blob: 005168bcdd809973f621e8ed113ef1e55167d4f9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "pico.h"
#include "hardware/address_mapped.h"
#include "hardware/regs/m0plus.h"
/** \file exception.h
* \defgroup hardware_exception hardware_exception
* Methods for setting processor exception handlers
* Exceptions are identified by a \ref exception_number which is a number from -15 to -1; these are the numbers relative to
* the index of the first IRQ vector in the vector table. (i.e. vector table index is exception_num plus 16)
* There is one set of exception handlers per core, so the exception handlers for each core as set by these methods are independent.
* \note That all exception APIs affect the executing core only (i.e. the core calling the function).
// PICO_CONFIG: PARAM_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED_EXCEPTION, Enable/disable assertions in the exception module, type=bool, default=0, group=hardware_exception
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! \brief Exception number definitions
* Note for consistency with irq numbers, these numbers are defined to be negative. The VTABLE index is
* the number here plus 16.
* Name | Value | Exception
* ---------------------|-------|----------
* NMI_EXCEPTION | -14 | Non Maskable Interrupt
* SYSTICK_EXCEPTION | -1 | System Tick
* \ingroup hardware_exception
enum exception_number {
NMI_EXCEPTION = -14, /* Non Maskable Interrupt */
HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION = -13, /* HardFault Interrupt */
SVCALL_EXCEPTION = -5, /* SV Call Interrupt */
PENDSV_EXCEPTION = -2, /* Pend SV Interrupt */
SYSTICK_EXCEPTION = -1, /* System Tick Interrupt */
/*! \brief Exception handler function type
* \ingroup hardware_exception
* All exception handlers should be of this type, and follow normal ARM EABI register saving conventions
typedef void (*exception_handler_t)(void);
/*! \brief Set the exception handler for an exception on the executing core.
* \ingroup hardware_exception
* This method will assert if an exception handler has been set for this exception number on this core via
* this method, without an intervening restore via exception_restore_handler.
* \note this method may not be used to override an exception handler that was specified at link time by
* providing a strong replacement for the weakly defined stub exception handlers. It will assert in this case too.
* \param num Exception number
* \param handler The handler to set
* \see exception_number
exception_handler_t exception_set_exclusive_handler(enum exception_number num, exception_handler_t handler);
/*! \brief Restore the original exception handler for an exception on this core
* \ingroup hardware_exception
* This method may be used to restore the exception handler for an exception on this core to the state
* prior to the call to exception_set_exclusive_handler(), so that exception_set_exclusive_handler()
* may be called again in the future.
* \param num Exception number \ref exception_number
* \param original_handler The original handler returned from \ref exception_set_exclusive_handler
* \see exception_set_exclusive_handler()
void exception_restore_handler(enum exception_number num, exception_handler_t original_handler);
/*! \brief Get the current exception handler for the specified exception from the currently installed vector table
* of the execution core
* \ingroup hardware_exception
* \param num Exception number
* \return the address stored in the VTABLE for the given exception number
exception_handler_t exception_get_vtable_handler(enum exception_number num);
#ifdef __cplusplus