xtensa: linker: add missing snippets-sections to ace-link.ld

The linker script for intel_adsp ace was missing the
snippets-sections.ld include, causing it to ignore any custom section
defined in with cmake zephyr_linker_sources().

Adding it in the same location as it's done in xtensa-cavs-linker.ld.

Signed-off-by: Fabio Baltieri <fabiobaltieri@google.com>
diff --git a/soc/xtensa/intel_adsp/ace/ace-link.ld b/soc/xtensa/intel_adsp/ace/ace-link.ld
index d820c89..5371bff 100644
--- a/soc/xtensa/intel_adsp/ace/ace-link.ld
+++ b/soc/xtensa/intel_adsp/ace/ace-link.ld
@@ -451,6 +451,8 @@
     . = ALIGN(16);
   } >noload
+#include <snippets-sections.ld>
 #include <zephyr/linker/debug-sections.ld>
    /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) }