blob: 95353b906613e6b7a5ae427b40a5e8981274897c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Runner for flashing with dfu-util.'''
import os
import sys
import time
from .core import ZephyrBinaryRunner, get_env_or_bail
class DfuUtilBinaryRunner(ZephyrBinaryRunner):
'''Runner front-end for dfu-util.'''
def __init__(self, pid, alt, img, dfuse=None, exe='dfu-util', debug=False):
super(DfuUtilBinaryRunner, self).__init__(debug=debug)
self.alt = alt
self.img = img
self.dfuse = dfuse
self.cmd = [exe, '-d,{}'.format(pid)]
self.list_pattern = ', alt={},'.format(int(self.alt))
except ValueError:
self.list_pattern = ', name="{}",'.format(self.alt)
def replaces_shell_script(shell_script, command):
return command == 'flash' and shell_script == ''
def create_from_env(command, debug):
'''Create flasher from environment.
- DFUUTIL_PID: USB VID:PID of the board
- DFUUTIL_ALT: interface alternate setting number or name
- DFUUTIL_IMG: binary to flash
- DFUUTIL_DFUSE_ADDR: target address if the board is a
DfuSe device. Ignored if not present.
- DFUUTIL: dfu-util executable, defaults to dfu-util.
pid = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_PID')
alt = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_ALT')
img = get_env_or_bail('DFUUTIL_IMG')
dfuse = os.environ.get('DFUUTIL_DFUSE_ADDR', None)
exe = os.environ.get('DFUUTIL', 'dfu-util')
return DfuUtilBinaryRunner(pid, alt, img, dfuse=dfuse, exe=exe,
def find_device(self):
cmd = list(self.cmd) + ['-l']
output = self.check_output(cmd)
output = output.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())
return self.list_pattern in output
def do_run(self, command, **kwargs):
if command != 'flash':
raise ValueError('only flash is supported')
reset = 0
if not self.find_device():
reset = 1
print('Please reset your board to switch to DFU mode...')
while not self.find_device():
cmd = list(self.cmd)
if self.dfuse is not None:
cmd.extend(['-s', '{}:leave'.format(self.dfuse)])
cmd.extend(['-a', self.alt, '-D', self.img])
if reset:
print('Now reset your board again to switch back to runtime mode.')