Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


v0.2.7 - 2022-02-09


  • Backport CAN interface from the upcoming 1.0 release.

v0.2.6 - 2021-08-03


Backported non-breaking changes from the upcoming 1.0 release:

  • Transactional SPI interface for executing groups of SPI transactions.
  • Transactional I2C interface for executing groups of I2C transactions.
  • 10-bit addressing mode for I2C traits.
  • set_state method for OutputPin using an input PinState value.
  • IoPin trait for pins that can change between being inputs or outputs dynamically.

v0.2.5 - 2021-04-28


  • Updated nb dependency to version 0.1.3 to ensure compatibility with nb version 1.0.

v0.2.4 - 2020-06-17


  • Fix for dyn traits in
  • Remove #![deny(warnings)], now imposed y CI
  • Updates stm32f30x from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0
  • Fix the input pin v2->v1 compatibility shim constructor, where OldInputPin::new was incorrectly implemented for v1::OutputPin values.

v0.2.3 - 2019-05-09


  • A new version of the digital OutputPin, StatefulOutputPin, ToggleableOutputPin and InputPin traits has been added under digital::v2. These traits are now fallible and their methods now return a Result type as setting an output pin and reading an input pin could potentially fail. See here for more info.
  • Compatibility shims between digital::v1 and digital::v2 traits allowing v1 traits to be implicitly promoted to v2, and for v2 traits to be explicitly cast to v1 wrappers.


  • The current versions of the OutputPin, StatefulOutputPin, ToggleableOutputPin and InputPin traits have been marked as deprecated. Please use the new versions included in digital::v2. See here for more info.

v0.2.2 - 2018-11-03


  • Added the Rust Code of Conduct to this repository
  • The first ADC-related trait. This is a simple trait for one-shot conversions.
  • Iterator-based blocking write and write+read traits have been added to I2C and SPI.
  • New helper constants for SPI modes.
  • A new trait for a cancellable countdown.
  • New traits for watchdog timer management, including startup, feeding, and stopping.


  • Updated docs to clarify I2C address bit widths and expectations.

v0.2.1 - 2018-05-14


  • Auto-generated documentation ( now includes the unproven traits.

v0.2.0 - 2018-05-12


  • A ToggeableOutputPin trait has been added. This trait contains a single method: toggle that can be used to toggle the state of a push-pull pin.


  • [breaking-change] The signature of CountDown.wait changed; it now returns nb::Result<(), Void>. Where Void is the stable alternative to the never type, !, provided by the stable void crate. Implementations of the CountDown trait will have to be updated to use the new signature. With this change this crate compiles on the stable and beta channels.
  • [breaking-change] the OutputPin.is_{low,high} methods have been moved into its own trait StatefulOutputPin and renamed to is_set_{low,high}.

  • It has been clarified in the documentation that OutputPin must be implemented for push-pull output pins (and e.g. not for open drain output pins).

[v0.1.3] - 2018-05-14


  • Re-export most / unchanged traits from embedded-hal v0.2.x to allow inter-operation between HAL implementations and drivers that are using different minor versions.

v0.1.2 - 2018-02-14


  • Unproven blocking::serial::* traits

v0.1.1 - 2018-02-06


  • Unproven digital::InputPin trait

v0.1.0 - 2018-01-16

Initial release