blob: 924d91b0e7f38c2f10325dfe66ee1e6f16430577 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
//! `pw_log` is an extensible logging system that can delegate to
//! pre-existing logging APIs without upstream changes.
//! Clients of `pw_log` simply import and use the logging API, and
//! log invocations will be handled by the provided logging backend.
//! This flexibility is accomplished using Pigweed's
//! [facade pattern](,
//! which uses build-system redirection to forward log invocations to the
//! configured backend implementation.
//! ```
//! use pw_log::{log, info, LogLevel};
//! log!(LogLevel::Info, "Thank you for signing up for Log Facts!");
//! info!("Log Fact: Logs can be either {}, {}, or {} sawn.",
//! "flat" as &str, "quarter" as &str, "rift" as &str);
//! ```
//! Today `printf` style format strings are well supported with Rust
//! [`core::fmt`]/`println!()` style strings partially supported
//! ([b/311232607](
//! Currently, when using a `stable` toolchain, "untyped" arguments (i.e.
//! `{}` style) need to be in the form of an as-cast. Users with nightly
//! toolchains can enable the `nightly_tait` feature to remove this restriction.
//! TODO: <> - Document `pw_log`'s backend API.
//! TODO: <> - Document how to configure facade backends.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub use pw_log_backend_api::LogLevel;
// Re-export dependences of `pw_log` macros to be accessed via `$crate::__private`.
pub mod __private {
pub use crate::*;
// pub use pw_log_backend;
pub use pw_log_backend::{pw_log_backend, pw_logf_backend};
/// Emit a log message using `core::fmt` format string semantics.
/// `log` takes a [`LogLevel`], a `core::fmt` style format string, and necessary
/// arguments to that string and emits a log message to the logging backend.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::{log, LogLevel};
/// log!(LogLevel::Info, "Log fact: A {} log has a Janka hardness of {} lbf.",
/// "Spruce Pine" as &str, 700 as i32);
/// ```
macro_rules! log {
($log_level:expr, $format_string:literal) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
$crate::__private::pw_log_backend!($log_level, $format_string)
($log_level:expr, $format_string:literal, $($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
$crate::__private::pw_log_backend!($log_level, $format_string, $($args),*)
/// Emit a log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// `logf` takes a [`LogLevel`], a `printf` style format string, and necessary
/// arguments to that string and emits a log message to the logging backend.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::{logf, LogLevel};
/// logf!(LogLevel::Info, "Log fact: A %s log has a Janka hardness of %d lbf.",
/// "Spruce Pine", 700);
/// ```
macro_rules! logf {
($log_level:expr, $format_string:literal) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
$crate::__private::pw_logf_backend!($log_level, $format_string)
($log_level:expr, $format_string:literal, $($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
$crate::__private::pw_logf_backend!($log_level, $format_string, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`logf!`].
macro_rules! pw_logf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit a debug level log message using `core:fmt` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::debug;
/// debug!("Log Fact: The American toy Lincoln Logs were inspired by the {} in {}.",
/// "Imperial Hotel" as &str, "Tokyo" as &str);
/// ```
macro_rules! debug {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Debug, $($args),*)
/// Emit a debug level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::debugf;
/// debugf!("Log Fact: The American toy Lincoln Logs were inspired by the %s in %s.",
/// "Imperial Hotel", "Tokyo");
/// ```
macro_rules! debugf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Debug, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`debugf!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_debugf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit an info level log message using `core:fmt` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::info;
/// info!(
/// "Log Fact: The American president Abraham Lincoln (born {}) once lived in a log cabin.",
/// 1809 as u32);
/// ```
macro_rules! info {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Info, $($args),*)
/// Emit an info level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::infof;
/// infof!(
/// "Log Fact: The American president Abraham Lincoln (born %x) once lived in a log cabin.",
/// 0x1809);
/// ```
macro_rules! infof {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Info, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`infof!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_infof {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit a warn level log message using `core::fmt` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::warn;
/// warn!(
/// "Log Fact: Made from a log, an {} year old dugout canoe is the oldest discovered boat in {}.",
/// 8000 as i32, "Africa" as &str);
/// ```
macro_rules! warn {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Warn, $($args),*)
/// Emit a warn level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::warnf;
/// warnf!(
/// "Log Fact: Made from a log, an %d year old dugout canoe is the oldest discovered boat in %s.",
/// 8000, "Africa");
/// ```
macro_rules! warnf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Warn, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`warnf!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_warnf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit an error level log message using `core::fmt` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::error;
/// error!(
/// "Log Fact: Before saws were invented, the {} was used prepare logs for use.",
/// "adze" as &str);
/// ```
macro_rules! error {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Error, $($args),*)
/// Emit an error level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::errorf;
/// errorf!(
/// "Log Fact: Before saws were invented, the %s was used prepare logs for use.",
/// "adze");
/// ```
macro_rules! errorf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Error, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`errorf!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_errorf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit a critical level log message using `core::fmt` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::critical;
/// critical!(
/// "Log Fact: Until the {}th century, all ships' masts were made from a single log.",
/// 19 as u32);
/// ```
macro_rules! critical {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Critical, $($args),*)
/// Emit a critical level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// ```
/// use pw_log::{criticalf, LogLevel};
/// criticalf!(
/// "Log Fact: Until the %dth century, all ships' masts were made from a single log.",
/// 19);
/// ```
macro_rules! criticalf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Critical, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`criticalf!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_criticalf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
/// Emit a fatal level log message using `core::fmt` format string semantics.
/// *Note*: `fatal` only emits a log message and does not cause a `panic!()`
/// ```
/// use pw_log::fatal;
/// fatal!("Log Fact: All out of log facts! Timber!");
/// ```
macro_rules! fatal {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::log!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Fatal, $($args),*)
/// Emit a fatal level log message using `printf` format string semantics.
/// *Note*: `fatalf` only emits a log message and does not cause a `panic!()`
/// ```
/// use pw_log::{fatalf, LogLevel};
/// fatalf!("Log Fact: All out of log facts! Timber!");
/// ```
macro_rules! fatalf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_log_crate;
__pw_log_crate::logf!(__pw_log_crate::LogLevel::Fatal, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`fatalf!`].
macro_rules! pw_log_fatalf {
($($args:expr),*) => {{
mod tests {
// TODO(b/311262163): Add infrastructure for testing behavior of `pw_log` API.
// The syntax of that API is verified through doctests.