| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| # cmake: Eclipse CDT4 generator amendment |
| # |
| #1. The generator handles just the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS. |
| # (See: __ZEPHYR_SUPERVISOR__) |
| # a special handling is necessary. |
| # |
| # Solution: |
| # The amendment function generates a macro header file |
| # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/cmake_intdef.h |
| # based on INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and appends the |
| # defines from the file to |
| # |
| #2. Eclipse CDT4 indexer has problems with CMake 'Eclipse CDT4 - x' |
| # generator projects that use mixed C/C++. |
| # The Eclipse CDT4 indexer is showing a lot of unresolved symbol |
| # errors, when the project was created with CMake generator and |
| # the code is a mix of C and C++. |
| # The root cause of the problem is the g++ built-in __cplusplus macro, |
| # that is passed by CMake generator in the '.cproject' file. |
| # The defines in '.cproject' are always the same for C and C++. |
| # In mixed C/C++ projects, the header files often contain the following |
| # lines to let C++ code call the C functions: |
| # |
| # #ifdef __cplusplus |
| # extern "C" { |
| # #endif |
| # |
| # < header content > |
| # |
| # #ifdef __cplusplus |
| # } |
| # #endif |
| # |
| # Whenever the Eclipse CDT4 indexer compiles the code for |
| # code analysis, it has the macro __cplusplus set, |
| # independent of whether standard C or C++ source files are compiled. |
| # The 'extern "C"' confuses the standard C compilation and the indexer |
| # is messed up. |
| # |
| # Solution: |
| # The amendment function deletes the __cplusplus entry from |
| # |
| #3. The amendment function appends the defines from |
| # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/autoconf.h to |
| # |
| function(eclipse_cdt4_generator_amendment _param_defs) |
| # |
| # _param_defs handled values: |
| # |
| # 1 - work mode: "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject without __cplusplus" |
| # 2 - work mode: "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject with __cplusplus" |
| # 5 - work mode: "C and CXX includes, defines in Eclipse with project defines" |
| # |
| # In any other case, |
| # the C and CXX includes, defines setting in Eclipse is the user task. |
| # |
| ## 3 - work mode: "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings - [EXPERIMENTAL]" |
| ## 4 - work mode: "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings with project defines - [EXPERIMENTAL]" |
| # |
| message(" Eclipse CDT4 generator amendment mode:") |
| if (${_param_defs} EQUAL 1) |
| set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject without __cplusplus") |
| message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| message(" with project includes and defines") |
| elseif (${_param_defs} EQUAL 2) |
| set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject with __cplusplus") |
| message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| message(" with project includes and defines") |
| #elseif (${_param_defs} EQUAL 3) |
| # set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings - [EXPERIMENTAL]") |
| # message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| # message(" without project defines") |
| #elseif (${_param_defs} EQUAL 4) |
| # set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings with project defines - [EXPERIMENTAL]") |
| # message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| elseif (${_param_defs} EQUAL 5) |
| set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines in Eclipse with project defines") |
| message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| else(${_param_defs} EQUAL 1) |
| set(_work_mode "C and CXX includes, defines setting in Eclipse is the user task") |
| message(" ${_work_mode}") |
| endif(${_param_defs} EQUAL 1) |
| |
| set(OUTPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/cmake_intdef.h) |
| file(WRITE ${OUTPUT_FILE} "/* Generated by eclipse_cd4_generator_amendment.cmake */\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "/* The header contains the defines collected from the */\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "/* INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target property */\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "/* corresponding to zephyr_interface */\n") |
| get_target_property(_int_comp_def zephyr_interface INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) |
| foreach( d ${_int_comp_def} ) |
| string(REGEX MATCH "([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*) *=* *(.*) *$" _dummy "${d}") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "#define ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}\n") |
| endforeach() |
| |
| if (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in Eclipse with project defines") |
| message("") |
| message(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------") |
| message(" Add the following two command line parameters:") |
| message("") |
| message(" -imacros ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/cmake_intdef.h") |
| message(" -imacros ${AUTOCONF_H}") |
| message("") |
| message(" to 'CDT cross GCC Built-in Compiler Settings' provider command definition") |
| message(" -------------------------------------------------------------------------") |
| message("") |
| endif() |
| |
| if ( (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings - [EXPERIMENTAL]") OR |
| (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings with project defines - [EXPERIMENTAL]") ) |
| |
| set(OUTPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.settings/language.settings.xml) |
| file(WRITE ${OUTPUT_FILE} "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n") |
| |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "<project>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t<configuration id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.default.config.1\" name=\"Configuration\">\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t<extension point=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProvider\">\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t<provider copy-of=\"extension\" id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.ui.UserLanguageSettingsProvider\"/>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t<provider-reference id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.ReferencedProjectsLanguageSettingsProvider\" ref=\"shared-provider\"/>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t<provider-reference id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.PathEntryScannerInfoLanguageSettingsProvider\" ref=\"shared-provider\"/>\n") |
| if (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings with project defines - [EXPERIMENTAL]") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t<provider class=\"org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector\" console=\"false\" id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector\" keep-relative-paths=\"false\" name=\"Zephyr autoconf and SDK Compiler Settings\" parameter=\"${CROSS_COMPILE}\${COMMAND} \${FLAGS} -imacros ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/cmake_intdef.h -imacros ${AUTOCONF_H} -E -P -v -dD "\${INPUTS}"\" store-entries-with-project=\"true\">\n") |
| else () |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t<provider class=\"org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector\" console=\"false\" id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector\" keep-relative-paths=\"false\" name=\"Zephyr autoconf and SDK Compiler Settings\" parameter=\"${CROSS_COMPILE}\${COMMAND} \${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "\${INPUTS}"\" store-entries-with-project=\"true\">\n") |
| endif () |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t\t<language-scope id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc\"/>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t\t<language-scope id=\"org.eclipse.cdt.core.g++\"/>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t\t</provider>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t\t</extension>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "\t</configuration>\n") |
| file(APPEND ${OUTPUT_FILE} "</project>\n") |
| |
| endif () |
| |
| if ( (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject without __cplusplus") OR |
| (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject with __cplusplus") OR |
| (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .settings - [EXPERIMENTAL]") ) |
| |
| if ( (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject without __cplusplus") OR |
| (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject with __cplusplus") ) |
| |
| if (${_work_mode} STREQUAL "C and CXX includes, defines in .cproject without __cplusplus") |
| # Delete __cplusplus define |
| STRING(REGEX REPLACE "__cplusplus;.*;" "" TEMP_VAR "${TEMP_VAR}") |
| endif() |
| |
| else() |
| |
| # Wiping C compiler system defined macros and include directories |
| set(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS "" CACHE INTERNAL "C compiler system include directories") |
| set(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS "" CACHE INTERNAL "C compiler system defined macros") |
| endif () |
| # Wiping CXX compiler system defined macros and include directories |
| set(CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS "" CACHE INTERNAL "CXX compiler system include directories") |
| endif () |
| |
| endif() |
| |
| file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zephyr/include/generated/cmake_intdef.h _int_comp_def) |
| foreach( d ${_int_comp_def} ) |
| string(REGEX MATCH "^#define +([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*) *(.*) *$" _dummy "${d}") |
| if (NOT ("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" STREQUAL "") ) |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") |
| if ("${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" STREQUAL "") |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines "") |
| else() |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| set (CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS "${_resultDefines}" CACHE INTERNAL "C compiler system defined macros") |
| |
| file(STRINGS ${AUTOCONF_H} _auto_conf) |
| foreach( d ${_auto_conf} ) |
| string(REGEX MATCH "^#define +([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*) *(.*) *$" _dummy "${d}") |
| if (NOT ("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" STREQUAL "") ) |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") |
| if ("${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" STREQUAL "") |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines " ") |
| else() |
| list(APPEND _resultDefines "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| set (CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_DEFINED_MACROS "${_resultDefines}" CACHE INTERNAL "C compiler system defined macros") |
| |
| endif() |
| |
| endfunction(eclipse_cdt4_generator_amendment _param_defs) |