blob: 87ea61d15e960aeaef567c44f0fa72a9bb1b84fb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# All the targets build by default with e.g. `ninja -C out`.
group("default") {
deps = [
# TODO(tonymd): Enable the verilog build by default when the following tools
# are available in CIPD: yosys, nextpnr-ice40, icetime, icepack
# ":fpga",
group("applications") {
deps = [
# Arduino targets
# This group requires the following tools for the FPGA build:
# yosys, nextpnr-ice40, icepack, icetime
group("fpga") {
deps = [ "//fpga" ]
# Python Targets
_gonk_python_packages = [ "//tools" ]
_gonk_proto_packages = [ "//lib/adc:protos.python" ]
# Pigweed Python packages to include
_pigweed_python_packages = [ "$dir_pw_env_setup:core_pigweed_python_packages" ]
_all_python_packages =
_gonk_python_packages + _gonk_proto_packages + _pigweed_python_packages
# Group that defines all Python test and lint targets.
pw_python_group("gonk_python") {
python_deps = _gonk_python_packages
# The python virtualenv used for testing and linting.
pw_python_venv("gonk_build_venv") {
path = "$root_build_dir/python-venv"
source_packages = _all_python_packages
# Bundle of all Gonk Python packages and their Pigweed dependencies
pw_python_distribution("gonk_python_tools") {
packages = _gonk_python_packages + _gonk_proto_packages
generate_setup_cfg = {
name = "gonk-dist"
version = "0.0.1"
append_date_to_version = true
include_default_pyproject_file = true
# Pip install target for Gonk Python tools and protos.
pw_python_pip_install("pip_install_gonk_tools") {
packages = [ ":gonk_python_tools" ]
# Python data package for Gonk firmware build.
pw_python_distribution("gonk_firmware") {
packages = []
generate_setup_cfg = {
name = "gonk-firmware"
version = "0.0.1"
append_date_to_version = true
include_default_pyproject_file = true
include_extra_files_in_package_data = true
auto_create_package_data_init_py_files = true
public_deps = [
_gonk_bin = "$root_build_dir/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/fpga_config/fpga_config.bin"
_gonk_elf = "$root_build_dir/arduino_size_optimized/obj/applications/fpga_config/bin/fpga_config.elf"
extra_files = [
"$_gonk_bin > gonk_firmware/gonk.bin",
"$_gonk_elf > gonk_firmware/gonk.elf",
# The FPGA image is only built on Linux so far.
if (host_os == "linux") {
_fpga_artifacts_dir = "$root_build_dir/obj/fpga/toplevel"
public_deps += [ "//fpga:toplevel._bin($default_toolchain)" ]
extra_files +=
[ "$_fpga_artifacts_dir/toplevel.bin > gonk_firmware/fpga.bin" ]
# Pip install target for the firmware datapackage only. This is separate since
# the FPGA toolchain is an optional build component.
pw_python_pip_install("pip_install_gonk_firmware") {
packages = [ ":gonk_firmware" ]
# Python group used durring bootstrap.
pw_python_group("python") {
python_deps = [
_gonk_bundle_packages =
_gonk_python_packages + _gonk_proto_packages + [ ":gonk_firmware" ]
pw_python_venv("gonk_bundle_venv") {
path = "$root_build_dir/gonk-bundle-venv"
source_packages = _gonk_bundle_packages
pw_python_zip_with_setup("gonk_bundle") {
# Include vendored wheels for this virtualenv.
venv = ":gonk_bundle_venv"
# Gonk packages to include
packages = [
# Add the tools README to the zipfile.
inputs = [ "//tools/ > /" ]