Sanitycheck Testing

Running the tests require the environment variable ZEPHYR_BASE to be set.

Sanitycheck Testsuite are located in $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/tests directory with all the data files in $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/test_data directory.


Install all the dependencies using

pip install -r $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/tests/sanitycheck/requirements.txt

Executing testsuite

The testcases can be executed from the root directory using

pytest $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/tests/sanitycheck

Sanitycheck Coverage

The coverage for all the tests can be run using the command below. This will collect all the tests available.

coverage run -m pytest $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/tests/sanitycheck/

Then we can generate the coverage report for just sanitycheck script using

coverage report -m $ZEPHYR_BASE/scripts/sanitycheck

The html coverage report for sanitycheck can be generated using

coverage html sanitycheck

If needed,the full coverage html report can be generated in every run of “pytest” in the tests directory using configuration file (setup.cfg).

Organization of tests

  • : Contains basic testcases for environment variables, verifying testcase & platform schema's.