blob: a1df382f4771726d186506a5a63bc69b95a612bb [file] [log] [blame]
# TODO: Default to a list of known compatible rules until the toolchain emits
# firmware images with a .elf extension. When binaries have a .elf suffix,
# this can change to ["*"] and another attribute that allows extension-based
# filtering can be added to more easily support a wider array of file types.
def _pico_uf2_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
allowed_types = ctx.attr.from_rules.split(",")
if ctx.rule.kind not in allowed_types and "*" not in allowed_types:
return []
binary_to_convert = target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable
uf2_output = ctx.actions.declare_file(binary_to_convert.basename + ".uf2")
outputs = [uf2_output],
inputs = [binary_to_convert],
tools = [ctx.executable._picotool],
executable = ctx.executable._picotool,
arguments = [
return [
pico_uf2_files = depset([uf2_output]),
pico_uf2_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _pico_uf2_aspect_impl,
doc = """An aspect for generating UF2 images from ELF binaries.
Normally with Bazel, a cc_binary or other rule cannot be "extended" to emit
additional outputs. However, this aspect may be used as a secondary, adjacent
step that generates UF2 images from all ELF artifacts.
This can be used from a build to produce UF2 files alongside the regular
bazel build --platforms=@pico-sdk//bazel/platform:rp2040 \\
--aspects @pico-sdk//tools:uf2_aspect.bzl%pico_uf2_aspect \\
--output_groups=+pico_uf2_files \\
It's also possible to use this aspect within a custom macro (e.g. my_cc_binary)
to produce UF2 images alongside ELF files. However, with that method UF2 images
will only be produced when you explicitly use your custom macro.
attrs = {
"from_rules": attr.string(
doc = "A comma-separated list of rule kinds to apply the UF2 aspect to",
"_picotool": attr.label(default = "@picotool//:picotool", executable = True, cfg = "exec"),