blob: c0421a5bbeee74d995874df1fbb0ab991fca5b90 [file] [log] [blame]
# Auto-generated by lucicfg.
# Do not modify manually.
# For the schema of this file, see Bucket message:
name: ""
swarming {
builders {
name: "pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang"
swarming_host: ""
dimensions: "cpu:arm64"
dimensions: "os:Mac"
dimensions: ""
exe {
cipd_package: "pigweed/infra/recipe_bundles/"
cipd_version: "refs/heads/main"
cmd: "luciexe"
' "checkout_options": {'
' "branch": "main",'
' "equivalent_remotes": [],'
' "initialize_submodules": true,'
' "match_branch": true,'
' "remote": "",'
' "use_repo": false,'
' "use_trigger": true'
' },'
' "do_not_rerun": false,'
' "dry_run": true,'
' "environment_options": {'
' "config_file": "pigweed.json",'
' "skip_submodule_check": false'
' },'
' "pw_presubmit_options": {'
' "step": ['
' "bazel_build"'
' ]'
' },'
' "recipe": "pw_presubmit"'
priority: 50
execution_timeout_secs: 2820
expiration_secs: 28800
caches {
name: "bazel"
path: "bazel"
caches {
name: "builder"
path: "builder"
caches {
name: "macos_sdk"
path: "macos_sdk"
wait_for_warm_cache_secs: 120
service_account: ""
experimental: YES
description_html: "Corresponding builders:<ul> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li><a href=\"\">pigweed.try / pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> <li> / pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang</li> <li><a href=\"\"> / pigweed-mac-arm-bazel-build-host-clang</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=\"\">Schedule a new build</a></p>"