blob: faee9a2e7d1f4a775c4c81a35c758ff75f68605a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
//! `pw_tokenizer` - Efficient string handling and printf style encoding.
//! Logging is critical, but developers are often forced to choose between
//! additional logging or saving crucial flash space. The `pw_tokenizer` crate
//! helps address this by replacing printf-style strings with binary tokens
//! during compilation. This enables extensive logging with substantially less
//! memory usage.
//! For a more in depth explanation of the systems design and motivations,
//! see [Pigweed's pw_tokenizer module documentation](
//! # Examples
//! Pigweed's tokenization database uses `printf` style strings internally so
//! those are supported directly.
//! ```
//! use pw_tokenizer::tokenize_printf_to_buffer;
//! let mut buffer = [0u8; 1024];
//! let len = tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "The answer is %d", 42)?;
//! // 4 bytes used to encode the token and one to encode the value 42. This
//! // is a **3.5x** reduction in size compared to the raw string!
//! assert_eq!(len, 5);
//! # Ok::<(), pw_status::Error>(())
//! ```
//! We also support Rust's `core::fmt` style syntax. These format strings are
//! converted to `printf` style at compile time to maintain compatibly with the
//! rest of the Pigweed tokenizer ecosystem. The below example produces the
//! same token and output as the above one.
//! ```
//! use pw_tokenizer::tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer;
//! let mut buffer = [0u8; 1024];
//! let len = tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "The answer is {}", 42 as i32)?;
//! assert_eq!(len, 5);
//! # Ok::<(), pw_status::Error>(())
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use pw_status::Result;
pub mod internal;
// Creating a __private namespace allows us a way to get to the modules
// we need from macros by doing:
// use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
// This is how proc macro generated code can reliably reference back to
// `pw_tokenizer` while still allowing a user to import it under a different
// name.
pub mod __private {
pub use crate::*;
pub use pw_bytes::concat_static_strs;
pub use pw_format_core::PrintfFormatter;
pub use pw_status::Result;
pub use pw_stream::{Cursor, Seek, WriteInteger, WriteVarint};
pub use pw_tokenizer_core::hash_string;
pub use pw_tokenizer_macro::{
_token, _tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer, _tokenize_core_fmt_to_writer,
_tokenize_printf_to_buffer, _tokenize_printf_to_writer,
/// Return the [`u32`] token for the specified string and add it to the token
/// database.
/// This is where the magic happens in `pw_tokenizer`! ... and by magic
/// we mean hiding information in a special linker section that ends up in the
/// final elf binary but does not get flashed to the device.
/// Two things are accomplished here:
/// 1) The string is hashed into its stable `u32` token. This is the value that
/// is returned from the macro.
/// 2) A [token database entry](
/// is generated, assigned to a unique static symbol, placed in a linker
/// section named `pw_tokenizer.entries.<TOKEN_HASH>`. A
/// [linker script](
/// is responsible for picking these symbols up and aggregating them into a
/// single `.pw_tokenizer.entries` section in the final binary.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use pw_tokenizer::token;
/// let token = token!("hello, \"world\"");
/// assert_eq!(token, 3537412730);
/// ```
/// Currently there is no support for encoding tokens to specific domains
/// or with "fixed lengths" per [`pw_tokenizer_core::hash_bytes_fixed`].
macro_rules! token {
($string:literal) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
/// Tokenize a `core::fmt` style format string and arguments to an [`AsMut<u8>`]
/// buffer. The format string is converted in to a `printf` and added token to
/// the token database.
/// See [`token`] for an explanation on how strings are tokenized and entries
/// are added to the token database.
/// Returns a [`pw_status::Result<usize>`] the number of bytes written to the buffer.
/// `tokenize_to_buffer!` supports concatenation of format strings as described
/// in [`pw_format::macros::FormatAndArgs`].
/// # Errors
/// - [`pw_status::Error::OutOfRange`] - Buffer is not large enough to fit
/// tokenized data.
/// - [`pw_status::Error::InvalidArgument`] - Invalid buffer was provided.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use pw_tokenizer::tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer;
/// // Tokenize a format string and argument into a buffer.
/// let mut buffer = [0u8; 1024];
/// let len = tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "The answer is {}", 42 as i32)?;
/// // 4 bytes used to encode the token and one to encode the value 42.
/// assert_eq!(len, 5);
/// // The format string can be composed of multiple strings literals using
/// // the custom`PW_FMT_CONCAT` operator.
/// let len = tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "Hello " PW_FMT_CONCAT "Pigweed")?;
/// // Only a single 4 byte token is emitted after concatenation of the string
/// // literals above.
/// assert_eq!(len, 4);
/// # Ok::<(), pw_status::Error>(())
/// ```
macro_rules! tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer {
($buffer:expr, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
__pw_tokenizer_crate::_tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!($buffer, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
/// Tokenize a printf format string and arguments to an [`AsMut<u8>`] buffer
/// and add the format string's token to the token database.
/// See [`token`] for an explanation on how strings are tokenized and entries
/// are added to the token database. The token's domain is set to "".
/// Returns a [`pw_status::Result<usize>`] the number of bytes written to the buffer.
/// `tokenize_to_buffer!` supports concatenation of format strings as described
/// in [`pw_format::macros::FormatAndArgs`].
/// # Errors
/// - [`pw_status::Error::OutOfRange`] - Buffer is not large enough to fit
/// tokenized data.
/// - [`pw_status::Error::InvalidArgument`] - Invalid buffer was provided.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use pw_tokenizer::tokenize_printf_to_buffer;
/// // Tokenize a format string and argument into a buffer.
/// let mut buffer = [0u8; 1024];
/// let len = tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "The answer is %d", 42)?;
/// // 4 bytes used to encode the token and one to encode the value 42.
/// assert_eq!(len, 5);
/// // The format string can be composed of multiple strings literals using
/// // the custom`PW_FMT_CONCAT` operator.
/// let len = tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "Hello " PW_FMT_CONCAT "Pigweed")?;
/// // Only a single 4 byte token is emitted after concatenation of the string
/// // literals above.
/// assert_eq!(len, 4);
/// # Ok::<(), pw_status::Error>(())
/// ```
macro_rules! tokenize_printf_to_buffer {
($buffer:expr, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
__pw_tokenizer_crate::_tokenize_printf_to_buffer!($buffer, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`tokenize_printf_to_buffer!`].
macro_rules! tokenize_to_buffer {
($buffer:expr, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
$crate::tokenize_printf_to_buffer!($buffer, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
/// Tokenize a format string and arguments to a [`MessageWriter`] and add the
/// format string's token to the token database.
/// `tokenize_to_writer!` and the accompanying [`MessageWriter`] trait provide
/// an optimized API for use cases like logging where the output of the
/// tokenization will be written to a shared/ambient resource like stdio, a
/// UART, or a shared buffer.
/// See [`token`] for an explanation on how strings are tokenized and entries
/// are added to the token database. The token's domain is set to "".
/// Returns a [`pw_status::Result<()>`].
/// `tokenize_to_writer!` supports concatenation of format strings as described
/// in [`pw_format::macros::FormatAndArgs`].
/// # Errors
/// - [`pw_status::Error::OutOfRange`] - [`MessageWriter`] does not have enough
/// space to fit tokenized data.
/// - others - `tokenize_to_write!` will pass on any errors returned by the
/// [`MessageWriter`].
/// # Code Size
/// This data was collected by examining the disassembly of a test program
/// built for an Cortex M0.
/// | Tokenized Message | Per Call-site Cost (bytes) |
/// | --------------------| -------------------------- |
/// | no arguments | 10 |
/// | one `i32` argument | 18 |
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use pw_status::Result;
/// use pw_stream::{Cursor, Write};
/// use pw_tokenizer::{MessageWriter, tokenize_to_writer};
/// const BUFFER_LEN: usize = 32;
/// // Declare a simple MessageWriter that uses a [`pw_status::Cursor`] to
/// // maintain an internal buffer.
/// struct TestMessageWriter {
/// cursor: Cursor<[u8; BUFFER_LEN]>,
/// }
/// impl MessageWriter for TestMessageWriter {
/// fn new() -> Self {
/// Self {
/// cursor: Cursor::new([0u8; BUFFER_LEN]),
/// }
/// }
/// fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
/// self.cursor.write_all(data)
/// }
/// fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
/// self.cursor.remaining()
/// }
/// fn finalize(self) -> Result<()> {
/// let len = self.cursor.position();
/// // 4 bytes used to encode the token and one to encode the value 42.
/// assert_eq!(len, 5);
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// // Tokenize a format string and argument into the writer. Note how we
/// // pass in the message writer's type, not an instance of it.
/// let len = tokenize_to_writer!(TestMessageWriter, "The answer is %d", 42)?;
/// # Ok::<(), pw_status::Error>(())
/// ```
macro_rules! tokenize_core_fmt_to_writer {
($ty:ty, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
__pw_tokenizer_crate::_tokenize_core_fmt_to_writer!($ty, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
macro_rules! tokenize_printf_to_writer {
($ty:ty, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::__private as __pw_tokenizer_crate;
__pw_tokenizer_crate::_tokenize_printf_to_writer!($ty, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
/// Deprecated alias for [`tokenize_printf_to_writer!`].
macro_rules! tokenize_to_writer {
($ty:ty, $($format_string:literal)PW_FMT_CONCAT+ $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
$crate::tokenize_printf_to_writer!($ty, $($format_string)PW_FMT_CONCAT+, $($args),*)
/// A trait used by [`tokenize_to_writer!`] to output tokenized messages.
/// For more details on how this type is used, see the [`tokenize_to_writer!`]
/// documentation.
pub trait MessageWriter {
/// Returns a new instance of a `MessageWriter`.
fn new() -> Self;
/// Append `data` to the message.
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
/// Return the remaining space in this message instance.
/// If there are no space constraints, return `usize::MAX`.
fn remaining(&self) -> usize;
/// Finalize message.
/// `finalize()` is called when the tokenized message is complete.
fn finalize(self) -> Result<()>;
mod tests {
use super::*;
extern crate self as pw_tokenizer;
use pw_stream::{Cursor, Write};
use std::cell::RefCell;
// This is not meant to be an exhaustive test of tokenization which is
// covered by `pw_tokenizer_core`'s unit tests. Rather, this is testing
// that the `tokenize!` macro connects to that correctly.
fn test_token() {}
macro_rules! tokenize_to_buffer_test {
($expected_data:expr, $buffer_len:expr, $printf_fmt:literal, $core_fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
if $printf_fmt != "" {
let mut buffer = [0u8; $buffer_len];
let len = tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, $printf_fmt, $($args),*).unwrap();
"printf style input does not produce expected output",
if $core_fmt != "" {
let mut buffer = [0u8; $buffer_len];
let len = tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, $core_fmt, $($args),*).unwrap();
"core::fmt style input does not produce expected output",
macro_rules! tokenize_to_writer_test {
($expected_data:expr, $buffer_len:expr, $printf_fmt:literal, $core_fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
// The `MessageWriter` API is used in places like logging where it
// accesses an shared/ambient resource (like stdio or an UART). To test
// it in a hermetic way we declare test specific `MessageWriter` that
// writes it's output to a scoped static variable that can be checked
// after the test is run.
// Since these tests are not multi-threaded, we can use a thread_local!
// instead of a mutex.
thread_local!(static TEST_OUTPUT: RefCell<Option<Vec<u8>>> = RefCell::new(None));
struct TestMessageWriter {
cursor: Cursor<[u8; $buffer_len]>,
impl MessageWriter for TestMessageWriter {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
cursor: Cursor::new([0u8; $buffer_len]),
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
fn finalize(self) -> Result<()> {
let write_len = self.cursor.position();
let data = self.cursor.into_inner();
TEST_OUTPUT.with(|output| *output.borrow_mut() = Some(data[..write_len].to_vec()));
if $printf_fmt != "" {
TEST_OUTPUT.with(|output| *output.borrow_mut() = None);
tokenize_printf_to_writer!(TestMessageWriter, $printf_fmt, $($args),*).unwrap();
TEST_OUTPUT.with(|output| {
if $core_fmt != "" {
TEST_OUTPUT.with(|output| *output.borrow_mut() = None);
tokenize_core_fmt_to_writer!(TestMessageWriter, $core_fmt, $($args),*).unwrap();
TEST_OUTPUT.with(|output| {
macro_rules! tokenize_test {
($expected_data:expr, $buffer_len:expr, $printf_fmt:literal, $core_fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)* $(,)?) => {{
tokenize_to_buffer_test!($expected_data, $buffer_len, $printf_fmt, $core_fmt, $($args),*);
tokenize_to_writer_test!($expected_data, $buffer_len, $printf_fmt, $core_fmt, $($args),*);
fn bare_string_encodes_correctly() {
&[0xe0, 0x92, 0xe0, 0xa], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"Hello Pigweed", // printf style
"Hello Pigweed", // core::fmt style
fn test_decimal_format() {
// "as casts" are used for the integer arguments below. They are only
// need for the core::fmt style arguments but are added so that we can
// check that the printf and core::fmt style equivalents encode the same.
&[0x52, 0x1c, 0xb0, 0x4c, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %d!", // printf style
"The answer is {}!", // core::fmt style
1 as i32
&[0x36, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0x69, 0x1], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"No! The answer is %d!", // printf style
"No! The answer is {}!", // core::fmt style
-1 as i32
&[0xa4, 0xad, 0x50, 0x54, 0x0], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"I think you'll find that the answer is %d!", // printf style
"I think you'll find that the answer is {}!", // core::fmt style
0 as i32
fn test_misc_integer_format() {
// %d, %i, %o, %u, %x, %X all encode integers the same.
&[0x52, 0x1c, 0xb0, 0x4c, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %d!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
// Because %i is an alias for %d, it gets converted to a %d by the
// `pw_format` macro infrastructure.
&[0x52, 0x1c, 0xb0, 0x4c, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %i!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
&[0x5d, 0x70, 0x12, 0xb4, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %o!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
&[0x63, 0x58, 0x5f, 0x8f, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %u!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
&[0x66, 0xcc, 0x05, 0x7d, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %x!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
&[0x46, 0x4c, 0x16, 0x96, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %X!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
fn test_string_format() {
b"\x25\xf6\x2e\x66\x07Pigweed", // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"Hello: %s!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
fn test_string_format_overflow() {
b"\x25\xf6\x2e\x66\x83Pig", // expected buffer
8, // buffer size
"Hello: %s!", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
fn test_char_format() {
&[0x2e, 0x52, 0xac, 0xe4, 0x50], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"Hello: %cigweed", // printf style
"", // no equivalent core::fmt style
fn test_untyped_format() {
&[0x63, 0x58, 0x5f, 0x8f, 0x2], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"The answer is %u!", // printf style
"The answer is {}!", // core::fmt style
1 as u32
&[0x36, 0xd0, 0xfb, 0x69, 0x1], // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"No! The answer is %v!", // printf style
"No! The answer is {}!", // core::fmt style
-1 as i32
b"\x25\xf6\x2e\x66\x07Pigweed", // expected buffer
64, // buffer size
"Hello: %v!", // printf style
"Hello: {}!", // core::fmt style
"Pigweed" as &str
fn tokenizer_supports_concatenated_printf_format_strings() {
// Since the no argument and some arguments cases are handled differently
// by `tokenize_to_buffer!` we need to test both.
let mut buffer = [0u8; 64];
let len =
tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "Hello" PW_FMT_CONCAT " Pigweed").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer[..len], &[0xe0, 0x92, 0xe0, 0xa]);
let len = tokenize_printf_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "Hello: " PW_FMT_CONCAT "%cigweed",
assert_eq!(&buffer[..len], &[0x2e, 0x52, 0xac, 0xe4, 0x50]);
fn tokenizer_supports_concatenated_core_fmt_format_strings() {
// Since the no argument and some arguments cases are handled differently
// by `tokenize_to_buffer!` we need to test both.
let mut buffer = [0u8; 64];
let len =
tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "Hello" PW_FMT_CONCAT " Pigweed").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer[..len], &[0xe0, 0x92, 0xe0, 0xa]);
let len = tokenize_core_fmt_to_buffer!(&mut buffer, "The answer is " PW_FMT_CONCAT "{}!",
1 as i32)
assert_eq!(&buffer[..len], &[0x52, 0x1c, 0xb0, 0x4c, 0x2]);