blob: 0a9734467a2153cc2c13a2bc6cdd6a9a481d56ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <zephyr/ztest.h>
#include <zephyr/net/buf.h>
#include <zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/mgmt/mgmt.h>
#include <zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/transport/smp_dummy.h>
#include <zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/mgmt/callbacks.h>
#include <zephyr/mgmt/mcumgr/grp/os_mgmt/os_mgmt.h>
#include <os_mgmt_processor.h>
#include <zcbor_common.h>
#include <zcbor_decode.h>
#include <zcbor_encode.h>
#include <mgmt/mcumgr/util/zcbor_bulk.h>
#include <version.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <smp_internal.h>
#include "smp_test_util.h"
/* Test sets */
enum {
/* Test os_mgmt info command requesting 's' (kernel name) */
static const uint8_t command[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x07,
0xbf, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74,
0x61, 0x73, 0xff
/* Expected response from mcumgr */
static const uint8_t expected_response[] = {
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x07,
0xbf, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x74, 0x70, 0x75, 0x74,
0x66, 0x5a, 0x65, 0x70, 0x68, 0x79, 0x72, 0xff
static struct net_buf *nb;
struct state {
uint8_t test_set;
static struct state test_state = {
.test_set = 0,
/* Responses to commands */
const uint8_t response_kernel_name[] = "Zephyr";
#if defined(CONFIG_BT)
const uint8_t response_node_name[] = CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME;
const uint8_t response_node_name[] = CONFIG_NET_HOSTNAME;
const uint8_t response_node_name[] = "unknown";
const uint8_t response_kernel_release[] = STRINGIFY(BUILD_VERSION);
const uint8_t response_kernel_version[] = KERNEL_VERSION_STRING;
const uint8_t response_machine[] = CONFIG_ARCH;
const uint8_t response_processor[] = PROCESSOR_NAME;
const uint8_t response_board_revision[] = CONFIG_BOARD "@" CONFIG_BOARD_REVISION;
const uint8_t response_board[] = CONFIG_BOARD;
const uint8_t response_os[] = "Zephyr";
const uint8_t response_custom_cmd[] = "Magic Output for Test";
const uint8_t response_os_custom[] = CONFIG_CUSTOM_OS_NAME_VALUE;
const uint8_t response_all_board_revision[] = "Zephyr "
#if defined(CONFIG_BT)
const uint8_t response_all[] = "Zephyr "
#if defined(CONFIG_BT)
const uint8_t query_kernel_name[] = "s";
const uint8_t query_node_name[] = "n";
const uint8_t query_kernel_release[] = "r";
const uint8_t query_kernel_version[] = "v";
const uint8_t query_machine[] = "m";
const uint8_t query_processor[] = "p";
const uint8_t query_platform[] = "i";
const uint8_t query_os[] = "o";
const uint8_t query_all[] = "a";
const uint8_t query_test_cmd[] = "k";
static int32_t os_mgmt_info_custom_os_callback(uint32_t event, int32_t rc, bool *abort_more,
void *data, size_t data_size)
struct os_mgmt_info_check *check_data = (struct os_mgmt_info_check *)data;
*check_data->custom_os_name = true;
} else if (event == MGMT_EVT_OP_OS_MGMT_INFO_APPEND) {
int rc;
struct os_mgmt_info_append *append_data = (struct os_mgmt_info_append *)data;
if (*append_data->format_bitmask & OS_MGMT_INFO_FORMAT_OPERATING_SYSTEM) {
rc = snprintf(&append_data->output[*append_data->output_length],
(append_data->buffer_size - *append_data->output_length),
"%s%s", (*append_data->prior_output == true ? " " : ""),
if (rc < 0 ||
rc >= (append_data->buffer_size - *append_data->output_length)) {
*abort_more = true;
return -1;
*append_data->output_length += (uint16_t)rc;
*append_data->prior_output = true;
*append_data->format_bitmask &= ~OS_MGMT_INFO_FORMAT_OPERATING_SYSTEM;
return MGMT_ERR_EOK;
static struct mgmt_callback custom_os_check_callback = {
.callback = os_mgmt_info_custom_os_callback,
static struct mgmt_callback custom_os_append_callback = {
.callback = os_mgmt_info_custom_os_callback,
static int32_t os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_callback(uint32_t event, int32_t rc, bool *abort_more,
void *data, size_t data_size)
struct os_mgmt_info_check *check_data = (struct os_mgmt_info_check *)data;
size_t i = 0;
while (i < check_data->format->len) {
if (check_data->format->value[i] == query_test_cmd[0]) {
*check_data->format_bitmask |= QUERY_TEST_CMD_BITMASK;
} else if (event == MGMT_EVT_OP_OS_MGMT_INFO_APPEND) {
int rc;
struct os_mgmt_info_append *append_data = (struct os_mgmt_info_append *)data;
if (append_data->all_format_specified ||
(*append_data->format_bitmask & QUERY_TEST_CMD_BITMASK)) {
rc = snprintf(&append_data->output[*append_data->output_length],
(append_data->buffer_size - *append_data->output_length),
"%sMagic Output for Test",
(*append_data->prior_output == true ? " " : ""));
if (rc < 0 ||
rc >= (append_data->buffer_size - *append_data->output_length)) {
*abort_more = true;
return -1;
*append_data->output_length += (uint16_t)rc;
*append_data->prior_output = true;
*append_data->format_bitmask &= ~QUERY_TEST_CMD_BITMASK;
return MGMT_ERR_EOK;
static struct mgmt_callback custom_cmd_check_callback = {
.callback = os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_callback,
static struct mgmt_callback custom_cmd_append_callback = {
.callback = os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_callback,
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_1)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(command, sizeof(command));
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
bool received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
zassert_equal(sizeof(expected_response), nb->len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n", sizeof(expected_response),
zassert_mem_equal(expected_response, nb->data, nb->len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
/* Generate the same command dynamically */
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, "s", buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Ensure the dynamically-generated size and payload matches the expected payload */
zassert_equal(sizeof(command), buffer_size,
"Expected received data mismatch");
zassert_mem_equal(command, buffer_out, sizeof(command),
"Expected received data mismatch");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
zassert_equal(sizeof(expected_response), nb->len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n", sizeof(expected_response),
zassert_mem_equal(expected_response, nb->data, nb->len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_2_kernel_name)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_kernel_name, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_kernel_name) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_kernel_name) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_kernel_name, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_3_node_name)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_node_name, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_node_name) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_node_name) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_node_name, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_4_kernel_release)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_kernel_release, buffer, buffer_out,
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_kernel_release) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_kernel_release) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_kernel_release, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_5_kernel_version)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_kernel_version, buffer, buffer_out,
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_kernel_version) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_kernel_version) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_kernel_version, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_6_machine)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_machine, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_machine) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n", (sizeof(response_machine) - 1),
zassert_mem_equal(response_machine, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_7_processor)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_processor, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_processor) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n", (sizeof(response_processor) - 1),
zassert_mem_equal(response_processor, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_8_platform)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_platform, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
if (sizeof(CONFIG_BOARD_REVISION) > 1) {
/* Check with board revision */
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_board_revision) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_board_revision) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_board_revision, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
} else {
/* Check without board revision */
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_board) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_board) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_board, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_9_os)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_os, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_os) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n", (sizeof(response_os) - 1),
zassert_mem_equal(response_os, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_10_all)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_all, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
if (sizeof(CONFIG_BOARD_REVISION) > 1) {
/* Check with board revision */
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_all_board_revision) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_all_board_revision) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_all_board_revision, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
} else {
/* Check without board revision */
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_all) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_all) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_all, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_11_multi_1)
uint8_t query[QUERY_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
/* Construct query for processor, kernel release and OS name */
sprintf(query, "%s%s%s", query_processor, query_kernel_release, query_os);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
/* Construct expected response to be compared against */
sprintf(buffer, "%s %s %s", response_kernel_release, response_processor, response_os);
zassert_equal(strlen(buffer), output.len, "Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
strlen(buffer), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(buffer, output.value, output.len, "Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_12_multi_2)
uint8_t query[QUERY_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
/* Construct query for node name and kernel version (twice) */
sprintf(query, "%s%s%s", query_kernel_version, query_node_name, query_kernel_version);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
/* Construct expected response to be compared against, only 2 responses will be returned
* despite 3 being sent, because 2 were duplicates
sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", response_node_name, response_kernel_version);
zassert_equal(strlen(buffer), output.len, "Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
strlen(buffer), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(buffer, output.value, output.len, "Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_13_invalid_1)
uint8_t query[QUERY_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
int32_t rc;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val error_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(rc, zcbor_int32_decode, &rc),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
/* Construct query for node name with invalid specifier */
sprintf(query, "%sM", query_kernel_version);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
/* Ensure only an error is received */
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 0, "Expected to receive 0 decoded zcbor element\n");
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, error_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(error_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal(output.len, 0, "Expected to receive 0 bytes but got %d\n", output.len);
zassert_equal(rc, MGMT_ERR_EINVAL, "Expected to receive EINVAL error but got %d\n", rc);
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info, test_info_14_invalid_2)
uint8_t query[QUERY_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
int32_t rc;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val error_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(rc, zcbor_int32_decode, &rc),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
/* Construct query for processor with invalid specifier */
sprintf(query, "2%s", query_processor);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
/* Ensure only an error is received */
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 0, "Expected to receive 0 decoded zcbor element\n");
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, error_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(error_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal(output.len, 0, "Expected to receive 0 bytes but got %d\n", output.len);
zassert_equal(rc, MGMT_ERR_EINVAL, "Expected to receive EINVAL error but got %d\n", rc);
static void *setup_custom_os(void)
return NULL;
static void destroy_custom_os(void *p)
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info_custom_os, test_info_os_custom)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_os, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_os_custom) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_os_custom) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_os_custom, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info_custom_os_disabled, test_info_os_custom_disabled)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_os, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_os) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_os) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_os, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
static void *setup_custom_cmd(void)
return NULL;
static void destroy_custom_cmd(void *p)
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd, test_info_cmd_custom)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_test_cmd, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal((sizeof(response_custom_cmd) - 1), output.len,
"Expected to receive %d bytes but got %d\n",
(sizeof(response_custom_cmd) - 1), output.len);
zassert_mem_equal(response_custom_cmd, output.value, output.len,
"Expected received data mismatch");
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_disabled, test_info_cmd_custom_disabled)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
int32_t rc;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val error_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(rc, zcbor_int32_decode, &rc),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_test_cmd, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 0, "Expected to receive 0 decoded zcbor element\n");
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, error_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(error_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal(output.len, 0, "Expected to receive 0 bytes but got %d\n", output.len);
zassert_equal(rc, MGMT_ERR_EINVAL, "Expected to receive EINVAL error but got %d\n", rc);
ZTEST(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_disabled_verify, test_info_cmd_custom_disabled)
uint8_t buffer[ZCBOR_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t buffer_out[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
bool ok;
uint16_t buffer_size;
zcbor_state_t zse[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
zcbor_state_t zsd[ZCBOR_HISTORY_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
bool received;
struct zcbor_string output = { 0 };
size_t decoded = 0;
int32_t rc;
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val output_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(output, zcbor_tstr_decode, &output),
struct zcbor_map_decode_key_val error_decode[] = {
ZCBOR_MAP_DECODE_KEY_VAL(rc, zcbor_int32_decode, &rc),
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
memset(buffer_out, 0, sizeof(buffer_out));
buffer_size = 0;
memset(zse, 0, sizeof(zse));
memset(zsd, 0, sizeof(zsd));
zcbor_new_encode_state(zse, 2, buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), 0);
ok = create_mcumgr_format_packet(zse, query_test_cmd, buffer, buffer_out, &buffer_size);
zassert_true(ok, "Expected packet creation to be successful\n");
/* Enable dummy SMP backend and ready for usage */
/* Send query command to dummy SMP backend */
(void)smp_dummy_tx_pkt(buffer_out, buffer_size);
/* For a short duration to see if response has been received */
received = smp_dummy_wait_for_data(SMP_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME);
zassert_true(received, "Expected to receive data but timed out\n");
/* Retrieve response buffer and ensure validity */
nb = smp_dummy_get_outgoing();
/* Process received data by removing header */
(void)net_buf_pull(nb, sizeof(struct smp_hdr));
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, output_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(output_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 0, "Expected to receive 0 decoded zcbor element\n");
zcbor_new_decode_state(zsd, 3, nb->data, nb->len, 1);
ok = zcbor_map_decode_bulk(zsd, error_decode, ARRAY_SIZE(error_decode), &decoded) == 0;
zassert_true(ok, "Expected decode to be successful\n");
zassert_equal(decoded, 1, "Expected to receive 1 decoded zcbor element\n");
zassert_equal(output.len, 0, "Expected to receive 0 bytes but got %d\n", output.len);
zassert_equal(rc, MGMT_ERR_EINVAL, "Expected to receive EINVAL error but got %d\n", rc);
static void cleanup_test(void *p)
if (nb != NULL) {
nb = NULL;
void test_main(void)
/* Register os_mgmt mcumgr group */
while (test_state.test_set < OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_COUNT) {
static bool main_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_MAIN;
static bool custom_os_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_CUSTOM_OS;
static bool custom_os_disabled_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_CUSTOM_OS_DISABLED;
static bool custom_cmd_disabled_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_CUSTOM_CMD_DISABLED;
static bool custom_cmd_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_CUSTOM_CMD;
static bool custom_cmd_disabled_verify_predicate(const void *state)
return ((struct state *)state)->test_set == OS_MGMT_TEST_SET_CUSTOM_CMD_DISABLED_VERIFY;
/* Main test set */
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info, main_predicate, NULL, NULL, cleanup_test, NULL);
/* Custom OS test set */
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info_custom_os, custom_os_predicate, setup_custom_os, NULL, cleanup_test,
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info_custom_os_disabled, custom_os_disabled_predicate, NULL, NULL,
cleanup_test, NULL);
/* Custom cmd test set */
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_disabled, custom_cmd_disabled_predicate, NULL, NULL,
cleanup_test, NULL);
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd, custom_cmd_predicate, setup_custom_cmd, NULL, cleanup_test,
ZTEST_SUITE(os_mgmt_info_custom_cmd_disabled_verify, custom_cmd_disabled_verify_predicate, NULL,
NULL, cleanup_test, NULL);