tree: a0f2cd1cfd479b1c32870106a769213bbb307960 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cmsis/
  2. hardware_adc/
  3. hardware_base/
  4. hardware_boot_lock/
  5. hardware_clocks/
  6. hardware_dcp/
  7. hardware_divider/
  8. hardware_dma/
  9. hardware_exception/
  10. hardware_flash/
  11. hardware_gpio/
  12. hardware_hazard3/
  13. hardware_i2c/
  14. hardware_interp/
  15. hardware_irq/
  16. hardware_pio/
  17. hardware_pll/
  18. hardware_powman/
  19. hardware_pwm/
  20. hardware_rcp/
  21. hardware_resets/
  22. hardware_riscv/
  23. hardware_riscv_platform_timer/
  24. hardware_rtc/
  25. hardware_sha256/
  26. hardware_spi/
  27. hardware_sync/
  28. hardware_sync_spin_lock/
  29. hardware_ticks/
  30. hardware_timer/
  31. hardware_uart/
  32. hardware_vreg/
  33. hardware_watchdog/
  34. hardware_xosc/
  35. pico_aon_timer/
  36. pico_async_context/
  37. pico_atomic/
  38. pico_bit_ops/
  39. pico_bootrom/
  40. pico_bootsel_via_double_reset/
  41. pico_btstack/
  42. pico_clib_interface/
  43. pico_crt0/
  44. pico_cxx_options/
  45. pico_cyw43_arch/
  46. pico_cyw43_driver/
  47. pico_divider/
  48. pico_double/
  49. pico_fix/
  50. pico_flash/
  51. pico_float/
  52. pico_i2c_slave/
  53. pico_int64_ops/
  54. pico_lwip/
  55. pico_malloc/
  56. pico_mbedtls/
  57. pico_mem_ops/
  58. pico_multicore/
  59. pico_platform_compiler/
  60. pico_platform_panic/
  61. pico_platform_sections/
  62. pico_printf/
  63. pico_rand/
  64. pico_runtime/
  65. pico_runtime_init/
  66. pico_sha256/
  67. pico_standard_binary_info/
  68. pico_standard_link/
  69. pico_stdio/
  70. pico_stdio_rtt/
  71. pico_stdio_semihosting/
  72. pico_stdio_uart/
  73. pico_stdio_usb/
  74. pico_stdlib/
  75. pico_time_adapter/
  76. pico_unique_id/
  77. tinyusb/
  78. BUILD.bazel

This directory contains libraries specifically targeting the RP2040, RP2350 and possible future related devices.

hardware_ libraries exist for individual hardware components to provide a simple API providing a thin abstraction hiding the details of accessing the hardware registers directly.

pico_ provides higher level functionality you might generally find in say an OS kernel, as well as runtime support familiar to most C programmers.