You'll need Bazel (v7.0.0 or higher) or Bazelisk (a self-updating Bazel launcher) to build the Pico SDK.
We strongly recommend you set up Bazelisk.
Use your favorite package tool to install dependencies. For example, on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install build-essential libudev-dev
On Linux you can add udev rules in order to run picotool without sudo:
sudo cp udev/99-picotool.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
To build on macOS, you'll need to ensure Xcode is installed.
xcode-select --install
To build on Windows, you must install Visual Studio for Desktop Development With C++.
From the root of the picotool repository, run Bazel with the following command:
bazelisk build //:picotool
To run picotool, run the binary built by Bazel: