jmppin = 0x3,
} target;
rvalue param;
int irq_type;
wait_source(type target, rvalue param = 0, int irq_type = 0) : target(target), param(std::move(param)), irq_type(irq_type) {}
struct name_ref : public resolvable {
std::string name;
name_ref(const yy::location &l, std::string name) : resolvable(l), name(std::move(name)) {}
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) override;
struct code_block : public resolvable {
std::string lang;
std::string contents;
code_block(const yy::location &l, std::string lang, std::string contents) : resolvable(l), lang(std::move(lang)),
contents(std::move(contents)) {}
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) override {
return 0;
struct int_value : public resolvable {
int value;
int_value(const yy::location &l, int value) : resolvable(l), value(value) {}
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) override {
return value;
static inline rvalue resolvable_int(const yy::location &l, int v) {
return std::shared_ptr<resolvable>(new int_value(l, v));
struct binary_operation : public resolvable {
enum op_type {
and_, // pesky C++
op_type op;
rvalue left, right;
binary_operation(const yy::location &l, op_type op, rvalue left, rvalue right) :
resolvable(l), op(op), left(std::move(left)), right(std::move(right)) {}
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) override;
struct unary_operation : public resolvable {
enum op_type {
op_type op;
rvalue arg;
unary_operation(const yy::location &l, op_type op, const rvalue &arg) :
resolvable(l), op(op), arg(arg) {}
int resolve(pio_assembler *pioasm, const program *program, const resolvable &scope) override;
struct symbol : public src_item {
std::string name;
rvalue value;
bool is_public;
bool is_label;
int resolve_started;
symbol(const yy::location &l, std::string name, bool is_extern = false) : src_item(l), name(std::move(name)),
is_public(is_extern), is_label(false),
resolve_started(false) {}
struct raw_encoding {
enum inst_type type;
uint arg1;
uint arg2;
struct instruction : public src_item {
rvalue sideset; // possibly null
rvalue delay;
instruction(const yy::location &l) : src_item(l) {}
// validate while adding instruciton
virtual void pre_validate(program &program) {}
virtual uint encode(program &program);
virtual raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program);
struct pio_assembler;
// rvalue with extra encompassing location
struct rvalue_loc {
rvalue value;
yy::location location;
rvalue_loc() = default;
rvalue_loc(const rvalue &v, const yy::location &l) : value(v), location(l) {}
struct in_out {
yy::location location;
rvalue pin_count;
bool right;
bool autop;
rvalue threshold;
int final_pin_count = -1; // not specified
int final_threshold;
struct program : public src_item {
static const int MAX_INSTRUCTIONS = 32;
pio_assembler *pioasm;
std::string name;
rvalue_loc origin;
rvalue_loc sideset;
rvalue_loc set_count;
in_out in;
in_out out;
bool sideset_opt;
bool sideset_pindirs;
rvalue wrap_target;
rvalue wrap;
int pio_version = 0;
uint clock_div_int = 1;
uint clock_div_frac = 0;
yy::location fifo_loc;
fifo_config fifo = fifo_config::txrx;
// 1 bit of bitmap per 16 pins used
uint8_t used_gpio_ranges = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<symbol>> symbols;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<symbol>> ordered_symbols;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<instruction>> instructions;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<code_block>> code_blocks;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>> lang_opts;
struct {
mov_status_type type = mov_status_type::unspecified;
rvalue n;
int param;
int final_n; // post finalization
} mov_status;
// post finalization
int delay_max;
int sideset_bits_including_opt; // specified side set bits + 1 if we need presence flag
int sideset_max;
int final_set_count = -1;
int final_out_count = -1;
int final_in_count = -1;
program(pio_assembler *pioasm, const yy::location &l, std::string name) :
src_item(l), pioasm(pioasm), name(std::move(name)), sideset_opt(true), sideset_pindirs(false) {}
void set_origin(const yy::location &l, const rvalue &_origin) {
origin = rvalue_loc(_origin, l);
void set_wrap_target(const yy::location &l);
void set_wrap(const yy::location &l);
void set_sideset(const yy::location &l, rvalue _sideset, bool optional, bool pindirs) {
sideset = rvalue_loc(_sideset, l);
sideset_opt = optional;
sideset_pindirs = pindirs;
void set_out(const yy::location &l, rvalue v, bool right, bool autop, rvalue threshold) {
out.location = l;
out.pin_count = std::move(v);
out.right = right;
out.autop = autop;
out.threshold = threshold;
void set_in(const yy::location &l, rvalue v, bool right, bool autop, rvalue threshold) {
in.location = l;
in.pin_count = std::move(v);
in.right = right;
in.autop = autop;
in.threshold = threshold;
void set_set_count(const yy::location &l, rvalue v) {
set_count = rvalue_loc(v, l);
void add_label(std::shared_ptr<symbol> label) {
label->value = resolvable_int(label->location, instructions.size());
void add_symbol(std::shared_ptr<symbol> symbol);
void add_instruction(std::shared_ptr<instruction> inst);
void add_code_block(const code_block &block);
void add_lang_opt(std::string lang, std::string name, std::string value);
void set_pio_version(const yy::location &l, int version);
void set_clock_div(const yy::location &l, float clock_div);
void set_fifo_config(const yy::location &l, fifo_config config);
void set_mov_status(mov_status_type type, rvalue n, int param = 0) {
mov_status.type = type;
mov_status.n = n;
mov_status.param = param;
void finalize();
void init_pio_version();
struct instr_jmp : public instruction {
condition cond;
rvalue target;
instr_jmp(const yy::location &l, condition c, rvalue target) : instruction(l), cond(c), target(std::move(target)) { }
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_wait : public instruction {
rvalue polarity;
std::shared_ptr<wait_source> source;
instr_wait(const yy::location &l, rvalue polarity, std::shared_ptr<wait_source> source) : instruction(l), polarity(
std::move(polarity)), source(std::move(source)) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_in : public instruction {
enum in_out_set src;
rvalue value;
instr_in(const yy::location &l, const enum in_out_set &src, rvalue value) : instruction(l), src(src),
value(std::move(value)) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_out : public instruction {
enum in_out_set dest;
rvalue value;
instr_out(const yy::location &l, const enum in_out_set &dest, rvalue value) : instruction(l), dest(dest),
value(std::move(value)) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_set : public instruction {
enum in_out_set dest;
rvalue value;
instr_set(const yy::location &l, const enum in_out_set &dest, rvalue value) : instruction(l), dest(dest),
value(std::move(value)) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_push : public instruction {
bool if_full, blocking;
instr_push(const yy::location &l, bool if_full, bool blocking) : instruction(l), if_full(if_full),
blocking(blocking) {}
void pre_validate(program& program) override;
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override {
uint arg1 = (blocking ? 1u : 0u) | (if_full ? 0x2u : 0);
return {inst_type::push_pull, arg1, 0};
struct instr_pull : public instruction {
bool if_empty, blocking;
instr_pull(const yy::location &l, bool if_empty, bool blocking) : instruction(l), if_empty(if_empty),
blocking(blocking) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override {
uint arg1 = (blocking ? 1u : 0u) | (if_empty ? 0x2u : 0) | 0x4u;
return {inst_type::push_pull, arg1, 0};
struct instr_mov : public instruction {
extended_mov dest, src;
mov_op op;
instr_mov(const yy::location &l, const extended_mov &dest, const extended_mov &src, const mov_op& op = mov_op::none) :
instruction(l), dest(dest), src(src), op(op) {}
uint get_push_get_index(const program &program, extended_mov index);
void pre_validate(program& program) override;
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_irq : public instruction {
enum irq modifiers;
rvalue num;
int irq_type;
instr_irq(const yy::location &l, const enum irq &modifiers, rvalue num, int irq_type = 0) :
instruction(l), modifiers(modifiers), num(std::move(num)), irq_type(irq_type) {}
raw_encoding raw_encode(program &program) override;
struct instr_nop : public instr_mov {
instr_nop(const yy::location &l) : instr_mov(l, mov::y, mov::y) {}
struct instr_word : public instruction {
rvalue encoding;
instr_word(const yy::location &l, rvalue encoding) : instruction(l), encoding(std::move(encoding)) {}
uint encode(program &program) override;